Newspaper Page Text
Pag* 9
The Southern Israelite
Mrs. Alvin Ferst and children are
visiting Mr. and Mrs. Isaac Marks
at Falley Beach, S. C.
The friends of Dr. J. E. Sommer-
tiold will be glad to know that he is
improving after his recent operation.
Mr. and Mrs. Joseph Sternberg of
Bristol, Va.-Tenn., spent the week-end
with their parents, Dr. and Mrs. S. A.
Mrs. Aaron Haas and Mrs. Mollie
Rosenberg are spending the summer
nt Sakandaga, N. Y.
Mrs. Blanche Johnson of Cincinnati,
Ohio, has returned home.
Mr. and Mrs. Frank Ferst spent a
week at Atlantic Beach, Fla.
Mr. Julian Benjamin and daughter,
Frances, of Jacksonville, spent the
week-end in the city, the guests of
Mr. and Mrs. Morris Moss.
Mrs. Sig Montag and Miss Susanne
Ferst are in Atlantic City.
Miss Jane Morris of Dallas, Texas,
and Miss Janet Lehman, of Dayton,
Ohio, who have been the feted guests
of Mr. and Mrs. Will Montag, left
last week for Dayton, where Miss
Morris will visit her cousin, Miss Leh
Miss Rosalie Mayer spent several
days in Clayton, Ga.
Miss Rose Goldstein has recently
returned from an extended trip to the
Pacific coast. While there she attend
ed the National Conference of Social
W orkers held in San Francisco.
1* riends of Mr. S. Goldstein will be
glad to know that he is recovered
from a recent operation at Davis-
l - ischer Sanitorium.
Mrs. B. J. Appe, of Miami, Fla.,
vill arrive soon to be the guest of her
sister, Mrs. L. L. Strausberger.
Mr. and Mrs. Hyman Sweet, Miss
Ida Merlin, and Miss Dora Kosnofsky
have recently returned from an exten-
'i\e trip throughout the East and
Miss Dorothy Rosenbaum is leaving
° n 21st for a six weeks tour of the
(•dht and Canada, visiting relatives
and friends.
The friends of Mrs. Sam Baum of
aces ! erry Road will be glad to know
that she is recuperating from a recent
deration in New York.
Mr Jake Faeman, Mr. Chas. Flamm,
an Jos. Sluskey have recently
returned from a motor trip to the
atskill mountains and other points
Mrs. J. L. Tennenbaum enterti
at a bridge luncheon recently. At
nose present were Mrs. Rabat
' aughter, Minnie, of Brooklyn, N
\r FS tY Ra ^ z * Boston, Massachuj
r lss Rose s ax of Toledo, Ohio,
Cooperman 0 f Tampa, Florida,
nia Pittsbur gh, Penns;
‘ ’ an( * Ml ss Florence Josel.
Mrs. Eugene Oberdorfer, Sr., has as
her guest Miss Biddie Zacharias of
Mr. and Mrs. Sam Hirsch and Mr.
and Mrs. Eugene Oberdorfer, Jr.,
spent the week-end over the Fourth
at Atlantic Beach, Fla.
Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Heyman have
returned from New York.
Mrs. Herman Cohen of Dallas, Tex
as, the guest of Mrs. M. L. Hirsch,
leaves for home on Thursday, the 18th.
Mrs. Glen Hallwell of Canton, Ohio,
is the guest of her sister, Miss Daisey
Misses Addie and Clara Steinheimer
are at Tybee Island.
Mrs. A. Lillienthal, Mrs. Ben Wise-
berg and Ben Jr. and Mary Wiseberg
have returned from a motor trip to
Miss Mary Hartman of Chicago,
who has been the interesting visitor
of Dr. and Mrs. Marx, has returned
Mr. and Mrs. Henry Hirsch an
nounce the birth of a daughter, born
July 11th.
Mr. Henry S. Jacobus, of Dallas,
Tex. spent a few days in the city
Mr. Abe H. Smullian is enjoying
his vacation touring the mid-western
The friends of Mrs. Morris Nissen-
baum will be glad to know that she
has recovered from a recent tonsil op
eration at the Piedmont Hospital.
Miss Esther Polen has returned to
Atlanta after a brief visit to rela
tives in Albany.
Miss Helen Berman, a student of
Washington Seminary, gave a lunch
eon theatre party for a crowd of her
school friends. This occasion was held
in order to celebrate the close of
school for the summer.
Mr. and Mrs. S. Berman will be
home after June 18, on returning from
a trip out west.
Mr. Abe Effron was a recent visitor
to Atlanta, visiting I. H. Goelman at
the Henry Grady Hotel.
Miss Ethel Goldberg, daughter of
Rabbi and Mrs. M. H. Goldberg is
visiting her relatives Mr. and Mrs. J.
Miss Sara Isaacoff of New York
City is visiting her parents, Mr. and
Mrs. S. Isaacoff at 555 Lake Shore
Mr. and Mrs. Tobias Borochoff have
as their guests for the next few weeks
their son, daughter and grandson, Mr.
and Mrs. A. L. Herron of New Or
leans, La. Mr. and Mrs. Herron will be
honored at a number of affairs.
Miss Sylvia Tennenbaum of Augus
ta, Georgia is visiting Miss Rose
Greenberg. She is being extensively
entertained while here.
Mr. Israel Greenberg has recently
returned from New York City where
he attended Young Judea Oratorical
Contest in which he won honorable
Miss Arlene Freitag, who has been
the greatly feted guest of Mr. and
Mrs. Bernard Wyle in Los Angeles,
Calif., is expected home the latter part
of the month. Her mother, Mrs. Simon
Freitag, will meet her in Chicago.
Mr. Herbert Haas in is Louisiana
on a business trip.
Mrs. Charles Adler has returned
home after an extended visit to her
son and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Da
vid Goldberg of New York.
Mrs. Madelaine Keane is spending
the summer in Kenneburkport, Maine.
Mr. and Mrs. Cohen Loeb and fam
ily leave the end of the week for a
month’s stay at Clayton, Ga.
The marriage of Miss Mary Slutz-
ky, lovely daughter of Mr. Louis
Slutzky, and Mr. Aaron Halpera, was
solemnized Sunday night, July 14, at
the home of the bride on 820 Wash
ington Street. Rabbi Harry H. Ep
stein officiated at the ceremony, the
immediate family and close friends
only being present. After the cere
mony, a beautiful reception was held,
following which the happy couple left
on a motor trip to the mountains of
the Carolinas.
Miss Sara Isaacoff recently left for
New York City after a visit to her
parents Mr. and Mrs. S. Isaacoff at
their new home at 555 Lakeshore
Davison’s Own
Weather Forecast .
Continued cool today and tomorrow. Trade,
but no trade winds. Refrigerated air and no
drafts in Davison’s Street Floor and Base
ment. Invigorating atmospheric conditions
conducive to pleasant shopping. Similar con
ditions forecast for the entire summer, and
for all summers to come.
ATLANTA • • aJjiiiattcL oath. MKCY'S.Jfeu)
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