The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 19, 1930, Image 40

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Page 40 The Southern Israelite Claude Nolan Motor Co. CADILLAC—LA SALLE—BUICK “Double Guarantee” USED CARS W. Broad and Broughton Wheaton and Liberty Phone 3-2181 SAVANNAH ELECTRIC COMPANY LIGHT—HEAT—POWER AND T ransportation OFFICES Corner Bay and Whitaker Streets Phone 4000 SAVANNAH, GA. The Star Laundry SERVICE—SA TISFA CTION Phone 5113-5114 SAVANNAH, GEORGIA Our Greetings For The New Year With FURNITURE OF QUALITY Interior Decorators I* LINDSAY & MDRCflN i WHrcumnuuENTSTS. savannah. Georgia. Your l ire Insurance Cost Reducfd One Quarter When You Insure with the Atlantic Insurance & Investment Co. FRED WESSKLS, President. We represent the oldest, largest and strongest group of Mutual Fire Insurance Companies in America. These companies are returning DIVIDENDS of 25% to their POLICYHOLDERS. Home Office 19 Bay Street, East Phone 2-2114 MEET THE AMERICAN JEW (Continued from Page 39) taken place since the development of facial surgery. When you hear “Hello Everybody” on the air, you are listening to Roxy, whose name is Samuel Rothapfel. 1 he pasteur ization of milk was brought about by the support of Nathan Straus. The Hebrew comedian of the old days has passed. Jews were among the delegates to the first Republican Convention held in 1855. Henry Eord publicly apologized to the Jews for his anti-Semitic campaign in his newspaper the Dearborn Independent. Octavus Roy Cohen is the short-story master of negro dialect and the best mammy singers are East Side boys. Arnold Rothstein was the son of an orthodox Jew. You can still get your life mates to order from thriving marriage brokers. Jews have the highest diabetic mortality of any group. The only two socialists in Congress were Jews. Exiles from Spain settled in Mexico as early as 1519. Houdini’s father was a rabbi. The model of Rebecca in Sir Walter Scott’s famous “Ivanhoe” was Rebecca Gratz, of Philadelphia. There is in existence a letter from George Washington to a Jewish community. The most sensational marriage in America of recent years was the Irving Berlin-Ellen Mackay nuptial. The idea for a free synagogue which shall not restrict the views of the preacher to the wishes of wealthy men in the congregation came from Stephen S. Wise. Both Houses of Congress unanimously indorsed the project of establishing a national home for the Jews in Palestine. The percentage of Jewish suicides before the Wall Street crash was small. The Woolworth Tower was erected by Louis J. Horowitz. Emanuel Haldeman-Julius, a former editor of the Socialist Daily Call has sold over a hundred million copies of his Blue Books. Max 1). Steuer has been known to get as high as a million dollars for a case. The owner of the newspaper that publishes all the news that’s fit to print is Adolph S. Ochs. Albert A. Michelson won the Noble prize in physics. His brother is high in National Democratic leadership. Five of the six directors of the Theatre Guild are Jews. Jascha- Mischa-Toscha-Saeha still form the van of the violinist virtuosos. Do you rec ognize the following among the younger publishers: Simon and Schuster, The \ iking Press, Horace Liveright, Albert & Lhas. Boni, The Macaulay Co., Alfred A. Knopf. \\ ork out the above into a composite picture, shade with the memory of har rowed years, touch up with age-old stiff neckedness and you have the Jews. When your portrait is complete the chances are he will he very much like his neighbor. NATHAN STRAUS, famous Amer- ican-Jewish philanthropist, who returned recently from England, where he had gone to recuperate after the death of his wife in the spring, declared himself to be satis fied with the peace that has been effectuated in American Zionism as a re sult of the convention held recently in Cleveland. He declared: “I am happy to hear that the Zionists of America are united, and I hope that the entire Jewish people will forever remain united for the upbuilding of Eretz Yisrael.” A New Year Mt ALFRED M. COHI President, B'nai IV, In the year just ended greater prosperity in the t really count than in the t come and go—like Jonah’s g, came up in a night and per night. Many personal fortu swept away, making the Iom how fickle is the god of gold vain it is to put one’s trust Rut in things of the spirit was outstanding. It brought tions a step nearer to a coy. : peace. It saw' alien armies n of territories they had im. •, many years. It recorded settlement of reparations on terms more originally was thought possible | K .- cause hate had fallen from tin eves u men they could see more clearly There is less ill will the world over. Milestones have been passed on the difficult way mankind has tender long and so falteringlv. The day dawns when brotherhood ceases to he altogether a poetic fancy. A far-off gleam oVrlcaps the horizon and bids men hope. B’nai B’rith may he proud that it pre sents an example of brotherhood, which please God may speedily be followed by all people. Our far-flung fraternity en circles the globe. It speaks the language' of nearly all nations. Its national loyal ties are with the homeland of it' lodges. But all of us wherever we may he art one in ideals and purposes, seeking to act justly, striving to show mercy, and aspir ing to walk humbly with the Author m justice and mercy—the Father of all man kind. So the privilege is ours to he among the banner-bearers of universal hrotherho< May each succeeding day <>t the new year replenish our devotion to this privilege and make us more conscious, of our po tion of it. May 5691 be for us and tor all humanity a year of health and pea and contentment. COAL Instant Service JOSEPH F. GRIFFIN FUEL SUPPLY CO. COAL and WOt MONTEVALLO COAL SAVANNAH. GA. Phone 2-2165 2-2166 ge ' e w as ' that ' that which ! in a ' Were ealizi ,:i, t how