The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 19, 1930, Image 37

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Page 37 The Southern Israelite ()u Impious Age Needs a Creed of belief and a Code of Morals (Continued from Page 20) ipting in the knowledge that have not emancipated our- iii discontent and restlessness, tin- hope that we can place in pattern the broken fragments niporarv life. If we have scorned .rcssed the values of faith, we predate that they now deserve ; rtunity to lead us anew, new credo for us moderns must ,i belief in a Personal God, a intelligence, being and guide n the universe and controls, moderns can believe in the re- -I immortality of the soul. From \ man comes; in it he lives and rp rnity he returns. Even as the !11a 1 soul in life is personal, it ms after death through influ* memory, and existence; it is one ii the vast unity of all life, moderns can believe in the cf- \ of prayer. Through prayer we i associate ourselves with the cter- urposcs of the universe, and gain .trnigth and wisdom for their achieve- “\\ < moderns can believe in the free- i of the will. Through personal i and resolution, man can harness energies to the tasks which chal lenge him through the summons of Man may not be wholly free, is not wholly slave, and can '•operate with God as companion and friend in the labors of the universe. Me moderns can believe in the per- eetilnlity of the individual, the com mit y and society. Through cver- imiing revelation, man’s spiritual ure and insight unfold themselves. iMtory, literature, and experience of mankind are a demonstration of the handiwork of God. Man shares in their evolution and their destiny. “We moderns can believe in chosen individuals and nations to whom spe cial powers of intuition and vision are granted. No one person or race has a monopoly on religious powers, but all participate therein according to their particular merit and effort. “We moderns can believe in the tri umph of good over evil. We can ac cept the captaincy of the moral law which guides all life to ultimate and perfect good. Man should not submit to evil, but regard it as real and en deavor with all his facilities to trans form it into good. “We moderns can believe in the es sential orderliness, oneness, harmony, and beauty of the universe. We can believe in one God, one moral law, and one humanity. “Our credo of belief and our code of morals need not he inflexible. They can serve as a basis for our considera tion and thought. They can be our first effort at systematization and or der in our mental and emotional life. Unless we now attempt to attain to stability, the new generation will grow into maturity without pilot ship and without moral judgment. We are tired of skepticism and bored with the nega tive approach to faith. Reason which Santayana so ably discusses has a role to play in religion, but it can keep pace with the intuition of Bergson, and both achieve a genuine religious renais- sence for distracted and desparinig moderns.” —♦ B'nai B'rith’s Activities (Continued from Page 33) through a gift by the entire M ider Scope Committee of h rith has made a fund of $250,- 'ailable for housebuilding in Pal- Some thirty houses have been ted and others are in the pro- "• construction in B’nai B’rith City, made possible by this Not only does this project pro- helter of a modern type, but ters a first means of livelihood <ny of the newly arrived immi- to Palestine. nservative estimate of the total ' ni ade bv B’nai B’rith for the ar " just ended is $3,000,000 of approximately half was made District and subordinate lodges !i! by the Constitution Grand 1 he sources of this revenue an membership dues and from r aised through the efforts of ' ider Scope Committee. ider Scope Committee is cotn- Alfred M. Cohen, Cincinnati; Rubinow, Cincinnati; Nathan 'tein, Springfield, Mass.; Louis J. Borinstein, Indianapolis, Ind.; Judge Joseph L. Kun, Philadelphia, Pa.; R. E. Gutstadt, San Francisco; Henry A. Alexander, Atlanta, Ga.; and Joseph Morse, Nashville, Tenn. The Wider Scope Committee pro vides funds for the B’nai B rith Hillel Foundation, Aleph Zadik Aleph Anti- Defamation League, Mexican Bureau and Palestine Housebuilding. Over 15,(XX) donors have contributed to the Wider Scope Campaign through which a great work is being done regularly for the Jews of America. Today, as on October 13. 1843, al most eighty-seven years ago, when the Order was first established, B’nai B’rith stands as a unifying and cul tural influence for the whole of Jewry. It has clung closely to the ideals of its founders who, in the words of Dr. Boris D. Bogen, “conceived it as a society which, based upon the teach ings of Judaism, would be free in its deliberations from anything doctrinal and dogmatic and which ignores the geographic origins of its members. J. T. KNIGHT & SON, inc. COLUMBUS, GEORGIA Knight Iron & Metal Co., Inc. Birmingham, Ala. Knight-Luttrell Iron Co., Inc. Atlanta, Ga. Knight Scrap Material Co., Inc. Savannah, Ga. Scrap Iron Scrap Metals Relaying Rails Write or Wire Our Nearest Office Before Selling THE MOST TEMPTING FEAST OR THE SIMPLE MEAL is not complete without CRAIGS HONEY BREAD "THE PERFECT BREAD FROM THE MODEL BAKERY” Craig’s Bakery 1901 Hamilton Avenue COLUMBUS, GA., Phone 414 YOU ARE CORDIALLY INVITED TO MAKE THIS BANK YOUK BANKING HOME MUSCOGEE BANK & TRUST COMPANY COLUMBUS, GA. DRINFL In All Popular Flavors