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The Southern Israelite
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—Keely'8, Main Floor
New Year’s Message-
Rabbi of Free Synagogue, ISetc York; President of the Jewish
Institute of Religion
The year is overshadowed, griev
ously overshadowed, by the events of
its closing days. Rare is the year in
Jewish annals that includes no chron
icle of things painful and embittering.
Once again we looked for light and,
behold, there is darkness!
I would not utter my New Year’s
message in the form of threnody, but
tears are in our hearts—tears of deep,
compassionate sorrow, tears of high,
exultant pride! Howsoever blame is,
after a time, to be apportioned, at the
New Year’s season it is for us proud
ly to recall that once again our people
has proven equal to the martyr-task
of its history. However terrible the
guilt of others, guilt of omission or
guilt of commission, our brothers
have borne themselves blamelessly
even to the end. So that we are denied
only the feeling of contrition, for
every other solace is left to us.
One holy place we craved for wor
ship, and, even there, in violation of
every tradition of the centuries, we
were denied. And the tragedy of it,
the guardians of the city were asleep,
awaking only to disarm the thrice-
wronged defenders of their people’s
life! We thank God for the heroism
of our youth; we praise God for the
nobleness of those to whom fell the
immortal portion of Kiddush ha-Shem,
in the highest.
England will yet assure security,
lest national honor become a bauble
of dross. The Open Door and secur
ity were promised and the promise
has been doubly violated. And, indeed,
reparation, however large and un
grudging, will not be enough—not
even the exaction of decent neighbor
liness on the part of those against
whom the deep damnation of the tak
ing off of our brothers pleads trum-
pet-tongued. England must at last
obey the law of its own convent of
peace and honor with the Jewish peo
ple, including sternest warning to
those whom we have immeasurably
benefited, that plotting and uprising,
if ever again attempted, will be met
with swift and awful punishment.
But we must do more. We must now*
stand at the side of our pioneers as
never before. For they are the advance
guard of our loftiest hope. England
and Europe and all the world must
come to understand that the Jewish
Efforts are being made by the mili
tary in Palestine to trace the origin
of ammunition used by the Arab at
tackers in the recent outbreak, the
Jerusalem correspondent of the Lon
don ‘‘Daily Mail” reports. The ammu
nition was made to fit British rifles,
but does not bear a British mark. It
is believed this ammunition was sup
plied from an outside source, the cor
respondent writes, in order to discred
it the British by the suggestion that
anyone killed by this ammunition was
shot by the British soldiers.
re-builders of Palestine are not i*,
lated and unsupported adventurer^
but the ambassadors of their people
humble in themselves and yet char)?,
ed with all our hopes and dream*
and strength—inviolable hostages i,
the safekeeping of the great Confed
erate Nation that must now strive to
wipe out the stain of blood, which
weakness rather than guilt ha*
brought upon its escutcheon of honor
But physical security is not enough
and to this end physical reinforce
ment alone will not suffice. We ow t
our heroic pioneers something more,
and that something more is a new de
votion to their and our cause. W’e,
too, may be the guardians of our peo
ple’s spiritual fortune. We, too, are
exposed to grievous peril, the peril of
disloyalty to the highest we know, of
desertion of an infinitely precious her
itage, of foreswearing in truth and
life the historic task of Israel as wit
ness to the divine outreaching and
upreaching of man, the peril of bar
tering loftiest ideals for meanest
standards. A finer, nobler World Is
rael will be at one and the same time
the surest security and the richest
fruition of our people’s life in our
people’s land.
So may the New Year be blessrf
to Israel and mankind. Then sh»*
our light break forth as the mornin?
and our healing spring forth spee i?
problem of the refugees i-
g acute. Due to the ^ Tea
of security prevalent now
ment has notified the refuse*
■ will immediately discontin*
ution of rations to them, exp
em to return to their ho _
rould also affect such re • '
le from isolated points
itees of security are nets
n the eyes of the refug.. ‘' lar i y
to return. This is P ar y eB je#*
: the refugees from the ^
Hashiloach and