The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 04, 1929, Image 15

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The Southern Israelite Page 15 j uabs and Jeics Fraternize irab Wedding at Slaughtered as Sign of Friendship (J. T. A.)-Coming upon of the recent events, the ; of ]50 Jews from the Jewish 's near Petach Tikah at the wed- fa nephew of Sheik Abu Kishek, ?een as holding a promise for ,.„ ure amicable relations between the • sections of the Palestine popula tes fUiouin dancer, ending with He- L w an( j Arabic songs were arrang- I n hnn or of the guests, who includ- j j eW jsh planters and colonists from jvach Tikvah. Kfar Saba, Msgdiol, l.unana and Horzliah, at the wed- w hich was held in the vicinity , [vtath Tikvah. In accordance with ic tradition, a sheep was slaugh- j and served the guests in Arab non as a sign of friendship. Jew- ird non-Jewish foreign corre- , r „ r.dent< were among the guests, in- d by Abu Kishek, who, in 1921, *,is the leader of the Arab attack on , Tikvah. He was arrested and ;frequently released at the order of > ;r Herbert Samuel, then High Com- :^iom*r, on the Sheik’s undertaking d behavior in the future. The Sheik >: his promise ever since. During •he recent disturbances no attack was •nade on Petach Tikvah. Abraham Shapiro, a colonist of i'-tach Tikvah, speaking at the feast, thanked the Sheik for his hospitality d expressed the hope that peace will reign throughout the country. This is not the only example of Arah-Jewish fraternization since the it tack. The newspapers daily report ncidents, even during the height 1 ‘.he disturbances. Today the news papers report an incident which took on Friday, August 23, the first ■ of the outbreak. Two Jews arriv- i Jerusalem from Hebron ran j VMKItICAN JEWRY PAYS LAST I TRIBUTE TO LOUIS MARSHALL (Continued from Page 14) r Brith Abraham, World Musi- an( i Theatrical Guide, Jewish Insti- H "f Religion, Brooklyn Jewish Min- Association, American Jewish *rress, Zionist Organization, Amer- d-W ill Union Jewish Educa- 1 Association, National Associa- !,,r Advancement of Colored Peo- Temple Ansche Chesed, Federa- "• Jewish Women’s Organization, A ^'rk State Federation of Sister- '•'• Central Jewish Institute, Cen- Institute Women’s Auxil- Jewish Centers, Unit- • ow lS h ( ampaign, State headquar- •r-i, ebrew Sheltering and Immi- Aid Society, Beth Abraham v " <-»r Incurables, Jewish Centre of 1 rk, West Thirty-sixth Street, y‘p n - Ta'niud Torah (Samuel Bay- n 'ted Palestine Appeal, United ampaign, New York office, Re( leph Sholom, Debo- Consumptive Relief So- X a .j’ 5 r * w bree Loan Association, V '' "men’s league, United \y A X y Ue ! A nierica, Society Ru- «.TTf,: ,: . Am u rica '. Central Syn * ^'elf a r d . Jonah Wise), Jewish -tw ° h a r ,I)r - P * Goldstein) Ger " H ne ,* h Hebrew Children’s c National Fund. Sephar- sh Community. into an infuriated mob of Arabs near the railway station. They were saved by Arabs employed by the Shell'Oil Company, who concealed them until it was possible to send them to the city in an automobile. A Jewish fisherman from Tiberias arriving in Nazareth on that day was dealt a severe blow in the eye by an Arab who shouted, “Kill the heretic.” An Arab merchant took the Jew into his store and protected him until he was able to secure a police escort to take the fisherman back to Tiverias. PALESTINE EMERGENCY FUND IN POLAND REACHES 1,000,000 ZLOTY’S Warsaw (J. T. A.)—The amount of 1,000,000 Zloty’s has thus far been raised in Poland for the Palestine emergency fund. AFTER ALL IT’S THE PRICES -THAT COUNT*-. COFFEE 8 O’CLOCK—PURE SANTOS POUND IONA SWEET, TENDER PEAS 3 No. 1 Cans 25c CRISP, TASTY Post Toasties PKG. 7c Lucky Strike—Old Gold—Chesterfield—Camel CIGARETTES CARTON TAX PAID $1.29 F L c > U R PLAIN OR SELF-RISING Sunnyfield IONA 12 -'iU 57c 12 - lb bag 47c 24 L eag $ 1.07 24 - lb bag 87c DEL MONTE TINY PEAS 2 No. 2 Cans 35c DEL MONTE OR LIBBY’S SLICED No. 2 CAN Pineapple SULTANA—FINEST ALASKAN Red Salmon can Tomatoes 3 cans IONA—This Year’s Pack of the Finest Maryland Tomatoes! OCTAGON 3 Special (8-Oz. Size) Bars LAUNDRY SOAP FOR GENERAL PURPOSES lOc These Prices Effective All Week Ending October 5th, 1929 TIHt (GRIEAT Atlantic & Pacific TEA CO. SOUTHERN DIVISION