The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 19, 1929, Image 16

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Page 16 The Southern Israelite now... Me RADIO gf RADIOS Mew ' ^ Mctor activities JUNIOR HADASSAH INAUGU* KATES NEW PROJECT IN PALESTINE Elects Officers at Detroit Sessions V iclor-Rudin-<'.onnole H-32 Only $178.00 SAME’S 107 Peachtree St. Opposite Piedmont Hotel Detroit, Mich. (J. T. A.)—A deci sion to inaugurate a new project in Palestine, in order to create opportu nities for the orphans at the children's colony, Meier Shefaya, supported by the Junior Hadassah, was adopted at the annual convention of that organ ization at its sessions here. The con vention voted to acquire a farm at Rabia, near Meier Shefaya, where graduates of the children’s colony may pursue agricultural pursuits. A budget of $7,500 was voted for this project over a period of three years until the farm will become self-supporting. A Palestine budget of $58,000 was approved and it was decided that the $5,000 surplus remaining from last year be used for emergencies in con nection with Palestine activities. A quota of $20,000 was again accepted for the Jewish National Fund. Miss Frances Lesser of Boston was elected president at the concluding session Wednesday night. Pearl Bern stein of New r York, Ruth Meirick of Newark, Lillian Shulman of Chicago and Flora Snyder of Pittsburgh were elected national vice-presidents and Sarah B. Freed of Brooklyn, treasurer. A cultural sorority, with emphasis on the study of Hebrew and Jewish literature and history, will be estab lished, according to a decision taken. Williams-Flint Lumber Co. 250 Elliott, N. W. iVy 1093 Retail Dealers in LUMBER AND BUILDERS SUPPLIES l () B. B. CONVENTION IN WIS CONSIN PROTESTS PASSION PLAY PRODUCTION IN MID-WEST Elkhart Lake, Wise. (J. T. A.) The convention of District No. 6, In dependent Order B’nai B’rith, compris ing eight central states and with a membership of close to 25,000 opened its sessions here yesterday with the participation of 52 delegates. One of the first acts of the session was to adopt a resolution of protest against the production at Soldier's Field, Chicago, of the Passion Play brought there from New York by Morris Gest. The resolution read: “District Grand Lodge No. (i, I. O. B. IT, in its sixty- tirst annual convention assembled, con siders the production of passion plays as vicious propaganda, harmful to the peace of the people and disturbing the prevailing harmony among the various classes of the people, so essential to the progress and prosperity of the country. “Therefore, be it resolved, that this convention disapproves of the use of public property, the Soldier’s Field of Chicago, for the display of passion plays. “Be it further resolved, that the president of the District appoint a committee of five to present a copy of these resolutions of protest to the board of South Park Commissioners of Chicago, and to make every effort to prevent the issuance of a permit tor the use of Soldier’s Field for the production of a passion play.” JEWISH WOMEN’S CLUB The Jewish \\ omen’s Club sponsored a carnival and barbecue on Sunday, June 30, at Idlewood, on the Jones boro Road, near Stone Mountain. Many members and a host of friends were present and enjoyed themselves immensely. A special meeting of the executive board of the Jewish Women’s Club was held Wednesday morning July 10 at 10 o’clock at the clubhouse on Washington Street to outline a pro gram for the next six months. Miss Mary Tennenbaum, third dent, presided. vice-presi- JEWISH PROGRESSIVE C An election of officers of th ,sh Progressive Club was held , 10, Wednesday night. The fo officers were elected: Mr. Chas man, President; Mr. Max Cub; I resident; Mr. J os . Loewus, urer; Mr. Max Mendel, Secret Teacher: “Johnny, if yoU r U earned forty dollars a week and y° ur mothw half, what would have? Johnny: “Heart failure.” W mgton Dirge. THE JEWISH EDUCATION \i ALLIANCE Mr. Edward M. Kahn, Executive D;. rector of the Jewish Educational Alli ance announces the appointment 0 f Miss Helen Seff as Girls’ Worker t 0 succeed Mrs. Isabelle Morrison, re signed. Miss Seff is a former p res ; dent of the Junior Hadassah. a verv active organization of Jewish young women interested in the reconstruc tion of Palestine. She is a native of Griffin, and has made Atlanta her home for the past four years. She went to school in Griffin and graduat ed from Normal School at Valdosta. She is not a new comer to the work of the Alliance, as she has been for the past two years on the faculty of the Alliance Sunday School. Miss Seff is vitally interested in the development of a recreational pro gram for girls. For the past four years she was associated with the credit department of the Fulton Na tional Bank, but has now definitely turned her attention to Social work. She is an energetic, serious-minded, yound lady, with a definite background and point of view as to what is desir able in Jewish center work. Her friends and associates wish her well in this undertaking. MEMBERS OF SOUTHERN REGION GIVEN PLACES ON NATIONAL COMMITTEE AT ZIONIST CONVENTION Thirteen members of the Southern Region of the United Palestine Appeal were given places on the National Executive Committee at the Thirty- second Annual Convention of the Zionist Organization of America which convened this week in Detroit, Mich. Louis Lipsky of New York was re elected President of the Zionist Or ganization, and Rabbi James G. Heller of Cincinnati was elected Chairman of the National Executive Committee. The thirteen members from the Southern Region on the Committee are: Frank Abelson, Samuel Blitz. Morris M. Jacobs, and Dr. Harry P Shugerman of Birmingham; Hardwig Peres of Memphis; Nathan Murov of Shreveport; Isaac S. Heller, and h. E- Lisitzky of New Orleans; Harry I Lipitz of Miami; M. G. Rosenberg • Tampa; George Winer of Chattanoo ga; Leo M. Brown of Mobile; and J- Saul of Atlanta. The Zionist Convention endorsed thr Jewish Agency Agreement consumat- ed by Dr. Chaim Weizmann, President of the World Zionist Organization, and Louis Marshall, Chairman of the American Jewish Committee. Thi> Agreement will unite all Jewish ele ments in the work of rebuilding I >a ^' tine as a Jewish homeland. BERGER HEADS LODGE Order B’rith Sholom Hold> Election for Tear M. M. Berger was elected P re ;j^ of the Independent Ord er I" 1 ! Sholmon, Atlanta Lodge No. 30o. 1 the ensuing year. Other 0 c * chosen were M. Morris, vice P r dent; Simon Smullian, treasury Jake Spilberger, recording secreta ^ M. Gordon, financial secretary » Rice, outside guard; M. rUS . trustee, and S. Manuel, second tee.