The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 20, 1929, Image 14
Page 14 The Southern Israelite 5&€*nAe/<rJ c^emknl Aeu' Work tftocJr&xcAanye Xjjocialc ^ernherf /Spu'l/crk^urkt xcAanyc Government, Municipal and Co rpo rat ion lion (Is Listed and Local Stocks Underwriters of Southern Securities Private Wires to Otts & Co., N. Y.—Post B Flagg. A Y. HURT BUILDING. A TLANTA TF.I WAlnut 9110 i « >Ot Ki« him » jorKiwiK'«'«•« n m!m'm'h ! m.h him » n-mcn n x n u n h n m'm m » n n n n n n « m m n :: A RESTAURANT NOTED FOR ITS COFFEE 5c it M WE NEVER CLOSE :: 1 5! a ’J i£ ra j; M LOUIS’ “IS DIF F E R E N T “ 31 Luckie Street New Number Ninety-Five Luckie Street ATLANTA. GA. JOHN L. LUDWIG, Mgr. g IVY 8380 f? % « m : M M )t M «j« H it M M H H H H HiX 1t X X X X X X X M!K X It X X X X H X « X X X X 5( )( M X X X X X X J{ X ;t )(7t SAM K. LEVY. Pres. ABE GOLDSTEIN, V.-I’res. PRIOR TIRE CO., Inc. Peachtree at Pine Street Batteries—Woco-Pep—Oils—Service HOOD TIKES Dont (hiss—Phone lls! WAlnut iiSTb We Never Close To Reiniiul You That— Campbell Coal Company handles not only the highest grade of coal and coke—but— Handsome Electric Lighting Fixtures Builders Hardware of Modern Type Practically Everything that Goes into Building a Home IV. 5000 2 TO Marietta St. Baylis Office Equipment Company OFFICE FURNITURE COMMERCIAL STATIONERY 76 Marietta, N. W. WA. 2600 TILES For Everywhere CARMICHAEL TILE CO. 142 E. Ellis St. WA. 6106 Charles H. Joseph I think that Will Allen White out in Emporia, Kansas, ought to give those fellows who are running the Osawatomie State Hospital in that great state of his, a pen-drubbing. Once upon a time the famous Kansas Commoner wrote an editorial asking, "What’s the Matter with Kansas?” Well, one thing wrong with it is that it allows religious prejudice to exist in a state institution. Maybe the of ficials don’t know it. Since I have told so much out of school I might just as well go the whole route and publish the facts that are in my possession. If the genius of the Emporia “Ga zette” isn’t around the premises when this comes out I’m going to send it to his pal, Henry—Henry Allen. Henry was once upon a time Governor, now he’s United States Senator. He was a good Rooseveltian in his day be cause I happened to he at a dinner given for T. R. where Governor Allen spoke, and he surely calls a spade a spade. I don’t believe he’s changed any and if he hears of this dumb episode out in his state he’ll make it hot for somebody or I’m very much mistaken. Now let’s have the letter without further comment. “State of Kansas OSAWATOMIE STATE HOSPITAL Under State Board of Administration “Dr. Edward M— Chicago, III. "Dear Doctor: “Your application for staff po sition in the Topeka State Hos pital has been referred to me as the vacancy at that institution has been filled. “Advise that this institution has a capacity of 1450 patients with an employed personnel of about ISO. It maintains a staff of six physicians, a full time dentist and technician. A single man or man with small family preferred. The salary range is from 2000 to 2700 with full main tenance. Quarters for the staff are adequate and have always been considered satisfactory. This is a Gentile staff and Gentiles are preferred. If interested I would be glad to hear from you as to your religious faith. Sincerely yours, F. A. CARMICHAEL, Superintendent.” I have just one thing to add. Do the tax-payers of the state of Kansas, Jews as well as Gentile, support this state institution? That’s quite an im portant thing for you to know, Dr. Carmichael! Nothing like getting your informa tion from headquarters. A reader liv ing in a small community in Virginia (or was it West Virginia?) wrote to me asking if I could get him some in formation concerning a Hebrew- Christian revivalist named Jacob Gar- tenhaus, who represented himself to be either a Rabbi or a son of a Rabbi. 1 asked for information in this col umn and received the following letter from the gentleman himself from At lanta, Ga. 1 give it exactly as it is written. SOUTHERN- BAPTIST convention Atlanta, Ga “Department of Jewish Evangelism, Jacob Gartenhaus, Evangelist Mr. Charles H. Joseph, r *' The Jewish Times, Baltimore, Md. “Dear Sir: “My attention has been called to a copy of the August 23rd is sue of the Jewish Times, in which a reader of Coeburn, Ya., a>k« for information concerning a Baptist, Jewish Evangelist, and since I happen to he that indi vidual, I am happy to comply with your correspondent’s and your wishes and am therefore herewith enclosing a brief hiogra- phy of my life, published by the Moody Bible Institute of Chirag- “It has ever been the policy of the editors of Jewish papers to speak of their brethren, wh have accepted the principles of Christ, in a most questionable and injurious manner, even though many of us would gladly give our lives if we could, by so doing, save our brethren. “To illustrate the fact that we are ever ready to help our breth ren, when Queen Marie of Ro mania visited Baltimore, at the time when our brethren were suf fering much persecution in her country, the Baptists of Mary land were holding their annua State Convention. 1 presented a resolution, which was unanimous ly passed by that body of people, urging the Queen to use her in fluence and put an end to such persecution. That resolution was published by practically all of the daily papers in the United States. Happily, soon after, the condition of our brethren across the sea improved and I should like to think that I had a small part. “This may satisfy the curiosity of your correspondent. If he. <i any other, desires any further in formation, I should he happ> furnisn same. Sincerely yours, JG:H Jacob Gartenhaus. ire only a single comment * m the foregoing and tha angelist Gartenhaus pays , high a compliment if he or a moment that he a t influence in changing policy toward the that long after the Q u t0 home outrages continu i degree that P rote ^ thf d by Rabbi Stephen Wise. ^ luis Marshall and other-. ^ c conferences were leaders and Roumani* ^ ,-es in this country^ , all this there ha, h*