The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 15, 1929, Image 5

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The Southern Israelite Page 6 A Strange Drama, Resembling The Exodus Occured In South Africa 8 Years Ago World at Large Knew Little About It But Fact8 are Now Revealed and Described in Interesting Novel; Off shoot of American Negro Sect claimed Jor Itself Israelitic Descent and Caused Trouble to Local Government; Beet is Now Extinct. SOUTH AFRICAN NEWS LETTER By Hilda Purwitsky A gripping real-life story, recalling in queer fashion, the tale of the Jews in Egypt, their gathering on the first Passover for the Exodus, before they rossed the Red Sea to wander in the Desert for forty years, prior to en uring the Promised Land but instead if the ancient Jews, dealing with a guut of Blacks in South Africa, which dopted the creed of an American ,'egro religious organization with their faith consisting of a mixture of ewish and Christian ritual, including he celebration of the Passover is re called by the tremendous vogue which lias been won in America and all over he English-speaking world by the •reat novel “The Coming of the Lord” by Sarah Gertrude Millin, a famous ewish novelist living in South Africa. It is a story which, too, deals with he celebration of a Passover and a 5 rophet with the claims, though not he stature of a Moses, and with the oming of Government troops against he celebrants, as Pharaoh’s army ame against the Children of Israel, mly in this case, the Government roops prevailed, as they did not pre- ail milleniums ago, against the Israe- ites in the country of Egypt, in the i T orth of the same Continent of Afri- a. and unlike the celebrants of the riginal Passover, whose descendants lumber many millions, occupying im- >ortant positions in South and North frica, in America, in Europe and in he Promised Land, Palestine itself, hich they are now restoring, the ?ct of Black “Israelite” is now prac- ically extinct. Only seven or eight ears ago it happened, in 1921. Bul- oek, where it happened, appears in iertrude Millin’s novel as the Heights, moch, the “Black Moses” has be- ome Aaron, and the “Israelites” are ^evites. The historical facts have not >een changed in the novel. They ap- >ear there as they actually occurred, ^ut baldly, and as a statement of the acts of this intensely interesting vent, they are recorded below. The “Israelites” were a native sect, (inverted to an almost fanatical Christianity, who congregated at Bul- oek (Ntabalanga), a little place near ueenstown in the Eastern Province f the Union, to celebrate their re- ipious festivals, by permission of the uthorities, on the understanding that o permanent structures were to be rected, and that they would depart fter the ceremony. ^ hen they remained settled there linger than was anticipated, and later efused to go from the land, which h£> came to look upon as their own, e white people in the district began ’ fear them as a possible menace, nd the “Israelites” soon came into onflict with the police. On the llth of May, 1921, the Na- u . e Affairs Commission, which com- Senator Dr. Roberts, General emmer, and Dr. Lorain, proceeded to Bulhoek to interview the Israelite leaders. When the Commission ar rived the Israelites were celebrating the Passover, but gave a promise that the camp would disperse after the festival. No escort accompanied the Commission, as they desired to have a quiet talk with the leaders. The head of the sect was known as Enoch, the “Prophet”. He was not present at the meeting, being other wise engaged, spiritually. His bro ther, Charles Mgijima, a pensioner, a quondam court interpreter and an owner of property, interviewed the Commission in the presence of large numbers of the Israelites. The na tives showed no hostility, but refused the offer of the Government to trans port them and their families back to their own homes free of charge. On Charles Mgijima the threat that he would lose his pension and have his property confiscated had no effect either. A few days later Mounted Police began to arrive in the town. Then two of Enoch’s men were charged with contempt of court in connection with a murder trial. Enoch refused to deliver them up, saying, “If they are wanted by the law, the law must fetch them”. A deputation of well- knowm natives also being unsuccess ful with Enoch, the Chief Commis sioner of the South African Police, Colonel Truter, forwarded the follow ing notification to the “Prophet”: “To Enoch Mgijima and all associated with him and styling themselves ‘Israelites’ at Ntabalanga (Bulhoek). “You are hereby notified that upon instruction from the Government I have come to Queenstown and will arrive at Ntabalanga on Monday, the* 23rd inst., with an adequate force to carry out certain orders which are detailed hereunder, namely: “(1) To arrest certain men against whom war rants have been issued in order that they should be dealt with according to law. (2) To see that all unau thorized residents leave Ntabalanga and go back to where they came from. (3) To destroy all houses erected without authority. (4) On comple tion of these operations a force will be left at Ntabalanga to prevent any unauthorized person squatting there. Everyone’s person and property will be respected. You are warned, how ever, that any resistance to lawful authority will be drastically dealt with”. Enoch replied in a long religious screed saying that “God had sent him to his people,” and concluded with “If you are coming out to make war please inform me. I shall then write and say my last word before you des troy me.” The delegate who brought this letter was handed another by Col onel Truter saying that he had nothing further to add to his previous letter. At 7 a.m. on the 23rd of May, 1921 the force of 800 men moved out from Queenstown en route to Ntabalanga. It consisted of six squadrons, machine gun detachment, quick-firing gun, and ambulance, all under the command of Colonel T. G. Truter. The “Israelites” had been constant ly drilling in squads and preparing (Continued on page 20) When in Chicago Enjoy Your Stay— at the Superb New MORRISON HOTEL Comer Madison and Clark Sts. The w SMorrison, when completed, will he the targett and tallest hotel in the world, containing 3,400 rooms Davison's Suggests Some of the New Things Needed for PASSOVER Davison’s China department carries a large variety of services in open stock, including over fifty patterns. 32 and 42 piece sets $4.94 to $22.50 Stemware in attractive shades of rose, green amber, and burgundy 29c each Stemware in crystal, and in crystal with gold bands and patterns 84c each Cooking utensils to meet every need. We feature Mirro and Wear Ever Aluminum and Vollrath White Enamel. A Whole Meal Cooker of 10 quart capacity with 3 extra vessels is moderately priced $4.69 lloute/urnlshings, Fourth Floor Linen Sets of the famous "Betsy Ross" make come generously large with napkins to match. In many soft shades $39.00 to $49.00 set. Linens, Second Floor Flatware from Holmes & Edward in the attractive Pageant Pattern. Reinforced with sterling silver at the wearing points. 26 piece set in tray . . . $34.25 Silver, Street Floor DAVISON-PAXCN CO. Atlanta •• affiliated with. MACYS.Mew