Newspaper Page Text
The Sou thern Israelite
Page 11
\ Prince Has Fallen In Israel
\\ th the passing of Louis Marshall,
\rm-rican Jewry sustained an irre-
■irable loss which will be mourned
only throughout the United States
)(i , ana da. but throughout the world,
,vho’.wr Jewish communities are to
„ f. un«l. With the death of Louis Mar-
American Jewry lost the great-
•he most gifted and the most
■ flm-ntial leader it has ever produced,
• whnm no Jewish cause was alien.
Though seventy-three years of age,
•nc late leader of American Jewry
active, full of energy and untir-
nK , in his devotion for the cause of
Judaism, to the very last day, when
,. wa- taken ill in Zurich, Switzer-
He was operated upon only a
a days after he had steered to a
-ut I'essf ul conclusion the Jewish
\c<;uy conference, when the dream
f his life to bring about a union of
.,11 Jews, Zionists and non-Zionists
li ke, for the rebuilding of Palestine
,, the Jewish National Home, was
M-ahzed, and the Jewish Agency Coun-
ii was created with him as chairman
f the Council. He literally fulfilled
a hat appears now to have been a
; • iphesy when he said on the occasion
,f the ostentatious celebration of his
'twentieth birthday in 1926: “I hope
:<i continue my work. 1 want to wear
it. not rust away.”
header of International Fame
A leader of international fame one
: the leading constitutional lawyers
n the United States, a champion of
,ustice for the oppressed and down-
•r<.dden, a fearless warrior for freedom
if liberty, he fought many battles
the protection of the rights of
•Jew., everywhere, and proceeded with
•irticular care and devotion to de-
1 in the courts of the United States
■•he rights of racial and religious mi-
i*;es. including the Japanese, the
Negroes, the Hindus, wherever and
whenever they were in danger of be-
iurtailed or infringed upon.
A, president of the American Jew-
' l: 1 "inmittee since 1912 the late Mr.
Marshall became the center of Jewish
"■"ught and activity in the United
At* >, spreading his influence and his
wig zeal for Jewish causes to al-
"'t every part of the globe. As pres
et the American Jewish Relief
mittee, together with Felix M.
fburg. Dr. Cyrus Adler and others,
Was the prime force which became
• n - s trumental in the creation of the
American Jewish Joint Distribution
< „° m mittee at the beginning of the
" or Id War.
he Joint Distribution Committee
>nce that date, under his guid-
,nc< ’ a,u ^ inspiration raised and ex-
eemled a sum in the neighborhood of
• "",('00,000, to bring succor and relief
■ ew s without regard to group or
P arT \ affiliation, who suffered eco-
m.c ruin in the wartorn countries.
. e t he staunchest champion of
, e *^ mer ican Jewish relief work and
t e Jewish colonization work in
Vl *t Russia in the face of some op
tion and of many obstacles.
Portsible for Unity in Jewish Life
grnnn ^ "titstanding leader of the
K of non-Zionists in the United
States, he was the man with whom the
president of the Zionist World Or
ganization six years ago started the
negotiations for the extension of the
Jewish Agency to include non-Zionists
as well as Zionists. It was due to the
late Mr. Marshall’s statesmanship, pa
tience, unusual skill, leadership and
forbearance, that the exceedingly dif
ficult negotiations were brought to a
successful conclusion, resulting in
unity in Jewish life.
But alas, like the first leader of the
Jewish people, he was permitted only
a glimpse of the land of Israel from
a distance, but never to enter it.
So greatly was he imbued with the
importance of the work facing him in
connection with the rebuilding of Pal
estine under the auspices of the Jew
ish Agency that when he awoke from
the ether, following his first opera
tion, his first question was, as the
cables despatches reported, ‘‘What is
the news from Palestine?” During
the entire time of his illness, on the
order of his physicians, the news con
cerning the tragedy in Palestine was
withheld from him. Ever unwilling to
cross the ocean, he undertook to go
to Europe at his advanced age this
summer in order to attend the Zurich
conference, for the sake of Jewish
unity and the rebuilding of Palestine.
Honored by the people of his state
and of his country, admired by the
members of his profession, and loved
and revered by the Jews of America,
and Europe, Mr. Marshall’s life of
three score and thirteen years was one
of highest idealism and usefulness.
A speaker of unusual force, a jurist
known for his incisive logic, a writer
wielding a clear and convincing pen,
a commanding personality radiating
strength and goodness, the late Mr.
Marshall held a unique position of
power and influence in America and
in American-Jewish life. During the
last decade, as the qualities of his
leadership became widely known and
respected, his word and decision in
Jewish matters were final and univer
sally accepted. Though he exercised
his leadership with a firm hand and a
strong conviction, he was modest and
unassuming to an unusual degree.
Very often he could be seen at impor
tant Jewish gatherings, in which he
played the leading part, occupying one
of the back seats until he was called
upon to preside.
Born in Syracuse, New York, on
December 14, 1856, the son of Jacob
and Cilli (Strauss) Marshall, Jewish
immigrants from Germany, Mr. Mar
shall was educated in Syracuse High
School, graduating with high honors
in 1874. While at school he assisted
his father in the hide business. For
two years he read law in the office of
Nathaniel B. Smith, after which he
studied at the Law School of Columbia
University, taking the two year’s
course in one year. He returned to
Syracuse and became a clerk in the
office of a law firm headed by William
C. Ruger, later chief judge of the
Court of Appeals. He was admitted to
the bar and became a member of the
firm. In 1894 he moved to New York
City and he became a member of the
firm of Guggenheimer, Untermyer
and Marshall.
oAnd Now
zMens oAppecil
Always a newspaper with
many appeals for women readers, The
Georgian-American now has two strong
attractions for added appeal for men.
During August began the new financial
and markets section which is second to
none offered in Atlanta—nor would one
have an easy job to find any newspaper
giving a more thorough survey of finan
cial and market news.
Full and accurate reports on the
New York Stock and Curb Exchanges,
New York Bonds, Chicago Stocks and
Local Issues will make The Georgian
stand high in the estimate of the business
man. An additional wire has been neces
sary for The Georgian to give its readers
the combination of the financial features
of both the morning and evening news
papers with which it is connected.
A more popular appeal to men is
had in the addition to its staff of Everett
Strupper, former Georgia Tech All-
American Foot Ball Star, and Coach
William A. Alexander, of Tech. Coach
Alexander has been named a member of
the four man All-American Foot Ball
Board with Tad Jones, Knute Rockne
and Glenn Warner and the stories of this
Board will appear exclusively in The
Georgian in Atlanta.
These two announcements of in
creased power in The Georgian s col
umns will of course tie The Georgian
closer than ever to its audience:—the
younger-minded, more vigorous people
of Atlanta and this territory.