The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, March 29, 1929, Image 19

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The Southern Israelite In Europe the Danger of a New Conflict is Viewed as Possible Viennese Writer Discusses the Political Situation from a Jewish Point of View I?v HEINRICH YORK-STEINER The writer of this article, a well- known Viennese publicist, discusses freely what is uppermost in the pres ent political situation of the world. Although some of his conclusions are highly magnified, they are interesting ns showing a mood which is some times encountered in current political writings. It is, further, instructive of the Jewish point of view ns expressed in European eircles and of the Jewish will for world peace. —Editor. The Jews have pood understanding of international politics, almost more than all other nations. From their youth they learn to think historically when they become acquainted with the Bible, or when they learn their more modern history, and realize with how many nations their own fate has always been bound up. This is why there appear among the Jews such passionately political writers. Are we understanding the present political situation and its far reach ing implications? Should the un speakable misfortune come over us of having death and destruction brought [into the ranks of a sister nation by the guns and airships of an Anglo- Saxon people, this would mean the weakening of a most important race, perhaps even its decimation and the exclusion of one or the other com- jhatant from world dominion. It is [most assured, however, that the out break of an English-American w r ar, affecting directly one-third of the .lews, citizens of the United States land England, would seal the end of [the Jewish people. The recent war swept over terri tory thickly populated by Jews. The [traces of this holocaust can never be >f war, so that the cannon do not go iff by themselves, one of these days. Before Kellogg’s noble plan became even a signed paper, England and ranee united in a naval treaty, and England signed the Kellogg pact only ipon the condition that it be permit ted to defend its interests in certain Countries. Everything that men all over the world are now creating by intensive work, or acquiring by wild specula tion, will fall to pieces and vanish at the first shot, just as human lives will be extinguished in lethal gases. This threatening war concerns us all, for all the states of Europe, large or small, old or newly-formed, will be torn into pieces, and all Europe will be buried under the fragments. “Enlighten, O Lord, the minds of the English statesman, so that they may find a just and upright form of effective peace with the United States.” For, so far, their agree ment is refusal and it bears with it the seeds of destruction of the white race. The progress of men toward civil liberty is very greatly indebted to the English. The Jews are still more in debted to them. In no country in the world do they flourish better than in the British Empire, w'hose world-wide freedom of emigration offers unique support for their work and their en terprising spirit. England is the only country that offers its Jewish fellow- citizens an opportunity for diplomati- cal political activity of the very high est rank. In Palestine and in India a Jew has acted as viceroy of the English king, and in deciding most weighty questions of state, Jewish ad vice is sought. Shall we not begin then to struggle with mouth and pen against the possi bility that this country might begin to fight the United States, the great haven of refuge for the Jews? A few weeks ago there took place in Ams terdam a congress of pacifist clergy men who decided to refuse to serve as field chaplains because it is con trary to the spirit of the Gospel to praise activities of war. Jewish cler gymen should without exception preach against any possible war, and must continue to point out the threat ening conflict between England and America, that threatens the destruc tion of their fatherland, no matter where they live. Mr. Kellog has de clared that he will summon the aid of all church alliances in America in • * *>+* * * * * »:• 4. 4. 4. 4. 4. 4, 4.4. 4. *♦, 4.4.4,4.4,4,,* * 4- * * * *5* 4" 4> + C. L. Torbett INCORPORATED Funeral Director 1114 First Ave. Columbus, Ga. * V t t f t f ❖ * f * # * f * f f ♦ ❖ * * * order to carry out his plan for out lawing war. Must we wait until we are called? Shall we relegate this noble work to the Jews of America. It is high time to show that there exists a Jewish will, the will of peace, to humanitarian work, to real broth erhood through practical world poli tics. We, Jews, do not have war ships at our command, but the spoken word opens the gates of Heaven and the written word sways the hearts of men. Let us from now on speak and write more and more about the threatening way between America and England and let us work for its prevention.—Copyright 1928 by Jew ish Telegraphic Agency, Inc. DESPITE DIFFICULTIES JEWISH COLONIZATION IS ON FIRM BASIS IN RUSSIA, HYMAN SAYS Moscow (J. T. A.)—Despite the at tendant difficulties, the Jewish colo nization work in Soviet Russia is es tablished on a firm basis, declared Jo seph C. Hyman, Secretary of the American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee, who left today for the United States after an extended visit here. To the representative of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency, Mr. Hyman de clared that the achievements of the Jewish settlers is remarkable. The colonists who are on the land for three or four years are firmly established. YOU aid; cordially INVITED TO MAKE THIS BANK YOUR BANKING HOME . MUSCOGEE BANK and TRUST COMPANY COLUMBUS, GA. "In All Popular Flavors'’ MILLIONS CANNOT BE WRONG SALES PROVE