The Maroon tiger. (Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia) 19??-current, February 01, 1963, Image 7

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FEBRUARY 1, 1963 THE MAROON TIGER Page 7 From The Nation’s Press FROM THE NATIONAL REVIEW The Third World War: Citizens of The Unworld James Numham The United ^/United ^ denied / spokemen of the Nations and the States have always that the objective of the UN Kantanga's seces sion. They have invariably insisted that the fighting started in September 1961 by direct acts of Kantangese aggression, and that UN troops opened fire solely in self-defense. It is easy to understand why this has been the official position. No UN resolution authorizes the ob jective of ending the seces sion. With respect to those objectives (such as “elimi nation of mercenaires”) that are named - whether legiti mately or not - in the govern ing resolution of February 21, 1961, no use of force is authorized except to stop civil war. After a study of the avail able documents and a survey in the Congo, Prof. Ernest van de Haag, in the report on the Kantanga fighting that he submitted last March to the American Committee to Aid Kantanga Freedom Fighters, concluded: “Abun dant positive evidence indi cates that the alleged (UN) aims were but public rela tions disguises. The actual objective of the UN attack was to force Tshombe's sur render and to establish the rule over Kantanga bu the Central Government.'' This conclusion - which brought salvos of UN and State De partment vilification down on both Prof, van den Hagg and the Committee-has now been totally confirmed. Blowing the Lid Off Conor Cruise O’Brien-the “intelligent, cultured, arro gant, restless and am bitious’’ (I quote from Smith Hempstone’s Rebels, Mer cenaries and Dividends) Irish journalist, historian and diplomat who headed the UN mission in Kantanga from spring to December 1961 - has just blown the lid off the Katanga affair, blown it right through the roof. No source, obviously, could be more firsthand. O’Brien has writ ten it all down in a witty, wicked book called To Ka tanga and Back, published Novemebr 12, in England. Lonf excerpys were printed (Nov. 4, 11, 18) in the Sun day Telegraph (London). O'Brien shows that the UN and State Department ver- sions-including the official public documents-are plain lies on the crucial points. The key UN document S/4940, issued 14 September 1961 from Leopoldville while Hammarskjold was there in personal command, gave the official account of tne out break of the previous day’s fighting as occasioned by Katangese arson in a UN garage and gunfire on UN troops. S/4940 was simply and flatly false, and knqwn to be false by those who issued it. The fighting, in truth, “had its origin in Katanga-Eurpoean resis tance to a planned action by the UN”; i.e., the UN was the military aggressor. This document, and the subse quent official statements, were also “false political ly, for the great political objective of the UN was- and necessarily remained-to end the secession of Katanga.” The UN operational plan had, in fact, been concerted in O’Brien's own office in Elisabethville by Mahmoud Khiari, deputy of Steure Lin- ner, then UN chief for the entire Congo, and Fabry, a somewhat mysterious U.S. citizen of Czech origin who was legal adviser to the UN Congo operation. The plan had been given, moreover, a code name of itself suffi-, ciently revealing: Morthor.' O’Brien, after leaving that curious word tantalizingly suspended for some dozens of pages, explains: “Mor thor is a Hindi word. It does not mean ‘Sound the alarm; there is arson in the gar age’ or ‘Let us now assist the provincial authorities to maintain order.’ It means ‘smash.’ ” O’Brien, who is present ly vice-chancellor of the University of Ghana, was perfectly willing to help smash Katanga. But he re fuses to take the sole rap for the UN’s dismal per formance. In an Irish sort of way he seems above all contemptous of the shoddy hypocrisies and lies of the cut-rate Marchiavellis in thef UN and Foggy Bottom. The Katange plan was not the product of any of the UN’s legally relevant insti tutions. Neither the Security Councils nor the General Assembly nor the Secre tariat as a whole nor the Congo Advisory Committee knew anything about it. The important telegrams from the field were shown to none of these bodies. )“The Con go Advisory Committee ... seemed, in the light of the telegrams, more like a group of innocent bystanders being taken for a guided tour,”) Command was exercised by what O'Brien calls the “Congo Club.” This consist ed of Dag Hammarskjold himself plus “an inner core of Americans round Mr. Hammarskjold (principally Andrew Cordier, Ralph Bun dle and