The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 15, 1929, Image 13

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The Southern Israelite Page 13 MRS. INMAN SANDERS MRS. JACK BRANTLEY MRS. WILL SPALDING Franklin Knitted Suits and Dresses Brogams Clothes for Children Antiques, Lamps and Shades, China, Rugs and Gifts 631 Peachtree St. WAlnut 9626 WE STOP LEAKS Pay After Rain Only- Smith Roofing Company Ask for MR. COHEN WA. 1105 CIRCULARS A SPECIALTY Plenty of Cuts Adamson Printing Company 25 Warren Pine*. Atlanta, Ga. (Between Auditorium and Edgewood Ave.) DRUGGISTS’ BOXES AND LABELS IVy 1617 ROOFING—SHEET METAL WORK Cutters, Pipes, Tin Roofs, Ventilators, Skylight* GENERAL TIN WORK Pridgen Roofing Co. |«»Q Whitehall St., S. W. WA. 6949 Capital City Machine Shop Engine* Pumps Printing Presses Repaired GENERAL MACHINE WORK Phone WAlnut 7739 137 Forsyth St., S. W. Atlanta. Ga. J . H. G R A Y DECORATOR Wall Paper—Painting Phone: IVy 0736 346 Peachtree St., N. E. QUICK TIRE SERVICE, Inc. 342-44 West Peachtree St., N. E. IVy 0065 UNITED STATES TIRES CAS AND OIL Ron d Service—-Vulcanizing Open Every Hour in the Year Quick Service Typewriter Co. WE BUY, SELL, RENT, AM) REPAIR ALL MAKES Authorise «I Dealers f or New Koval Portables Corona*, N ew and Used Peachtree Arcade WA. 1618 C has. A. Hubbard Top Co. ALTO TOPS RECOVERED “Gat Cover*, Side Curtains and Upholstering Body and Fenders Repaired Woodwork and Glass Replaced Satisfaction Guaranteed 24 Piedmont Avenue WA. 1798 FAMOUS WINDOW CLEANERS WINDOW CLEANING Stores, Oflires and Dwellings Paper Cleaning—Also Small Buildings General House Cleaning Instant Service 12Vi Broad St., N. W. IVy 3314 LEWIS H. COTTONGIM SEEDSMAN SEEDS—BULBS—PLANTS FERTILIZERS—POULTRY SUPPLIES 93 Rroad St., S. W. WAlnut 8016 Allgood Upholstering Co. furniture work Fpholstering and Refinishing All Kinds of Household and Office Furniture Quality and Service 378 Edgewood Are., N. E. IVy 2642 RABBI MAXIMILIAN HELLER, OUTSTANDING LEADER AND EDUCATOR, DIES Scholar and Orator Exercised Wide Influence in Shaping- of American Jewish Community; Embraced Zion ist Cause at Early Stage; Leaders in Pulpit and Zionist Movement Pay Tribute. New Orleans (JTA)—Rabbi Maxi milian Heller, outstanding leader in the Reform Rabbinate for nearly half a century, scholar and educator and champion of the Zionist cause from an early date, died here at eight-thir ty Saturday morning following a short illness. Rabbi Holler was 69 years old. He is survived by his wife Ida Annie (Marks) his son, Rabbi James Heller of Cincinnati, and other children. Rabbi Heller, one of the earliest graduates of the Hebrew Union Col lege at Cincinnati, was a leading spirit in the history of American Jew ry at the close of the nineteenth and beginning of the twentieth century and exercised a decisive influence in shaping the character of the Ameri can Jewish community. As a scholar and orator he was a great factor in presenting the cause of Judaism and in championing Jewish conceptions and ideals both in the pulpit and in the press. In the Zionist movement in the United States Rabbi Heller was one of the leading figures from an early date. He embraced the Zionist cause at a time when the majority of the Reform Rabbinate was in bitter oppo sition to it. His appearance at the Pittsburgh convention of the Zionist Organization of America last sum mer was a notable event, in view of the attitude he took at a juncture when the convention was torn by hit ter controversy in the fight of the opposition group against the adminis tration headed by Louis Lipsky. By his calming influence during an acri- moneous debate, Rabbi Heller, who was one of the chairmen of the con vention, contributed largely toward steering the assembly into more peaceful waters. Born in Prague, Bohemia, January 31, 1800, the son of Simon and Mathil da (Kassowitz) Heller, Maximilian Heller came to America at an early age. He was educated at McMicken University and at the Hebrew Union College. In 1889 he married Ida An nie Marks. Since 1887 Dr. Heller was rabbi of Sinai Temple, New Orleans. He was professor of Hebrew and Hebrew literature at Tulane University since 1912. Rabbi Heller was