The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 19, 1930, Image 41

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The Southern Israelite Page 41 Si inning the Jewish Horizon By MARTIN GOLDE me to me from an eminently iiircc that the New York danning to absorb the New rid. If the rumor is ever to fact it will be one of the :iwitic amalgamations in tnocl- spaperdom. Since Adolph . owned the Times it has con- row n in influence and wealth. • ue Joseph Pulitzer died and took over the management York World has been stead- down. It is even reported paper, whose editor is Walter i. is losing circulation at the several thousand a week. It's ,1 to be the outstanding liberal America, but poor adminis- s turned an important organ inion into an inconsequential Yew York Times is thoroughly alive. The New York World aitighly (that is, most of the liberal. If Pulitzer's offspring ad a ted it will mean another loss Xmerica's freedom of the press, t-ntally, the same source tells me it the Times would plan to keep the ling World going, since it is a Table proposition. Yme, Xo7C. Roys! s is so had these days that ■rig a lot of had tempers and elings. 1 his sad state of affairs i invaded the rabbinate. The n of the cloth get a salary, of and in addition fees from such ceremonies as marriages, fu- ,. tr> 't ork City the competition rabbinate is tremendous. Take < of two Reform rabbis in the ' lis—one is in New York, the i Brooklyn. Let’s call one of gentlemen Rabbi X. He is one pastors of one of the greatest "f worship in America. Let’s "thcr gentleman Rabbi Z. He, comes from the same insti- Rabbi X—the Hebrew Union of Cincinnati. 'lory has it that Rabbi Z is g to call Rabbi X before a rab- r "t>rt of arbitration. It seems reading the newspapers, finds uc girl over in Brooklyn is en- ff he ever met her, her family Datives, or if she ever attended day School of his temple in -Tie bv, he calls up and says: -and-So! Congratulations on gagement. I suppose you want tarry you?” The poor girl, in >arrassement of the moment, > affirmatives. All of which is b except that it constitutes on the preserves of the n rabbi, who is ragingly indig- ! ’.v the way. you should be able v the rabbis’ names. They’re A known. Xoze It Can Re Told all these years it has been re- I hiring the time when Henry Ford was running his notorious arti cles m the Dearborn Independent all the leading Jewish comedians on the stage, including A1 Jolson, Eddie Can tor, Ed Wynn, Georgie Jessel, et al. got together and decided to razz the automobile king. 1 hey weren't going to let this slur on their national pride pass without hitting hack through the millions of people their wit reached an nually in the vaudeville houses of the country. Of course, no one knew that it was a conspiracy, but an awful lot of Ford jokes circulated at that time. With this new information I was able to understand Eddie Cantor’s famous line in those days. He would ask his feeder: ‘‘Do you know the name of Henry Ford in Chi nese?” ‘‘No. What is it?” ‘‘Sum Dum Goy.” Who Is Eddie’s Ghost? Typing of Eddie Cantor reminds me of the hornet’s nest which Harry Sal- peter, the New York World’s Jewish book reviewer, stirred up when he de clared in his column that Eddie Can tor’s latest book was ghosted in large part by David Freedman. He wrote that three years ago the author of "Mendal Marantz” showed him a num ber of the chapters which now appear under Cantor’s name as “Between the Acts”. This is not the first time that Eddie’s ghost has been brought into public print. In replying to Salpeter Eddie wired : “If Salpeter claims Freedman showed him three of the chapters several years ago ask him if he doesn't think it funny that these articles never found a market until now, when Cantor in jected some of that rich red Cantor- esque - Goldwyn - Ziegfeld - Whoopee comedy in it. This telegram written by me the morning of September 5th at Cleveland without the aid of a Jew ish ghost, so help me God.” Now Eddie should never have asked that question, for Salpeter’s reply was quite crushing. He pointed out that no matter who wrote what, the name of Eddie Cantor could have sold anything. The mere fact that it didn’t sell under Freedman’s name and did sell under Cantor’s was no proof that the stuff had been changed in the meantime. Well, it’s a lively battle now. All of it leads us to the suspicion that some of the country’s best jokes, cracked by the country’s most expert comedians, are thought up by the country’s most tragic and downhearted pessimists. The Tumblers One of the greatest Jewish humorists the country has lies wasted in Stephen Wise. Instead of being a pulpiteer be could just as easily have been a fa mous gag writer. The other day, with his own inimitable twists and sense of timing, he told the story of Sir Harry Lauder, the Scot (superfluous to say) (Concluded on Page 43) "Flavor With Sugar And You Flavor With Health” ASSORTMENTS: Standard Granulated Fruit and Cereal XXXX Powdered 'Tablets, Cubes, Browns Savannah Sugar Refinery PORT WENTWORTH - SAVANNAH. GA. Money Can Not Buy Better Refrigeration Than You Get With ICE In A Good Refrigerator Visit our Refrigerator Sales Store at 144 Whitaker Street and see our beautiful line of Refrigerators on display there. GEORGIA ICE COMPANY