The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 19, 1930, Image 36

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Page 36 The Southern Israelite Wishing all of our friends A Happy and Prosperous New Year Frees Pharmacy 350 CAPITOL AVE., S. E. R. F. FREE, Prop. MORRIS MYRON, Prop. My best wishes for a Happy New Year MORRIS’ PLACE GENERAL AUTO WRECKING CO. 332-34 Decatur Street My Sincere Good Wishes for a Happy New Year HARRY GORDON With the MARLHROW SHIRT CO. Wishing All A Happy New Year Stein & Co. WHOLESALE IRON AND METAL ATLANTA Mr. and Mrs. DAVID H. SCHACHTER 1015 Virginia Ave., N. E. Wish their Relatives and Friends a Happy and Prosperous New Year Mr. and Mrs. Louis Peel Extend the Season's Greetings LOUIS PEEL WHOLESALE MEATS National Stock Yards Residence Phone Main 2933 Hemlock 6803 MEMORIES By LEW MERLIN Why docs the burning sun in Arizona, Bring hack memories of you, Yet all the while your love for me, Was colder than an Eskimo igloo. Why do llie dry, parching desert sands of California, Show mirages of you, Let’s take a look in my diary and sec where I was last year on these holidays. Oh yeah, it was a little town in Oklaho ma. I remember now my friend and I were trying to make Wichita, Kansas. Wc had stopped off in a small town, which from appearances was an Indian village, as most small Oklahoma towns seem to be. There were Indians to the right of us and Indians to the left, and where there wan’t an Indian there was an oil derrick. The night was closing in, it was already Yom Tov and there were wc unable to go any further as the roads were impassable. There was nothing to do but stay over. The first thought that entered our minds was the shule and the Jews, if any. The stores were practically all closed, except for a drug store and a small hotel. Not a sign of a Jew any where and finding one seemed a hopeless task. “Go ask an Indian.’’ Of course that was out of the question, so we decided to walk around the town looking for a “Guten Yeden”. We did make inquiries and were surprised to learn that the town possessed a Cohen, a Goldstein, and a Levy, but whether they were Jew or Indian, nonq knew. We started back to the hotel, and in passing the drug store noted two girls who from all appearances, were Indians. High cheek bones, coal black hair, and all the other Indian characteristics. Regardless of faith, and then again, suddenly becoming thirsty, we visited the fountain and ordered two drinks. You may rest assured there was no one around to properly introduce us, but we had a crazy hunch the two girls were going to give us a lot of information in regard to a shule and all else. I looked towards ♦ And just the same as you have been to ward me, They turn out to be untrue. I am traveling on to foreign lands, Over the ocean blue. I want to get away from everything That brings back sweet memories of you. them once or twice as did my friend, and for once I found two girls who posi tively refused to give us any attention whatsoever. Suddenly a great idea dawn ed on me (an unusual happening) and I began talking Jewish to my pal. In the conversation I said, “This is one town in America where Rosh Hashonah will not be observed,” and sure enough one of the girls spoke up, as girls will do (just at the opportune time) saying: “I beg your pardon, stranger, but if you are looking for a shule, perhaps we can help you find one. Wc are on the way there now. What could have been sweeter, and off we went. Naturally we asked a lot of questions, and in turn learned a few things of the neighborhood and town. On arrival at the house of worship we found instead of a regular shule, a lodge hall. We walked in and found the hall quite filled with worshippers. The man on the pulpit who, I later learned, was the chief Rabbi of the congregation, looked identically like the Indian on the Buffalo nickel, save for the fact that the feather head gear was missing. We took seats, listened intently to the services, and enjoyed an inspiring sermon. Services over, we were preparing to leave, and were saying goodnight and many thanks to the girls, when their parents came over. Following the introductions, we were invited to dinner which we gladly ac cepted, and it turned out that they were real Jews at heart, but with an Oklahoma Cherokee accent. As for the girls, oh well, you would ask questions. Eh? —♦ THE JEW / he blood of ragabonds is my inheritance, I he hunger for the wind and open sky; My quest for breed am knows the stint/ of Egypt; / trace a race of men that do not die. Mine is the lore of Life, the throb of Beauty; the passion for the -wisdom of the sage; I hear upon my heart the seal of -wonder; I he Rock of Ages is my heritage! —Victor Emanuel Reichert. Best Wishes for A Happy and Prosperous MR. AND MRS. New Year E. S. Fagelson MR. AND MRS. Joseph Goldberg Wish Their Friends A Happy New Year 739 Capitol Ave. Marcia ■ Clothings o, 170 Peachtree Stn Extends Seaso: Greetings for New Year OF COURSH We Wish You All A Happy New ) \ar Tony Produce Co. CHICKENS —EGGS BUTTER — PRODUCE 118 PIEDMONT AVE., SEASON’S GREETINGS FROM Johnnie Minsk Now Operating Standard Oil Co., Station No. 8 De Luxe Service Pryor St. and Georgia Ave. Happy New Year REUBEN A. COHEN UNITED REPAIRERS AND HAT CLEANERS Men's Felt Huts Cleaned. 50c SHOES DYED ANY COLOR 109 Peachtree Street Opposite Piedmont Hotel WA. 1M2 141-147 Marietta St. LAYFIELD’S GARAGE Complete Automobile Service ATLANTA, GA. THE STAR PROVISION CO. Extends its Friends and the best wishes for o I rosp New Year. 600 Marietta Street Phone Jackson 612