The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 19, 1930, Image 51

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Pape 51 plified. The idea that Mrs. to convey to the teacher is her can find in her class kings, so to speak, of an ram. whether in the form , r recitations or story-tell- ax . She insists, moreover, ram, in its composition as > presentation, ought to be rk of the pupils themselves. !;l tion on the assembly plat- vivified concentrated essence room work is not only likely orable attitudes toward the u- Temple on the part of the t is calculated also to fur- mi motivation for the class The assembly program then Tss-room project of the high- , author takes care again and 1 attention to the fact that rams must not be independent st fit into, the children's service nevertheless, a futher word i and criticism seems to be called l b. -ervice of worship is an art in ad in the service of worship J NO. T. GENY <». MI TTS GENY, JR. Say It With Flowers “A Happy and Prosperous New Year” 0. Geny & Sons 1600 WEST END AVE. Phone 7-2145 Nashville, Term. To Our Many ‘ riends and Patrons A // >ppy and Prosperous New Year f astin-Oliver Coal Company Nashville, Tenn. SNAPPY SERVICE cGinnis & Co. Manufacturers of SA ’H, doors, cabinets, TERIOR millwork, OFFICE FIXTURES 1300 Church St. Phone 7 - 2497 NASHVILLE, TENN. The Southern Israelite itself. A teacher who is preparing her at any one assembly ought not to he ex pected at the same time to be preparing a dramatic program. In one of the largest religious schools in the country it has been found that the best practice was every Sunday to have one class respon sible for the special program. Nor may we accept uncritically the phrase jn the editor's introduction about "the great difficulty involved in develop ing suitable sermonic material for chil dren." It still remains true that the prime function of the assembly is to give the Rabbi an opportunity for spiritual contact wtih the children. These assembly pro grams should at least alternate with the Rabbi’s talks or sermonettes. Let the Rabbi be responsible for making his talks, creations of charm and beauty which the children look forward to eagerly. One might point to several large religious schools in which the announcement that at the next assembly the Rabbi will speak is greeted with greater enthusiasm than the announcement of a play or of movies. Mrs. Levinger grades the various pro grams, indicating that one program is suitable for class I in the curriculum of the Commission on Jewish Education, an other suitable for tirade II. and so on. But one of the delightful tilings about the book is that the gradings need not he taken seriously. Thus “A Day in a Jew ish Home", which is designated for tirade I, would be just as acceptable, in Grades IV, V, and VI, and the program on the Psalms designated for Grad? IX would be quite possible in Grades I. II. or III. The grading of such materials is still in an unscientific stage. The use of the va rious programs by various grades will be largely a matter of taste and the spe cial conditions of each school. Why does Mrs. Levinger in her in structions on staging declare categorical ly, “Make-up should be forbidden"? There is an implication here that when actors put on make-up they do so out of some vile or lascivious motive. Nothing could be further from the truth. Make up is used because the glare of the foot lights rend.-rs the average human com plexion ghastly pale. The make-up is needed to restore the balance and present a normal complexion. If there are foot lights on the school auditorium stage, then make-up is absolutely essential. There is nothing immoral about make-up per se. Everything depends upon the pur pose for which it is used. Both Mrs. Levinger and the editor should be commended for the brave use of the expression, “entertaining pro grams". Both the title and the contents of the book are eloquent of the fact that programs for children need not Ik- solemn and arid in order to be inspiring. Chil dren are best edified by programs which please them, by methods which entertain, that is, stimulate rather than suppress their aesthetic appreciations. What a mine of poetic, dramatic, fic tional and musical wealth Mrs. Levinger discovers as she scours Jewish literature for beautiful things by which the children will be entertained even while they arc- being taught! What a lesson in Jewish literature, in Sabbath observance, and m Jewish loyalty she makes of Israel Zang- will’s, “The Hebrew's Friday Night ; and what a lovely picture to look at as well! , , Every teacher will be grateful to Mrs. Levinger for her suggestion that in the preparation of these programs regular class time may be used, for the prepara tion of these programs is a method of instruction—the project method, a method by which children are likely to learn more than by hours of straight reading of texts or answering of examination questions. By a fortunate coincidence another book on the same subject of assembly programs has just been published. \\ bile it is intended for a different t\pe of school than the Religious School of the Reform Temple, it will be found rich in suggestions and materials Every teacher and supervisor will do well to read in addition to Mrs. I.evinger’s "Entertaining Programs for the Assembly", also "As sembly Programs for Jewish Schools" by Mrs. R. Lurie, published by the Asso ciated Talmud Torahs of Philadelphia. DR. R. L. KAHN, Director of Lab oratories of the University Hospital and Assistant Professor of Bacteriology of the University of Michigan, is on his way to Montevideo to take part in a Sero logical conference in that city. 1 he Doctor, the discoverer of a new blood- test for social diseases to take the place of the Wasscrmann test, is the only rep resentative from North America invited to participate in the conference. A Happy and Prosperous New Year to Our Many Jewish Friends E. C. Fox & Sons FISH MARKET Wholesale Fi*h and Oysters "Ask Your Grocer for Fox's Fresh Fish" NASHVILLE, TENN. RICHARD E. GUTSTADT, execu tive director of District Grand Lodge No 4 of the B’nai B’rith and prominent in the San Francisco Jewish community, has accepted an ap|X)intment to the newly created position of director of the Na tional Bureau of Membership of the B’nai B’rith, with headquarters in New York. KARL WEISS, a famous Jewish gold smith of Bucharest, has received the order to make the crown that King Carol will wear on the occasion of the corona tion ceremonies to be held soon. THINK OF HEALTH FIRST H EALTH is essential to all accomplishments. Stimulate your mental and physical organs through the daily use of Anthony's milk. It’s pasteurized. Call your grocer and n PLACE YOUR. ORDER FOR Quality pure yji.uji'UVMjA tiar.mrzt euu<ur Anthony Pure Milk Gd PMOnc 3-O/Ml To Our Many Jewish Friends and Patrons A Happy and Prosperous p\(ezv Tear Nashville Gas & Heating Company “The Smokeless Fuel People