The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 26, 1929, Image 9

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The Southern Israelite Page 9 marshall files objection TO PASSION PLAY PRODUC- T IO\ BY JEWISH PRODUCERS Otto Kahn Denies in Cable That He Sponsors Plan; Morris Gest And David Belasco In Hippodrome Project Sew York (J. T. A.).—The filing „f an objection by Louis Marshall, president of the American Jewish Committee, to the staging of The Passion Play, the traditional Chris tian dramatized presentation of the crucifixion of Jesus, by two Jewish theatrical producers, scheduled for the end of this month at the New York Hippodrome came to light yesterday. In a letter to the “Jewish Tribune,” Sew York weekly, Mr. Marshall gave oU t the information that as a result of a report published in that weekly that Otto Kahn had gone abroad for the purpose of making arrangements for bringing to America the Oberam- mergau Passion Play, he cabled to Mr. Kahn to inquire whether there was any foundation in such a statement. Crider date of April 8, Mr. Kahn re plied in a cablegram from London to Mr. Marshall that he has “nothing to do with anybody’s plan to bring Oberammergau or any other Passion Play to America. You are at liberty to publish this denial.” Mr. Marshall added that he had written to Mr. Morris Gest, protest ing against such action, but has as yet received no reply from the pro ducer. Associated with Mr. Gest in the proposed staging of the Passion Play is Mr. David Belasco. They contem plate the presentation of the Frei burg Passion Play. been brought into an American en vironment. There are limitations even to what is called art.” On April 12th, Mr. Marshall wrote Mr. Gest: “On the 2nd instant, I wrote you with the most friendly intentions a letter in which I voiced my fears of ’he consequences which would be like ly to ensue from the production of ’he Freiburg Passion Play. To my re- irret I have had no acknowledgment or answer from you. “Since then there was an announce ment in the Jewish Tribune that Mr. Otto H. Kahn had gone abroad for ’he purpose of arranging in conjunc tion with you for bringing to this country the Oberammergau Passion Flay. I cabled Mr. Kahn the fact of 'Uch publication and asked him wheth er there was any foundation for the statement, which, if true, I deplored. He promptly replied by cable that rhere was no foundation for it what soever and that he was not interested ° r concerned in conjunction with yoi " r anybody else in arranging for sucl a project. I sincerely hope that so far as yoi are concerned it is likewise not tru« at you have in contemplation thf production of the Oberammergau Pas- '’° n ^ a . v * ar >d I still cherish the ides ■ at even as to the Freiburg Passior \ * have been misinformed. 1 u d regard it as a terrible misfor- me and as an act of hostility to th< of this country if these plavs We |' e produced here. As one who has always entertainec e most friendly opinion of you ] ■arnestly urge you to enlighten m< • our position in these matters.’ CONCORDAT WITH POPE WILL NOT AFFECT JEWISH COM MUNITIES’ STATUS IN JUGOSLAVIA New Ordinance to Be Issued When Pact Is Concluded. Belgrade (J. T. A.).—The Jewish communities in Jugoslavia were ap prehensive as to their status in the near future when the news was cir culated in the press that the coreor- dat now being negotiated between the Jugoslavian government and the Vati can will secure for the Roman Cath olic church a predominant position as the state religion. These reports were denied in au thoritative circles to the correspondent of the Jewish Telegraphic Agency. It was admitted, however, that a new ordinance regulating the status of the Jewish communities will be issued, al though not before the conclusion of the concordat. Assurances were given that the new ordinance will preserve the precious status of the Jewish com munities which enjoy equal rights and standing with the other religious de nominations. Under the new ordinance the Jewish communities in the coun try will be granted full autonomy for the administration of their affairs. A council of the Jewish communities is to be created with the power of tax ing the members for religious and welfare needs. AFGHANISTAN POPULATION HAS ELEMENT CLAIMING JEWISH DESCENT London (J. T. A.).—The claim to Jewish descent is alive in the popula tion of Afghanistan, is the revelation made in a despatch from Kabul to the London “Daily Telegraph,” by Sir George MacMunn, English soldier and colonial officer. According to Sir George a part of the Afghanistan population calls it self Bonei Israel and claims descent from a grandson of King Saul, named Afghana, who was commander-in chief of King Solomon’s army. The belief is current there that the Af ghanistan Benei Israel represent a remnant of the ten lost tribes of Is rael, although there is not the faintest proof in favor of their contention of Jewish origin, Sir George writes, their appearance and some of their customs seem to support the claim. The bibli cal names, Moses, Abraham, Isaac and Jacob, are current among them. It is apparent, the writer concludes, that the B’nai Israel came to Afghanistan in the seventh century of the Chris tian era and immediately adopted the Moslem faith. SOUTH AFRICA SUPREME COURT POSTPONES LASHING SENTENCE Johannesburg (J. T. A.).—The Su preme Court again postponed the sen tence imposing ten lashes on the farmer Jack Nafte for flogging to death a native, Sixpence Temba, who had insulted a white woman. The Supreme Court postponed the execution of this part of the sentence in order to enable Justice Solomon who rendered the decision to again review the case. Nafte was sentenced by the Judge to seven years at hard labor and to ten lashes. Feeling runs high among the farm ers, it being the first case when a white man was sentenced to flogging. i-Knock ) It U Anil-Knock 2 I* flv«i qnkkor »Url A It lightning pick-up 4 It more po*rr 5 It ****** more mile* per gallon 6 It gl***» *«••• mrbon 7 It U wale for *nu «n«l tour motor Tiolene 100%SuperAniuyAanu MOTOR OIL vhild you .giving your motor • Woe# IVp makr it a rrnl one by (Filling up with TIOLENE, the lOO^ Super Pennvylvania Motor Oil. Tiolene i* made from Cabin Creek Crude.the highest grade erude found on thi* continent, and add* year* of mile* to any ear. Y^OCO-PEP, the King of * " Motor Fuel, eliminates mo tor knocks — those all too sudden, harm fid and annoying explosions found in ordinary gasolines. That’s one reason why Woco-Pep does what gasoline CAN’T do. Woco-Pep Service Stations are part of a giant net work of over 3,000 stations serving Dixie’s famous motor fuel to hundreds of thousands of motorists in Alabama, Georgia, Florida, North Carolina, South Carolina and Mississippi every day in the year. Drive in to your nearest Woco- Pep Service Station today—drive out assured of economical motor performance. Does what gasoline CANT do WOFFORD OIL COMPANY ATLANTA, GA. Courteous Service Stations All Over Georgia