The Maroon tiger. (Morehouse College, Atlanta, Georgia) 19??-current, October 30, 1982, Image 6

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Page 6/The Maroon Tiger/October 30, 1982 Morehouse College Coron Ms. Shaun Robinson, Ms. Alpha Phi Alpha, is a Junior Mass Communication major at Spelman College. Shawn who is from Detroit, Michigan, would like to produce and direct late night television. Shawn’s hobbies include tennis, horse back riding, and skiing. Shawn feels black people as a race should never forget their heritage, “for if it weren’t for the contributions of ourgreat black leadersof the past, we wouldn’t be where we are today.’’ Ms. Alpha Phi Alpha Ms. Senior Before a crowd of approximately 1,500 students. Ms. Shonda Yvette Lewis was crowned as the 1982 - 1983 Ms. Senior of Morehouse College. Ms. Lewis, a psychology major, hails from Nashville, Tennessee, Her ex tracurricular activities include serving as the parliamentarian in the Spelman psychology club, and as past - treasurer for the LJnited Negro College Fund’s Pre - Alumni Council. Ms. Lewis is currently awaiting her November 5th induction to Psi Chi, a national honor society in psychology. Thr? lovely senior says she enjoys being with friends in her spare time, and enjoys "just having a good time being myself.’’ As for her future plans after graduation, Ms. Lewis hopes to become a clinical psychologist and go into private practice. As a message to the student bodies of Spelman and Morehouse Colleges, Ms. Lewis says, "we as a people cannot effectively deal with the world until we deal with ourselves.” Ms. Brothers Elite Daphne Karen Coodson from Roosevelt, New York will represent The Brothers Elite in this year’s homecoming pageant. The sophomore mass com munications major positively states that "whatever you vividly imagine, ardently desire, sincerely believe, and enthusiastically act upon will eventually come to pass. Ms. Maroc Articles written Photos by Edwin Williai Ms. Freshman An 18 year old freshman political science major from Tuskeegee, Alabama, Ms. Debbie Marable is the reigning Ms. Torch. Ms. Marable enjoys reading and participating in civic and social activities. Echoing the words of Reverend Jesse Jackson, Ms. Marable feels that “what the mind can perceive, the body will achieve.” The optimisticSpelmanite looks forward to attending law school after her graduation in 1986. Morehouse College’s Freshman Class will have the honor of having lovely Ms. Ava Williams serve as this year's 1982 - 1983 Ms. Freshman. Ms. Williams ob tained her distinction after undergoing critical judgement in the Ms. Fresaman pageant held in Sale Hall during the first week of October. A native of Amityville, New York, Ms. Williams is a chemistry major whose career plans are currently undecided. Ms. Williams primary hobby is singing, which she demonstrated skillfully in her Freshman Pageant Talent Competition. However, when not singing. Ava says that she enjoys modeling and dancing. When asked what her philosophy of life is, Ms. Williams replied inspirationally that "preparation is the key to success”. Ms. Torch