Clark Atlanta University Panther. (Atlanta, Georgia) 1989-????, February 15, 2017, Image 8

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8 The Panther February 15-28, 2017 Clark Atlanta University An unelectable candidate who upset the political world By Omoh T. Ojior, Ph.D. Professor of Political Science What goes wrong, Africa; what is wrong Africa and Africans in the Diaspora, and what went wrong, America? What has Africa and Africans done wrong; why the onslaught of the White Supremacists directed against Africans everywhere and why is Hillary Clinton being robbed of her political victory in the recent elections when the county of the popular votes shows that the former Secretary of State had scored over 2.2 million votes above in excess against her opponent, Donald Trump? Why so much hate and not love for Hillary, other nationals, the Africans, particularly, and their many White admirers in the United States? America was in a political doldrums, but America was rescued by a president who was the first Black man to hold the position. Why the disrespect and hatred for President Barack Obama in spite of his achievement at a time America was in a socio economic mess? These questions here and many more that should be asked, but for brevity, are as a result of pundits’ political miscalculations of what went on in the recent American Presidential election. In my opinion, what went on and what is still going on with President Donald J. Trump, and what humanity is witnessing is beyond mundane political analyses and calculations. The American media have hardly misfired in their political projections of a winner or calculations from during campaigns, after and when voting takes place in America. That they blew it this time, is an indication that something unholy has been activated, and the sooner it is checked if it’s not too late, America may join the league of Third World nations or become one. It is surprising that many Americans are not conscious enough to know what took place in November. It beats my feeble imagination that people are imputing what was not there into the classic campaigns of Hillary Clinton. Secretary Clinton displayed positive energies with clear plans with coherency in the manners she presented herself and interacted with the public all the time. She told the world what her plans were and how the plans would be implemented in a manner understandable to all including the youths and children of America. On the other hand, Donald Trump was always without a plan, which he needed to explain to the Americans; he was always incoherent and had sound-bites in his presentation to the disgust of every reasonable and informed American. I will argue that it is always easy to criticize. Criticizing and discrediting with insults on the person of the U.S. President and all that President Obama had achieved for America and Americans was what Donald Trump talked about throughout the campaigns incoherently, without even the ability and knowledge to show that he knows and understands what it takes to govern a country such as the United States of America. Donald Trump was never a politician. Apart from all the deficiencies as displayed and noted by the citizens, young and old, of this great nation, candidate Trump lacks the social decency of the moral world of our time. What did members of the Electoral College see in Trump in terms of experience and articulation that qualifies him to meet the requirement of the most qualified or the right person for the presidency of the United States at this time of ours, over Hillary? According to a professor of Law at Yale University, the real reason for the existence of the Electoral College is federalism and slavery. American citizens have now been told that the framers of the Constitution had entrenched the provision of the Electoral College in the Constitution in 1787 to ensure that the right qualified person was elected to the position of president. Mind you, this was at a time when not many were enlightened and informed politically; and there were many slaves that were feared, that one day they will become freed men and women who would participate in the political process, and today, there are. This assertion cannot be doubted because the minds of the framers of the Constitution were far reaching. However, I will argue that the framers of the founding document in spite of their far reaching minds, did not envision that the Electoral College provision will be used as it is being used today because there is a provision to amend the Constitution if a need should arise. They knew that humanity was evolving and would get to where we are today, and we have evolved beyond the negro-phobic thinking of some early Americans. It is surprising that the earlier thinking of some people had not been overtaken by the magnificent advancement of those who were thought to be subhuman, as it has been displayed by those who have rigged themselves into an office they have the least knowledge and skills, to run. I would further argue that those who were yelling and dinning to our hearing of “I will be rigged out,” “this is a rigged system,” “the media will rig me out in favor of Hillary” were actually the rigger of the system. There is a need for an investigation to know why and how Donald J. Trump reached the conclusion that the electoral system had become a rigged system in which the media were the facilitator or an accomplice. My suspicion needs to be invalidated for credibility purpose judging that the “rigged-President-elect” has claimed again that he was rigged out of the popular votes in which Hilary Clinton is leading with over 2.2 million votes without providing any evidence of such fraudulent practice. Furthermore, I would argue that the personal attacks and open insults rained on the person of the president of the United States, President Barack Obama, whose name was not on the ballot shows the amount of the deep hatred for blacks. Further, the Affordable Healthcare Act, tagged “Obamacare,” was God sent for the majority of Americans. Many of them have been crossing the borders to neighboring countries like Canada and Mexico to take advantage of their liberalized healthcare system with their moderately priced medicines respectively, to get cured of their illness. Yet, members of the Republican Party and Tom Price could not team up with the Democrats in the House to produce an inexpensive healthcare plan to save the people. In their thinking, if Hillary is the next President, apart from realizing her personal political manifestos, she will complete the unfinished programs and projects of President Obama, which will be beneficial to the majority of Americans that include blacks, other minorities and the down trodden, less fortunate Americans. Arguably, this planned agenda of the Democratic Party is offensive to Mr. Trump and many of the America’s 1 percent business moguls, some of whom are not in accord with the white supremacists’ agenda “to make America great again.” Consequently, one would further contest that the racist overtone of Mr. Donald J. Trump during the campaigns, which most informed and reasonable Americans are rejecting was directed at President Barack Obama whom he claimed was an African who was not born in America. As a result, President Trump hates President Obama and Africans, espousing the idea that black Africans must be shipped back to Africa. Nigerians have been specifically included on Trump’s agenda to be shipped away because, according to Trump, they take jobs away from Americans; unknown to Trump, there are enormous contributions that Nigerian academic professors, medical doctors and others are making in the American economy. For this and other negro-phobic thinking, everything was done to prevent the survival of the Obama legacy even if it meant one rigging him or herself into the office of the president of the United States. If the above opinions and arguments are in doubt, how do we explain that from day one to the last, on the campaign trails, Donald Trump claimed that he will be rigged out, that the process was a rigged system spearheaded by the media in America? From the onset, the cry of “a rigged system" was a shield to prevent failure to rig out Hillary Clinton. In order to protect the integrity of the American western democracy, there is an urgent need to investigate the President-elect; for the Media to protect its reputation, it must lead the investigation into Trump’s un-evidenced and un-substantiated allegations and claims. Finally, the Mr. Trump must be informed that America, as the leader of the free world, cannot afford a dictator in the White House who does not believe in the well being of others humans. He needs to be re-educated to know that America has a secret destiny for mankind; that the power of American democracy came from the remote past, from the deep shadows of the medieval world, (Manly P. Hall); that Africans are no strangers to this shore; that Africans populated the Americas before the American Indians and before Columbus landed on the American shores; that America was meant to be the melting pot of human ideas and ideals, it is one of the reasons the best minds are attracted to America. It appears Mr. Donald J. Trump is drunk on his material wealth without the understanding that worldly means alone is not enough to be the leader of the free world; it takes mind, character and learning with skills to interact with others. For now Mr. Donald Trump has been adjudged to lack these humane attributes necessary for this age. The Founding Fathers, victims of the puritan era, who landed on the Mayflower 1620 knew these truths, hence the provision of amendment with 2/3 member of Congress to amend the Constitution when necessary to accommodate and to strengthen the Republic. It is not an accident that America is attractive and inviting. Those who are racist and harbor hatred and discrimination in their hearts need to look deep into themselves and request the God of their hearts to forgive them. America cannot afford to yield the world’s leadership position at this time; to whom?