The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 19, 1930, Image 35

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The Breakers On The Ocean front VI I.ANTIC CITY, N. J. i in construction, luxurious in ppointments and convenient to all piers and amusements. krjcan or European Plan GARAGE ATTACHED Tallest Hotel in the World 46 Stories High l The New Morrison 1 when completed, J will contain 3400 rooms Chicago’s MORRISON HOTEL Corner Madison and Clark Sts. Closest in the city to offices, theatres, stores and railroad stations 1944 Rooms $2.50 up All outside with bath, running ice water, bed head lamp and Servidor. A house keeper on each floor. All guests O v enjoy garage privileges. ¥ Hotel DeSoto A* <*► SAVANNAH, GA. 300 Rooms European Plan )ne of the South’s most de- htful hotels. Outdoor vimmjng Pool — Miniature Coif Course. the Heart of the City CHAS. G. DAY \ ice-President and Manager Radio Studio WTOC The Southern Israelite New \ork, N. Y.—A committee of 250 nationally prominent Jews will sponsor a testimonial dinner to Louis Lipsky, former president of the Zion ist Organization of America, on his completion of thirty years’ service to the American Jewish community, ac cording to an announcement hv Ber nard S. Deutsch, President of the Bronx County Bar Association and the American Jewish Congress. The occa sion of the dinner is Mr. Lipsky‘s election to the presidency of the Judea Life Insurance Company. Cincinnati, Ohio.— All objectionable references to Jews have been elimi nated from the new edition of Roget’s Thesaurus, the publishers, Thomas Y. Crowell Company of New York, have informed the Anti-Defamation League of the B’nai B’rith. The Anti-Defa mation League had protested against the synonyms for “Jew" given in pre vious editions of the Thesaurus, which included such words as "usercr”, "ex tortioner", and "heretic". Orange, N. J.—A new all-Jewish city is being planned south of Jaffa, Pales tine, according to information reach ing Samuel Friedlander, of this city, who heads the Eretz Israel Land Agency in New York. Mr. Fried lander declared that from present plans the new municipality’s growth will parallel that of Tel Aviv, at pres ent the only all-Jcwish city in the world. Mr. Friedlander made this statement in connection with an announcement that nineteen more purchasers of land in “Nathanyah”, the citrus colony which is being established in Pales tine in honor of Nathan Straus, dis tinguished philanthropist, have re ceived deeds. The property of these purchases, he declared, collectively is valued at more than $175,(XX). New York, N. Y.—The first indica tion of a split between the Zionist Organization of America and the World Zionist Organization is seen in an article appearing in the September 5th issue of the New Palestine, official Zionist organ, which carries an attack on Doctor Weizmann for urging a “binational state" in Palestine. The ar ticle is written by Emanuel Neumann, member of the Zionist Administration, and is entitled “Whither Bound"? Baltimore, Md.—Paul C. Wolman, prominent attorney of this city, was chosen national commander-in-chief of the \ eterans of Foreign Wars at the thirty-first national encampment of the organization here. Rabbi Emanuel J. Jack, of Yonkers, N. Y., was elected national chaplain, succeeding the Rev. Wallace Hayes, a Methodist. Among the resolutions adopted at the session was one censuring favorit ism in the giving of employment as a cause of the present unemployment crisis, with specific mention of “the clannishness of grasping lodge, reli gious, racial, and provincial groups who manipulate the processes of employ ment by divers methods of flattery, threat, deception, and corruption.” An other resolution in connection with un employment was one recommending legislation "closing the immigration laws now in existence for a period of not less than five years.” Tacoma. Wash.—Dr. I. Spector has been appointed to give a course in modern Hebrew culture and Zionism at tbe University of Puget Sound. JULIUS L. MEIER, prominent mer chant and civic worker of Portland, Ore gon, was recently nominated for governor of Oregon on an independent ticket by a convention of liberals and independents attended by 4,000 people from all parts of the state. In accepting the nomination, Mr. Meier, who has never held public office, said he would not enter politics but if elected would run the state as a business. A. B. KAPPLIN, Jewish newspaper man of Duluth, Minn., was elected com mander of the American Legion of Min nesota at the closing session of the legion naires convention held in Duluth recently. Mr Kapplin is credited with having orig mated the idea of the pilgrimage of gold star mothers to Prance, later ap proved by Congress. FRANK L. NEWBURGER, senior member of Newburger, Henderson and I.oeb, Philadelphia brokers, was recently named president of the Philadelphia Stock Exchange by the board of governors. Mr. Newburger had previously been vice- president of the Exchange. He is active in various Jewish affairs and is a gene rous contributor to Jewish philanthropies. A Typical Room at The Jefferson 125 ROOMS—125 BATHS Corner Pryor and Alabama Street* CONVENIENT - MODERN TIRli PROOF Each Room with Fan and Private Bath. JAKE ABELSON, Mgr. Phone Jackson 5441 RATES: $1.50—$2.00—$2.50 ATLANTA, GA Out ol Town Visitors Coming to Atlanta for the Holidays Will Find the JEFFERSON HOTEL — Page 35 ATLANTA’S favorite -w - HOTELS IN THE HEART OF THE CITY Each room ha* Private Bath, Circulating Ice Water, Ceilinf Fan, Radio and Mirror Door* in addition to the usual accommodations. IIYoii will enjoy the food in our Dining Rooms nr Coffee Shops (open 24 hours), IIPrices are reasonable, too. IBoth Hotel* near Theaters, Department Store* and Fi nancial Diitrict. i Affiliated Hotel > I WBe IMPERIAL ! | Prachtrrt at Ivy 150 Rooms and Bath for Information or Reservation Address THE MANAGEMENT RALSTON HOTEL COLUMBUS, GEORGIA ♦ 200 Rooms Fireproof Modern Ceiling Fan in Every Room Excellent Dining Room in Connection J. F. SOMERS, Leesee Manager Also operating THE NEW MAYFAIR HOTEL Charlotte, N. C.