The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 04, 1929, Image 30

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Page 30 The Southern Israelite FESTIVAL SIDELIGHTS Private Wire* tit /Vetr York, IS atc Orleans, Chicago and Principal Points Throughout the South FENNER & BEANE New York New Orleans ATLANTA, LA. MEMBERS NEW YORK STOCK EXCHANGE NEW YORK COTTON EXCHANGE CHICAGO ROAR!) OF TRADE NEW YORK PRODUCE EXCHANGE NEW YORK COFFEE & SUGAR EXCHANGE NEW ORLEANS COTTON EXCHANGE LOUISIANA SUGAR & RICE EXCHANGE NEW ORLEANS HOARD OF TRADE ASSOCIATE MEMBERS LIVERPOOL COTTON ASSOCIATION NEW YORK CIJRH MARKET ASSOCIATION B. L. LAYTON Manager 65 Forsyth Street, N. W. Cround Floor Healey Bldg- Telephone WAInut 1062 Ernest G. Beaudry Authorized Denier C A R S Established 1916 SERVICE PARIS EXCLUSIVE TWENTY-FOUR HOUR SERVICE Service Entrance 168 Walton Street IVY 0446 Sales Entrance 169 Marietta Street (Gleaned from Rabbinic Literature by Rabbi Alex. Alan Steinh„ l Beth El Temple, IS or folk, Va.) ROSH HASHANAH Said Rabbi Krusfedal: “Three books are open on Rash Hashanah,—one for the truly righteous, one for the thoroughly wicked, and the third for those who are neither righteous nor wicked. The truly righteous are im mediately inscribed for a year of hap- ]/y life; the thoroughly wicked are condemned; but the medium class is not judged with finality until Yom Kippur. If, during the ten days inter vening between Rosh Hashannah and Yam■ Kippur, the medium class im prove their ways and merit divine consideration, they, too, are inscribed in the book of life. If not, they are condemned with the wicked Rosh Hashanah 16 b. The Angels came to God and asked Him: “Mighty Soverign, why do not the Israelites say ‘HallcV on Rosh Hashanah and on Yom KippurV' “What!" God replied. “Shall Israel sing while mankind is being judged and the books of life ami of death are open before Me?” Rosh Hashanah 16 b. The Midrash tells us that the sun, which is compared to the non-Jews, brings charges against Israel on Rosh Hashanah. “You are merely one wit ness,” God replies to the sun, “and the evidence of only one witness is not accepted. Go and bring another wit ness to prove your charges.” There upon the sun goes out in search of the moon as the second witness, but it can never find the moon on Rosh Has hanah (because the moon is not vis ible on the first day of Tishri). Smag Hilchot Shofar. Originally, the Shofar was sounded to call the soldiers to battle, as it is written (Joshua vi.) ; “They marched and sounded the trumpets." Gideon al so used the Shofar to route the camp of Midian (Judges vii.). The Shofar urns used also to arouse the people to lofty thoughts and to prepare them for the approach of the Divine Glory, as it is written in connection with the revelation of the Torah to Israel: “And the voice of the Shofar ivas ex ceedingly loud and all the people in the camp trembled.” Also regarding David it is written: “And he brought up the Ark of the Lord amid shouting and the blowing of the Shofar.” All these various purposes are embodied in the sounding of the Shofar on Rosh Hashanah. On this day the shHll notes of the Shofar call the people to enter the ranks of God and to wage battle against the forces of evil. It also purposes to confound Satan; i. e., to quell the wicked instincts in man and render him a nobler creature be fore God and man. “Why," asked Rab bi Isaac,, “is the Shofar sounded on this day? In order to confuse Satan,” was the reply. Rosh Hashanah 16 a. Said Rabbi Abuhu: “Why is the ram’s horn used on Rosh Hashanah? To remind God of Isaac’s sacrifice, and to make us feel that we, too, par ticipated in the sacrifice and thus proved our undying faith in God.” (The ram, caught in the thicket by its horns, became the substitute for Isaac on the sacrificial altar). Rosh Hashanah 16 a. In the month of Tishri the world was created, and in Tishri the Patri- and died. It is a striking coinrid^T that on Rosh Hashanah Sarah, R ac k ael and Hannah were visited with th' blessing of childbirth, Joseph , ra * r ! leased from prison, and the bond.., of Egypt ceased. Rosh Hashanah 10 b All are judged on Roth H„,h nah which is called also *Yom Hadin’ but the final decision is not sealed until Yom Kippur. The Ten Days of p nim fence between Rosh Hashanah and Yom Kippur may be used to ingratiate one with God and to avert any unfav orable judgment that may have been contemplated by the Divine Council n, Rosh Hashanah. R- H. 16 a. One who repents between Rosh Has hanah and Yom Kippur is forgiven but if one docs not repent, one is not forgiven even though one offers up the choicest sacrifice. R. //. 17 b. The world is judged at four periedt in the year: on Passover with regard to grain; on Shabuoth unth regard to fruits; on Rosh Hashanah with re- gard to human beings; and on Sukkot with regard to rain. Mishnah R. H Rabbi Jose says, “Man is judged evei'y day;” and Rabbi Nathan says, “God judges man every moment.” R. II. 16 a. Wh en God begins to judge Israel on Rosh Hashanah, He aseevds His throne and is guided by the dictates of stern justice. However, when He hears Is rael sound the Shofar, He moves to the throne of mercy and tempers jus tice with love and benevolence. Leviticus Rabbah 29: 3. Not depressed and in sombre gar ments should Israel stand before G'd on Rosh Hashanah, but with joy and white garments, betokening a cheer ful and confiding spirit that trusts r* God. Yer. R. II. 1. 57 b. On Rosh Hashanah the means of sustenance of evei'y person are ap portioned for the etuming year. B. B. 10 a. The Shofar used on Rosh Hashanah may be the horn of any clean anirnu except that of the cotv or the eat. Wherefore? Because it would bring to mind the sin of the golden calf, . 1 that reason the cow and calf are a eluded. Lev. Rabbah 26: 3. It is written (Ps. 89, 16): is the people that knows the ]°Vr“ trumpet shout.” Do other P €0 P es , know the joyful sound? Have no many types of cornets, buenna, salpidin? Israel alone knou'S, out • how to utilize the Shofar so will incline God toward the sea Lev. Rabbah 29: 3. the seventh month. »*«jj »' deeds by sounding tub • tuning your adhmu. ■ael: "If V«u Ul be as a Shofar unto yn , breath enters one s: