The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 19, 1930, Image 32

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Page M The Southern Israelite B'nai B 'rith 's Activities (Continued from Page 31) PERDUE & EGLESTON, Inc of Georgia Bldg. Trust Co. Agents for Hartford Fire Insurance Co. Hartford Accident & Indem nity Co. A. K. HAWKS CO OPTICIANS 2 STORES IN THE HEART OF ATLANTA 67 WHITEHALL ST. For Homes That Want the Best in Cooking CRISCO Is Kosher WEINSTOCK’S Flowers For All OCCASIONS Crichton’s Business College 45 Years in Atlanta—Catalog on Request TELEPHONE WA. 7342 Shorthand, Typewriting, Bookkeeping, Filing, Mimeographing, Dictaphone, etc. Comer Plaza Way and Pryor Street HOUSE TO HOUSE ADVERTISING Crumbley Distributing Service 121 Edgewood Avenue ATLANTA, GA. Hon. Alfred M. Cohen, of Cincinnati, international president of B’nai B’ritth, said in his message last Spring to the Thirteenth Quinquennial Convention of that Order: “I make bold to say that Jewry and Judaism are less menaced by assault from without than from insiduous en croachment of indifference within the fold. Of all the requirements of our day none approaches in importance the training of an enlightened Jewish laity. “Our people are charged with being greedy in their quest for education, but that quest is in every direction except the one which has preserved them alive—Jewish education. T liis is chiefly responsible for the indiffer ence of all too many Jews toward their heritage. “As a residt many Jews and Jew esses on enrolling in universities try to conceal what they arc. Providing these same students with a Jewish background inspires them with self- respect. A change has come in the spirit of the Jewish boys and girls in universities where B’nai B’rith Hillel Foundations exist. “We are reliably informed that no Jewish student in such a university attempts to conceal his ancestry. If our Foundation movement had accom plished nothing more, we might well say M)a-Enu’.” The Hillel Foundation movement is but one of the activities in which B'nai B’rith is engaged and to which its seven American District Grand Lodges made up of 38b subordinate Lodges, with a total membership of approximately (>0,000, are revoting their energies. In the United States, the following philanthropic institutions are maintained either in whole or in part by B’nai B’rith: B’nai B’rith Home for Aged. Yonk ers, N. Y.; B’nai B’rith Home for Children. Erie, Pa.; Jewish Orphan Home, Cleveland, Ohio; Hebrew Or phan's Home, Atlanta, Ga.; Jewish Widows’ and Orphans’ Home, New Orleans, La.; Leo N. Levi Memorial Hospital, Hot Springs, Ark.; Touro Infirmary, New Orleans, l.a.; Maimon- ides Hospital, Liberty, N. Y.; Mem phis Home for Aged, Memphis, Tenn.; the National Jewish Hospital, Denver, Colo. Because of the thousands of Jewish sufferers from every walk of life who go annually to the Mayo Clinic at Rochester, Minn., in the hope of find ing relief, a Jewish problem of con siderable proportion was in the making. Rochester’s Jewish population is very small and totally inadequate to meet the situation which was becoming acute; besides it was the concern of all Jewry in America and not of a single community. B’nai B’rith, after investigating and consulting with the Doctors Mayo, established itself full heartily in Ro chester with a trained social worker, whose office is in the Clinic building, in charge. The Order is praised and thanked by the multitudes it is serving and besides has removed what might soon have developed into a sad re flection on the name and character of the Jewish people. B’nai B’rith also maintains a de partment in Washington through which the Order has been able to ob tain relief for worthy imigrants from too strict interpretation of the strin gent provisions of the imigration laws. Maurice I). Rosenberg has been in charge of this office and he is care fully watching developments on the proposed alien registration legislation. The Anti-Defamation League of B’nai B’rith was created fifteen years ago and is endeavoring through two methods to promote a better under standing between Jews and non-Jews. It has established a lecture bureau which sends speakers to Rotary, Ki- wanis, and similar organizations usual ly in smaller cities which have no rab bis or other representatives to present the aims and ideals of Judaism. The other method adopted is a co-opera tive effort of the B’nai B’rith and the Committee on Goodwill Between Jews and Christians of the Federal Council of the Churches of Christ in America. With the introduction of the speak ing film, many of which arc proudeed in the Last, a second advisory board has been appointed by B’nai B’rith, at the request of General Hays. This board is composed of Rabbi Isaac Landman, David N. Mosessohn and Maurice P. Davidson, all of New York. 1 he work of the Anti-Defamation League is under the supervision of the B nai B rith Anti-Defamation Commis sion, present members of which are as follows: Alfred M. Cohen, Cincinnati; Dr. I. M. Rubinow, Cincinnati; Dr. David Philipson, Cincinnati; Leonard H. Frieberg. Cincinnati; A. K. Cohen, Boston; Samuel I. Sievers, St. Louis; Abraham Berkowitz, Philadelphia; I. M. Golden. San Francisco; I)r. Abram Simon, \\ ashington ; Sigmund Livings ton. Chicago; Leon Schwartz, Mobile. Known officially as Aleph Zadik Aleph of B nai B’rith. the B’nai B’rith junior order is a lusty infant which this summer held its seventh annual conclave. Representatives of 130 chap ters were present. Sam Beber, of Omaha, conceived the idea of this jun- FEET HURT? No Arch Supports 1 hru the Bookhammer system of foot cor rection an entirely new satisfactory method is used. Enjoy this comfort! Have your feet examined free of charge today. DR. WILLIAM BOOKHAMMER _ A „ , , SURGEON CHIROPODIST AND FOOT SPECIALIST Foot Health Shoppe U0 Peachtree Arcade Your Next Cai should be a DODGE o, PLYMOUTh WILLIS MOTOR CO. Peachtree Street O. D. BEARDEN C . A DUKE BEARDEN & DUKE TRUNK AND SAMPLE CASE MAKERS All Kinds of Luggage Built and Repaired—Repairing a Specialty 149 Forsyth St., S. W. Phone WAL 7J7| ATLANTA, GA. REAL ESTATE RENTS LOANS * J. H. EWING & SONS 79 Forsyth St. WA. 1511 HARDMAN MILTON BALDWIN KURTZMANN WM. CARDER And Other Standard Makes o( Piano 1 CARDER PIANO CO. 27 Pryor Street, N E. Phone Wa. 0510 MAISON ADOLPHE BILTMORE HOTEL HE MARIE EARLE Facial Treatments Hair Cutting, Manicix- Finger Waving, Marceli