The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 04, 1929, Image 47

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The Southern Israelite Faye 47 •*Leshonah Tovo Tekosevu" By RABBI ISAAC MARCUSON Beth Israel Temple, Macoti. Georgia I t _h'nah tovo tekosevu: May you •ribed in the book of life for a happv and beautiful year was the ancient wish of our forefathers on ,. af h recurring New Year Day. They realized well that if the year was to be happy for them, it must be a year iful and rich in spiritual bless- \nd while they prayed that God »u!d grant them such a year, they nont , the less knew that it was their j uty t > make the year happy and autiful for their fellowmen. And they felt the nearness of God in their own lives, they realized that must make some contribution • A huh would bring the realization of i;,,d into the lives of others. So the \ew Year Day became a real day of , . nsecration and from this consecra- tj,> n came the happiness for which they prayed and for which they real ized they need not pray in vain. May the year be rich in blessings for all f us, made rich by our own devotion to the highest and finest in life. RABBI ISAAC E. MARCUSON Rosh Hashanah By RABBI ALEX. ALAN STKINBACH Both El Temple, Norfolk, Yirginiu The Day of Memorial! What a flood f mingled emotions it stirs within us! The questioning countenances of the worshippers form a human mosaic ’hat no pen can etch. Here we behold the pain-lined features of men and women who have known deep agony °f the spirit during the past year. There we see the tell-tale traces of remorse in faces laved with hot tears, nute evidence of grief stoically borne. Here and there we hear a stifled sob, md in many eyes, stripped of their ake-believe, we can read the sad tale f foiled dreams and of broken hopes. The deepest fathoms of man’s being are laid bare on this solemn day. Throughout the year we are a group f struggling mortals, hurtled from tale to tide in the manifold streams of hfe. But today the soul’s white pin- s propel us all into the same spir- waters—the Stream of God. Here ^he outspread sails of our spirit are wafted forward by gentle breezes that "the us like the seraph-breath of angels. \\ e feel that life’s precious is being towed by a higher pow- into its own home port, and our gaze searchingly for the light- c that will illuminate the path to otul’s strand. Tensely, unyield- *ng as the oak, we steer our bark into the channel that leads to God’s harbor. Lr 1 when it seems that adverse winds arc driving us back, we cry out: God, "" , we are frail, we are weak; alone are helpless, groping, rudderless. • God, God, help us, answer us. . . . Verily, He never fails to answer the soul’s deep longing for spiritual fel lowship with Rim. O Seeker, the quest for God is never in vain! The soul that pleads for the clasp of His eternal em brace is never left empty. In search ing for the Divine, O Seeker, thou wilt become divine. Light comes to the God-hungry spirit in precisely the same manner that the radiant dawn comes to the bosom of the star-stud ded night. Imperceptibly, softly, out of the cosmic silence it flows into our being, and the eye which a moment ago could not penetrate the dark gloom now beholds a tiny grey streak which grows whiter and broader as it marches down from heaven to earth. The human heart that needs God will never find that need unfilled. As He comes on wings of light to ope a highway for the sunrise, so He opens the portals of our spirit with His spir itual light and makes the shadows recede. Rosh Hashanah! Another year gone into the caravan of the past. Ah! may the new year be like the dawn that follows the night! May it enable us to guide our bark into God’s harbor! The swan song of the fleeting years holds no dread for us if we string them into a necklace to adorn us when we stand before the throne of God. There are no dying years for hearts that reach out for the Eternal Spirit. They are merely stepping-stones on which we march from the dim haze of earthly existence to the blue heights of life eternal. D. T. Sutherland Machine Works & Foundry Long Distance Phone 114 BAINBRIDGE, GA. it it it it it It It it It it it it it it it it it a it it it it it it it New Year Greeting* The Citizens Bank & Trust Co. BAINBRIDGE, GEORGIA OFFICERS II. L. (JANS, President MAX KWILECKI, Vice-President J. B. EHRLICH, Vice-President E. F. VICKERS, Cashier \V. N. HILTON, Asst. Cashier Capital ... . ... SUM),000.00 Surplus 20.000.00 Stockholder!*' Additional Liability $100,000.00 )< X X X It X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X X It X X X X X X X X X X X-X X X X X X X X « X X X ! ,\eir Year Greetings First National Bank BAINBRIDGE, GA. Capital and Surplus Over $200,000.00 Depository for United States Government Bankruptcy Court Funds United States Post Office Funds United States Postal Savings Funds Depository for the State of Georgia Depository for the City of Bainbridge WE WELCOME YOUR ACCOUNT E. J. PERRY, President J. M. SIMMONS, Vice-Pres. J. J. WALTERS, Cashier E. J. PERRY. JR.. Asst. Cashier Bainbridge State Bank j Capital $100,000.00 Surplus and Pro fils $ 100,000.00 BAINBRIDGE, GA. it it »tt it it a it it tt it n a it it n n n a u n it it h u u it a h u u h n « h New Year Greetings PHONE 36 Austin Auto Supply Co. TIRES — DIAMOND —TUBES Batteries — Gulf Products — Accessories Cor. Broughton & West Bainbridge, Ga. Netv Year Greetings CALLAHAN THEATRE WALTER J. BRACKIN, Owner BAINBRIDGE, GA.