The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, May 31, 1929, Image 4

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EXTRA EDITION The Executive Otflcee: 161 Spring St., N. W. Published In Atlanta Monthly by THE SOUTHERN NEWSPAPERS ENTERPRISES. Inc., M. STEPHEN SCHIFFER, Managing Editor Subscription Rates."l6 Cents Single Copy, $1.50 Per Vr In Advance^ Entered as second class matter at the at Atlanta ’ Ga " under the Act of March 3rd, 1879. All communications for publication should reach this office not later 1st and 15th of each month. than but The Southern Israelite Invites corresDondence and literary contributions Editor Is not to be considered as sharing the views expressed by the the W/m m mm'rn m mm m m m m The Southern Israelite But it is pointed out, Spain is now under a dictatorship and Dictator Prima de Rivera has abolished the Spanish constitution. With that abolition what is the status of peoples of non-Christian Zlief who venture into the realm from which Queen Isabella exiled more than 150,000 people 437 years ago in the name of religion? On March 30, 1492, Isabella signed a document which decreed that by July 30th of that year not a single Jew was to remain in the united realm of Castile and Aragon or in the Islands of Sicily and Sardinia constituting Aragonese possession. The same document further decreed that any Jew who remained after July 30th was to forfeit his life, unless he yielded to baptism. “In the same month in which their Majesties issued the edict that all Jews should be driven out of the kingdom and its terri tories, in the same month they gave me the order to undertake with sufficient men my expedition of discovery of the Indies,” wrote Co- r u not to De conna«r«q <•• ■— - ■. • ii lumbus, in opening his diary, nariating the beginnings of activity writer, except those enunciated In the Editor,., column.. J in the discovery of the New World. Many world-shaking events have transpired since Columbus penned the lines. Spain was to rise to even greater worldly eminence and then sink to a level of comparative insignificance in world af fairs. Columbus and the secret Jews or new Christians who accom panied him on his voyage would have found it difficult to believe that descendants of the very Jews of the neighboring kingdom of Portugal who nominally adopted Christianity as the result of the brutal policies of the age of Isabella, but secretly remained loyal to Judaism would openly become Jews, more than 400 years later and establish synagogues for the open observance of their faith. This remarkable event is a matter of so recent occurrence that in the Marx and Margolis History of the Jewish People issued in 1927, Marranos of Portugal are merely referred to as a group of people “in whom a knowledge of their origin still glimmers.” Spain in recent years has likewise evinced a disposition to wel come Jews. As a matter of legal and formal rejection of a hideous evil that had its inception in dark age passions, the request that has come to her should be met with a frank, cheerful, and complete compliance. WARBURGS ARRIVE IN PALES TINE Jerusalem (J. T. A.).—Mr. and Mrs. Felix M. Warburg, of New York, ar rived here today to spend the Pass- over week in Jerusalem. The banker and philanthropist will meet Dr. and Mrs. Chaim Weizmann here. “Absolute Freedom As Citizens A newspaper, published in Rome, recently suggested that Mus solini banish the Jews from Italy and close their synagogue. The only probable reason for this sort of advice would no doubt be termed a “religious motive,” and such counsel, if followed up, would kill all patriotism and ties of kinship that have grown as the Italian Jews have been assimilated during their long residence on Italian soil. Such a suggestion which would mean the expatriation of a peaceful people, could be conceived only by a blind ignorance to rec ognize the right of any individual to worship the God of his choice. And it was to such encouragement that Mussolini so intelligently replied, “The Jews have been in Rome since the time of the Cae sar’s, and it would be ridiculous to consider any measure such as banishing them. There were 50,000 Jews in the time of Augustus and they asked permission to weep at Caesar’s grave. The Jews will remain undisturbed.” Even more recently the Italian senate passed a bill guarantee ing liberty of worship to non-Catholic cults simultaneously with the vote for the ratification of the Later an Treaty of Accord between the Italian State and the Vatican. To make the passage of this bill more forceful, Mussolini again used his remarkable judgment in assuring the people that by reason of the Lateran treaties, Italy was not Vaticanized nor was the Vatican Italianized. The Catholic Church is again proclaimed as the State Church in Italy, but he de clared that this does not diminish in any way the absolute freedom of individuals as citizens to follow their own religious inclinations. Once again Mussolini showed keenness of judgment by refer ring to Christianity in connection with Palestine in this same ad dress. He declared that if Christianity had remained in Palestine, instead of coming to Rome, it would have remained merely a Jew ish sect, and would have died out, like the sect of the Essenes. This statement may or may not have been occasioned by the fanaticism expressed in the Rome paper, but regardless of its mo tive the broadmindedness and saneness of this powerful man will not only see to it that the Jews are not molested, but that full re ligious liberty will exist in Italy. I he Spanish Edict The “Jewish Independent” of Cleveland discusses interestingly the question of the Spanish edict of expulsion in relation to the present status of the Jew in Spain. Says the “Jewish Independent:” Is the Spanish edict of expulsion signed by Queen Isabella in the Moorish palace of Alhambra in the year 1492 still a living and enforceable document ? That is the question which the Bulgarian Jewish League of Na tions Society desires to have answered by the present Spanish gov ernment. A reply in the negative is the requisite for the Jewish organiza tion’s participation in the Congress of the League of Nations Socie ties to be held in Madrid in May. It is pointed out by Dr. Saul Mezan in a letter to the Inter national League of Nations Union that since the advent of the con stitutional era in Spain, Jews have on more than one occasion sought to secure an official abrogation of the edict which drove myriads of men, women and little children; the aged, the suffering, the sick and the helpless, from the realm of Isabella and Ferdinand. Each request has been met by the Spanish government’s assurance that the Spanish constitution secured the liberties of peoples of all faiths, Jews and Gentiles, and that this situation automatically nullifies the ancient edict. lira” was sold yesterday at auction for 270 pounds. The manuscript was long believed to have been lost. Mr. and Mrs. Max Warburg, of Hamberg, met the New Yorkers in Italy and preceeded with them to Pal estine. maimonedes m a n u s C R I P T thought lost, sold in LONDON London (J. T. A.)—A thirteenth century parchment manuscript, con taining a commentary by Maimone des on the Talmudic tractate “Hul- STUDENTS ON TRIAL FOR ANTI- SEMITIC ACTS Odessa (J. T. A.).—The trial of a group of students charged with per secuting a fellow Jewish student was opened here. The students at the Poly technic Institute persecuted the Jew ish student Rashkewitch. The de fendants are Emil Ianchenko, Samar sky, Dudnik and Lusuk. Before the trial Samarsky sent a letter to the Institute heads declar ing that he would commit suicide be cause of the charge of anti-Semitism brought against him. JEWISH CALENDAR 1 Fast of Either Purim Roeh Chodeah Nissan ZTZ * r, 1 Day of Pessach 5689—1929 Monday. March 26 Tuesday, March Zb Thursday. April 11 Thursday, April 26 E«*hth Day of Petsach Thursday. Mat * Koah Chodesh Ivar B Omer Roah Chodeah Sivan Sunday, June 9 Shavuoth •Roah Chodeah Tammui * Saturday, June 1& Tueaday, July 9 Faat of Tammui Roah Chodeah Ab WwInMiliT. Auguit 1 Tiaho B Ab •Roah Chodeah Elul Friday September, • Roah Haahonah 5690—1929 Faat of Gedalia Yom Kippur Succoth . Monday. October 1 Monday. October Shemini Azreth - Sunday, October 2 Roah Chodeah Chesvan Sunday. October *• UnnHiT November * Chodeth Kitlev Tueaday December ■ I*irBt Day of Chanukah FriSS. December 2- NOTE: Holiday, begin in the evening preceding •Roah Chodeah also observed the previoua day. the datea designated.