Hans ?? Wieschhoff), with an outer casing of neu trals, mainly Afro-Asians. (The Communists were) not represented in the Club, and care was taken to see that no member of the Secretariat who was a citizen of a Com munist state saw the Congo telegrams.” The Hammarskjold Way And what, dear reader, was the motive of this dis crimination, which perhaps surprises you on first hear ing? “This state of affairs was justified on the following grounds: “A Soviet citizen, it was argued, was in an entirely different position from men like Cordier, Bunche and Wieschhoff. They could re sist pressure from Washing ton; he could not resist re sist pressure from Moscow. They were governed by the high, Hammarskjoldian con ception of loyalty to the international organization alone; he (the Soviet repre sentative, any Soviet repre sentative) was ideologically committed ... to the politi cal outlook prevailing in one group of countries and he would be obliged, in terms of that outlook, to continue, while serving the UN, to give his first loyalty to the cause of Communism.” Our Comment Freedom My Kind There is an element on this campus (composed of certain members of various organizations) that has some very strange ideas on freedom-that type of “free dom for all” that Americans had died for over the past 200 years. These individuals do not represent one faction alone nor does any organization advocate this. These people would preserve our freedom by taking away one of our most precious freedoms—freedom of speech. They hold that the safest way to keep our coun try free is to deny the freedom of speech to all who do not go along with their ideas. “It was speakers of thy type (leftist) that paved the “It was speakers of'tms type (leftist) that paved the way for the Communists’ take-over in Cuba,” one Rev- olution-it was a group of leftists and radicals who vio lently disagreed with the legal government in the colonies. Remember the Man in biblical times Who preached a new world philosophy and chased the money-changing repre sentatives of the established order out of the temple? He was a radical. Are your principles and convictions so weak that you are afraid to let someone challenge them and compare them with other philosophies? Are you afraid to let people see the other side of the coin? If you are right, people will recognize the fact no matter what they are exposed to. You don’t fight Communism with communistic methods. As long as people are free to speak up and support what they believe is right, this nation will remain on firm ground. -1 SCEF News Report NEW ORLEANS, La. — “Three children were cut by flying glass and twenty-five narrowly escaped death when their church and parsonage were bombed in Birmingham, Alabama, on December 14. The Federal Government must help to stop this violence and bring the culprits to justice.” worth is a director of SCEF, This was part of a tele gram sent to U.S. Attorney General Robert F. Kennedy by Methodist Bishop Edgar A. Love, Baltimore, presi dent of the Southern Con ference Educational Fund (SCEF), after the latest act of terrorism in Birmingham. The bishop urged Kennedy to “act at once.” The bombing was the third in recent years at Bethel Baptist Church, formerly pastored by the Rev. FredL. Shuttlesworth, militant inte gration leader in Alabama. The minister and his family barely missed being killed or seriously injured in the first bombing in 1956. The Rev. Mr. Shuttles- a Southwide integrationist organization with headquart ers in New Orleans. He has sparked the civil-rights drive in Birmingham as president of the Alabama Christian Movement for Human Rights (ACMHR). Mr. Shuttlesworth called the most recent bombing “an act of vengeance and retalia tion.” He said the segrega tionists are “frustrated be cause of the gains being made by Negroes in Birming ham.” “We have been having many victories and Negroes are going places where they never went before,” he pointed out. “Our economic withdrawal from the down town area has been effective. The Federal Court is about to decide the suit to open the schools. The parks are closed because of a court order to integrate them. “More Negroes are re gistering to vote and are voting. The Negro vote was crucial in changing the form of city government from three-man rule to control by a nine-man council and mayor. The present city commissioners, including Police Commissioner Bull Connor, are angry over this because it will mean loss of power for them. “Negroes have suffered more in Birmingham than in any other spot on the globe outside of South Africa. I have always been a sym bol of the Negro freedom movement here and that is why the church where I used to be pastor has been bomb ed again.