active in many organizations, was honorary vice- president of the Jewish Publication Society of America, president of the Central Conference of American Rab bis 1909-1911, a member of the He- HARBIN TIRE & BATTERY COMPANY, INC. LEE TIRES—NATIONAL BATTERIES Washing, Polishing, Alemiting A Specialty ROAD SFIRVICE IVy 1728 430 Moreland Ave., N.E. At Little 5 Point* SEEDS THAT SATISFY Complete Stock of Flower and Garden Seed, Bulb* and Fertilizers W. H. LETTON SEED CO. Time To Plant Prompt Deliveries WAlnut 1720 67 Broad St., S. W. RABBI MAX HELLER brew Union College Alumni Associa tion, the American Oriental Society, and the American Association for the Advancement of Science. He was editor of the “Jewish Led ger,” New Orleans from 1896-1897 and at one time of the IFnai B’rith Magazine. He was a contributor to the “American Israelite” and many journals on religious subjects. The receipt of the news of Dr. Hel ler’s death caused grief in many cir cles in New York. Leaders in the pulpit and public life, in statements to the Jewish Telegraphic Agency eulogized the late Dr. Heller. Louis Marshall, president of the American Jewish Committee: “The death of Dr. Max Heller is a great loss to world Jewry. During his long and active career in the pulpit and in public life he represented the finest ideals and influenced religious thought through his cultivated intel ligence, his uniform toleration for the views of others and by his steadfast adherence to the fundamental prin ciples of morals and ethics. As a writer he wielded a facile pen and not only possessed a vigorous and virile style, but what he said was illumined by scholarly thought, good taste and sound sense. His interest in every thing that pertained to the advance ment of the Jewish people was deep and sincere. He was one of the early followers of Dr. Herzl and his pres ence at the Non-Zionist Conference which was held here in October last was merely an illustration of his de votion to the cause of rebuilding Palestine. However men may have differed with him at times, they never failed to respect him for his intel lectual honesty and his sterling and genuine manhood.” R. L. HADDEN & SONS Manufaelurrr* of ARTISTIC PORCH an.l GARDEN FURNITURE Cement Flower Boxes, Vases, Bird Baths, Lawn Tables, Fountain Seats, Sun Dial Pedestals, Burial Vaults, Etc. Office and Shop: 444 Highland Ave., N. E. IVy 7445 SCARRATT’S GARAGE WIRE FENCING— SO ft. (3 ft. high) Chicken Wire *1.23 SO ft. <4 ft. high) Chicken Wire 1.45 50 ft. (3 ft. high) Chicken Wire 1.75 Delivered Anywhere in City HARRIS HARDWARE CO. 262-4.6 Edgewood Ave. WAI. 1155 Georgian Antique Shop DEALERS IN PERIOD ANTIQUES Bcpairing, Refinishing and Upholstering Telephone IIEniloek 3141 66 4 W. Peachtree. S., N.W. Atlanta, Ga. Phone WA. 7059 Ford Plumbing & Heating Co. 72 Forsyth Street, S. W. LET US SERVE YOU WORK GUARANTEED A. E. Whaley, Manager ANYTHING ELECTRICAL Lamps, Fixtures and Repair Work Hendricks Electric Company Electrical Contractor* anil Dealers Retail Store Contracting Office lit lOfh St., N.E. 19 Houston St., N.E. IIEin. 7169 WAI. 4728 W . J . LACKEY 304 Peters Street Refrigerator* Rrlinrd, Repaired t Also Stoves | Furniture Upholstered, Repaired | Furnaces Rebuilt Guaranteed Work and Service Work Reasonable MAin 3100 Chas. N. Walker Roofing Co. We Top 'em All WARM AIR FURNACES SHEET METAL WORK 141 Houston St. WAlnut 5747 ENTERPRISE MARBLE AND GRANITE CO. Monuments and Mausoleums a. j. REDD Phone IVy 5783 473 Marietta St. Atlanta, Ga. A. L. QUINN AUTO TOP CO. THE AUTO TOP MAN Will Save You Money on Auto Tops, Seat Covers, Side Curtains, Upholstering Sedan and Coupe Tops Recovered Woodwork and Glass Replacements WEst 3000 355 West Whitehall St., S. W. West End L. F. PIRKLE & CO. FURNITURE REPAIRING AND UPHOLSTERY All Kind* of Furniture Satisfaction Guaranteed 325 Courtland St., N.E. WA. 8865 Ginn Tire and Battery Co. FIRESTONE TIRES WILLARD STORAGE BATTERIES AUTO ACCESSORIES Alemiting, Car Washing, Free Crank Casa Service, Road Service—Open Niles 446-8 Morrland Avenue IVy 2711 ANTHONY’S PRINT SHOP PRINTING—ENGRAVING Calling Cards, Business Cards, W.ddlng Invitations, Birth Announce meats 36 Vi Poplar St., N. W. IVy 0342