The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 19, 1930, Image 44

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Page 44 The Southern Israelite Hansberger’s Pharmacy Drugs * Soda Candy Sheron’s Fine Candies AUGUSTA, GA. McDonald & co. GROCERIES AND MEATS *!♦ Phones 3735-3736 1130 Broad Street Augusta, Ga. Augusta Battery & Tire Service 501 Broad Street Phone 1133 Complete Servicing With One Stop AUGUSTA, GA. "Taste the Difference" ELECTRIC MAID BAKE SHOP O. C. WOLCOTT, Proprietor 730 Broad Street Augusta, Ga. As Good As GODIN’S Be not satisfied with that promise. Accept no substitute. No guess work when we prescribe and make spectacles or eyeglasses for you. The name GODIN is synonymous with optical exactitude. DR. HENRY J. GODIN 956 Broad St. [That Is ITrang With the Palestine A dm in istra tion f How Col. Lawrence’s Arab Scheme Blocks the Jewish Homeland By PIERRE VAN PAASSEN Never before in the history of journalism has a writer spoken so freely, so fearlessly ami so frankly about the political diffi culties which confront the build- in!/ of the Jewish Homeland in Palestine. Pierre l’an Paasscn, noted non-Jewish foreinn corres pondent of The New York live ning World and of the Seven Arts I'caturc Syndicate, exposes for the first time Col. t.awrenee's part in the political manocuvcring of the Palestine administration and tells us who puls the sand in the Palestine machinery. In the li</ht of the report of the Per manent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations the British Memorandum, Pierre I an Paas- sen's survey is highly illuminat ing and revealin</.—The Editor. One of the things which rouses my indignation as I allow my mind to run over the series of events in Palestine since August, 1929, is the callous in gratitude of the Palestinian British bu reaucracy toward the Yishuv. For not only do we see official anti-Jewish chicancery and sabotage of the build ing of the National Home continuing as if the protests of a singularly unani mous world-Jewry had never occurred, hut no objective observer will deny, in the light of recent happenings, that the tempo of this undeniable under hand and sullen opposition has actu ally been accelerated. Yet when one looks a little closer for the sources and the mentality which inspire this disregard of Jewish hopes and this frustration of Jewish effort one soon comes face to face with the remark able fact that the group of factual ad ministrators of the Palestinian Man date has, to all intents and purposes, remained unchanged since the days of General Hols (administrator during the war). The personnel, indeed, has un dergone some modifications, but the peculiar political conceptions enter tained by the first British military au thorities in Palestine have not veered one iota in tendency; and this in spite of the immense changes that have come about in the social and economic con dition of the country. A great deal of the unsatisfactory situation in Eretz Israel will be cleared up when we realize that the men now running affairs in Palestine look upon the August outbreaks in the light of an ample vindication of their own par ticular theories of what the political post-war reconstruction of the entire Near East should have been, as against —we still venture to hope—the real plans and intentions of the Home Gov ernment. In this respect they fully conform to the views of Bols and Storrs and the first British adminis trators after the conquest. Most of these officials, or at least the most important among them, are men of army extraction and of army mental ity. They came to Eretz Israel from Egypt, or elsewhere, in the Allenby army. They were, moreover, from an early date in the campaigns against the Turks, imbued with and dazzled by the ambitious scheme of Col. T. E. Law rence, which consisted in the creation of an Arabic confederacy running from Anatolia to the Red Sea and from Per sia to the Mediterranean shores. This federation, Lawrence conjectured, was to be placed under British suzerainty, while the three sons of Hussein, the Grand Sherif of Mecca—Abdullah, Feisal and Ali—were to be rewarded for their co-operation with thrones in Damascus, Jerusalem, and Bagdad. T am perfectly well aware that the Colo nial office has made it clear on sev eral occasions that there was never any intention on its part to include Palestine in this Pan-Arabian dream castle, but in this respect the Colonial office has gone flatly contrary to Law rence’s expressed ambition and conse quently to the hopes of that mysterious gentleman’s numerous cronies — Bols, Storrs, Roach, Saunders, etc. — who have for years now ruled the roost in Eretz Israel. Before or about the time that Al lenby set out on his victorious cam paign through the Sinai Desert with Suria as his ultimate objective, the British Government, we know, had concluded a bargain with the Zionists in London. Extremely hard pressed as she was on the Western front, Britain could not afford to miss an opportu nity to make an appeal for the moral and material support of world Jewry. The waning morale at home also needed to be revived, as becomes clear from Mr. Lloyd George’s remark to General Wilson (chief of the general staff), who asked him why he wanted to take Jerusalem. Lloyd George is re ported to have replied on that occa sion: “It will please the Methodists!” To run away with the notion that Brit ain went into the Holy Land for the greater glory of God Almighty, or to meet the ancient nostalgia of the Jews for their ancestral home, or, for that matter, to gratify the sentiments of the Welsh wizard’s Wesleyan constit uents—a notion which seems to have been fondly entertained at a time when war-idealism and war-hysteria ran neck to neck—is pure rubbish, of course, and always was. It was a bid for support —Jewish support first of all, but also an appeal to the imagination of the powerful evangelical Protestant bodies in Anglo-Saxon countries and in Amer ica. who still regard the return of the Jew as a requisite essential for the a new Year s Health that’s drunk Around the World * 1 Drlr>> Coca-Cola' A rur « drink of natural flavors —xvuh that taste-good feeling V and its delightful after-sense of re freshment. Your grocer deliv- y million 5f 8 lt b v th c case. Keep a few bottles um a day in your ice chest. Augusta Coca-Cola Bottling Co. Augusta, Ga. IT HAD TO BE GOOD TO—GET WHERE IT IS The Perkins Manufacturing Co. ESTABLISHED 1858 * Yellow Pine Lumber Mill Work, Doors, Sash, and Blinds 620 13th Street Phone 7ll AUGUSTA, GA. Thos. G. Brittingham CONTRACTOR Plumbing, Heating, and Drainage * Kleen Heat Oil Burner Automatic Iron Fireman 651 Broad Street Augusta, Ga. R. E. Elliott & Sous Funeral Home p r i v a t E Ambulance Service Corner Telfair and l welfth Phone 1200 AUGUSTA. GA. TOMMINS STUDIO AUGUSTA, GA. Phone 2314 for Reliable Phot