The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 20, 1929, Image 31

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The Southern Israelite Season's Greetings to Our Many Jewish Friends and Patrons For A Happy and Prosperous New Year Tu rn ing Poin ts ^ or failure in life many times hinges on very small things. In looking >,i( k over a period of a few years we often see where a seemingly unimportant mvident or decision marked the beginning of an epoch of good or bad fortune. Turning points are the places where decisions are made and we are not always ,,.n*ciou* i'f the importance of these decisions. Yet, as we look hack they -tand like statues or monuments to our wisdom or lack of wisdom. She taking out of life insurance is often a very definite turning point, be- ,. H jt represents a time of decision, when n man resolves to live not for present and selfish pleasures alone, but to give serious attention not only t( , t he welfare of his family now hut to insure the future as well. I his decision, the taking of life insurance, is one that few men ever regret. fh«- reason is that nothing but good can come of it. It is entirely unselfish. You may be facing a turning point in your own life today. It is possible that you do not know which way to turn. But the future will tell whether or not you choose the wise and unselfish road that leads to sanity, health and happiness ; or the narrow, selfish road that ends only in remorse and regret. Make the future safe for yourself and your loved ones. Let the Life and Casualty carry the risk for you. A. M. Itl It I O\. President Life and Casualty Insurance Company of Tennessee V\SII\ 11 UK To Our Many Jewish Friends and Patrons A Happy and Prosperous NEW YEAR NASHVILLE GAS and HEATING COMPANY "Fhe Smokeless Fuel People" Organized 1903 Capital Stock, $1,230,000 T l N E I N W I. TO Seasons Greetings Happy and prosperous New Year lo <>lil{ MANY FRIENDS •u*s KAMEiiiOTHERS CO Warren Bros. Co. I 16-T8 Broadway Nashville To Our Many Friends and Patrons A Happy and Prosperous New Year TIKES 6 Hurry On 99 BLACKWOODS A Station Convenient Tit You Phone 6-5151 NASHVILLE, TENN.