The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 20, 1929, Image 29

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The Soi'tiiehn I SHA EUTK Page 29 ( ;0\KRNMENT OF PALESTINE BETRAYED THE JEWS (Continued from Pape 27) of the sexton, who told me . t ' t he Arabs had thrashed him ouri'lly and, incidentally, had stolen four pounds from him. I saw' that • h,. table on which the scrolls of the 7 r;i h were placed had not been broken, but stolen; I saw that all the am p ,-hairs, wash bowls, lanterns int j , ven the towels had been stolen bv the pressure of the crowd;’ and I saw the heaps of ashes from which I myself took the remains of the m rned and torn books of Psalms and I„-t mentations—although the Acting Governor asked me not to do so, lest p.jbln opinion be aroused. • That I had acted properly trans pired that very evening, when the h. ad of the administration denied to correspondent of the New York Turn" that anything had been burn- , d. describing all such stories as news- >ciper lies. Thereupon I handed the evidence to the authorities. The next day was the Sabbath. Ih. city was tilled with rumors of Arab intentions to attack the Wailing Wall again. In the face of the mani- v«: ill-will of the administration the .lew- undertook to defend themselves n the worst days after the war. ision of the British Trumpeldor marched to the Wailing Wall and ockaded the place of worship so f hat Arab passers-by could not dis turb the prayers. The police design ed to co-operate with the Trumpel- !• !- and guarded the roads leading •he Wall; in other words, they did hat they might have done the day < a* fore if they had wished. The seemed to be over—the British it"vet nmerit seemed to he ready to in- ■- r vene at last. "Hut it was destined otherwise; ‘bat day saw the spilling of blood. N"t at the Wailing Wall, where the Jews were prepared for self-defense, but in a suburb, in the Bukharian quarter inhabited by the proletariat of Oriental Jewry. Arabs attacked some Jewish boys who were playing football; all of the children were in jured, one mortally. This was the beginning of a series of assaults. The police—almost one hundred per cent. Arab—did nothing. “There were cases of Jews captur ing their Arab assailants and giving them over to the police—whereupon the latter would release the Arab and arrest the Jews on the charge, sworn to by an Arab policeman, of being the aggressor. There was the case of a Jew, the blood flowing from his in juries, coming in to the police station only to hear from the Arab police man: ‘It’s a pity you’re simply wound ed, and not dead.’ “Still the Jews maintained the peace,” von Weisl says. Describing the funeral of the first Jewish boy killed by the Arabs, he writes: “The British —who had not dared interfere with the Arab demonstrators who had burn ed the sacred books of the Jews at the Wailing Wall—now had the courage to advance against the funeral cortege. With their clubs they attacked the Jews from three sides; they drove an army car into the procession.” In conclusion, the correspondent writes: “If the Zionist Executive does not obtain the removal of the guilty of ficials of the fury and indignation which the heads of the Palestine gov ernment evoked against themselves will ultimately turn against Britain herself. And that would be tragic— exceedingly tragic. For the Jews, who cannot colonize without Britain, and for Britain, whose only friends in all Asia are the Jews of Palestine.” Goodwill Committee Will Continue Its W ork N' \v A ork, (.1. T. A.) The Com- on Good-Will between Jews and hri-tians intends to continue and al- " expand its work, according to a statement made public yesterday by h |> F raneis J. McConnell, presi- <nt of the Federal Council of Church- ! * hrist in America. The program r 1Mn in the field of Jewish-Chris- " in relations will be more extensive Han ever before. The statement read: ‘''"me misunderstandings have aris- n r, 'K ar( ling the policies and the fu- i the ( ommittee on Goodwill be- evn Jews and Christians of the Fed- a. ( ouncil of the Churches of Christ :n America. Th.- work of the Committee will h!> continue, but indeed, our pro- foi 11*30 will reach more church es, schools and colleges throughout the nation than ever before in the history of our study and activity in the field of Jewish Christian relations. “The Committee on Goodwill Be tween Jews and Christians is a chan nel for the communication of ideas and ideals, ends and aims, techniques and procedures. In this sense it is an important social instrument in estab lishing a community of minds among two significant American groups— Protestant Christians and Jews. The Committee works among the consti tuent churches of the Council to edu cate Christians about Judaism; to con struct more desirable attitudes toward Jews, and to improve our relationships with Jews, The Committee has abso lutely no proselytizing interest, intent, or effect.” To Our Many Friends and Patrons A Happy and Prosperous New Year MOVING—STORAGE Long Distance Hauling HERRIFORD- CHAD WELL NASHVILLE, TENN. « « R « » « * K «'« K H « U K » K X X X X it it X X X it it it it it it it it it X it it it it it it it it it Season Greeting's To Our Many Jewish Friends and Patrons For A Happy and Prosperous New Year Watts Laundry \\ «* Use Ivory Soap Exclusively 315 3th Avenue, Smith Phone 6-31 IK NASHVILLE, TENN. X it a n it a it a n a n it n H it it X x it it it it n X M it it it it » X X H n X it it it it it X it it it it it it it X it it it it it it X X it K X it it X it it « X X X it it it it it it X it it X X X X. iaiKiiiiiiiiii!iiiiimiiiitiiiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiiiiiHKiiiiiini!iiiiiiniiiuiiiifliiiiiiiii:iiiiiiiii>iiit!iiiiiiiiimniiiiiiiiH;iiiiHHi!iiii:iiinin , iiii mi im uiriiiiiiiinii niiiim'iiii mniinm inrim uiiimiiiriiii- To (Pur Many Friends and Patrons 3 A Happy and Prosperous Neiw Year Fred B. Cassetty Coal Co. COAL AND COKE lillli! '(Irazy Willi llu* lh*;il" Telephone (>-.> I 7 l f H I f> Fourth Avc*.. North Nashville, Tenn. mini mi mi mi mi mi nn im nit inniii nil nil nium ini.ini:iiiimi iniiininiiuin iiihiin ini.iniiiiniiniiiininiLiinni To (Pur Many Jewish Friends and Patrons A Happy and Prosperous New Year l i*.h with Seaport Freahnt*** Phone 6-1 189 320-322 Fourth Ave., N. NASHVILLE, TENN. ANDERSON FISH & OYSTER CO. Wholt-Milr and Retail Dealers in OYSTERS, FISH, CELERY & LETTUCE Season's Greetings To (Pur Many Jewish Friends and Patrons For A floppy and Prosperous New Year ICE CREAM "Made Its Way By The Way It’s Made" NASHVILLE, TENN.