The Maroon tiger. (Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia) 19??-current, December 01, 1926, Image 11

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THE MAROON TIGER Page Thirty-one V. A. Edwards, ’27 Because an attempt must be made to give an accoun' of so many informing and inspiring exer cises in limited space, the task is approached with difficulty and hesitancy. On November 2, 1926, Mr. John Dillingham, the national student Y. M. C. A. secretary, who repre sented the Negro students of America at Helsingfors portrayer! to us in a very graphic an i conc’re way the in ernationl character of tha f great worl 1 con ference. He spoke of (1) the international charact er, (2) the unity, (3) fellowship with all nations (4) the spiritual climax of the conference. It gives us great joy to know that Max Yergen was the recog nized leader in this spiritual climax. tea ling it from the view point of history and litera- tu«e- <r it a . a a> . un . j u. lyri : .t| David and epic in Jonah. Fina ly. he Bible is .a u- able because it domains expert cue - in . tmmua.on v/i h Go which would- be most helpful in the solu-! tier, of our modern problems. "ovember 3, 1920, Mr. and Mrs. Miller, who arrying on an extensive program in Africa, brought u greeings trom our bre.hren across the- sea. Mrs Miller pictured to us the New African, who is no longer willing to be served, but who is restless to share with his less fortunate brother the- little knowledge which he has. Her appeal for a life of Chris nan service was indeed very effective. Sunday, November 7, 1926, Dr. Willis J. King of Gammon Theological Seminary, delivered a very- logical, eloquent and helpful address on “The Bible in Modern Life.” Of all books, he stated (1) that the Bible was the best seller—three million copies per year (2) that no book published has engaged such controversy. He feels that we are not going to make any headway teaching the Bible in public schools from a moral view point, but it can be done Tuesday morning, November 9, 1926, Dr. Hur- vey, the secretary of the Home Mission Educational Board and nine presidents of the home mission schools met in conference at Morehouse College. At: our chapel exercise, Dr. Hope the oldest president from the viewpoint of service, was master of cere monies. The speakers were presented in the follow ing order: Dr. Hurvey, President Maxon of Bishop College, Texas; President Clark of Virginia Union