The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 19, 1930, Image 59

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The Southern Israelite Page 59 CO A- COKE Southeastern Ice Utilities Corp. Certified Coal” Quality Service — Appreciation Yard and Office, 300 S. Graham St. Phone 2-1104 CHARLOTTE, N. C. WILFRED CAFETERIA "The Sign of Good Food” GOOD FOOD GOOD SERVICE SENSIBLE PRICES 18 North Main Street GREENVILLE, S. C. James Chevrolet Company CHEVROLET AUTOMOBILES AND TRUCKS “It's wise to choose a Six!” Economical Transportation .CHEVROLET h Us 0 CARS ^ an O.K. that counts” e ge and Toune Sts. REENVILLE, S. C. A Good and Happy Year By RABBI ALEXANDER ALAN STEINBACH Norfolk, The literal translation of our tradi tional Rosh Hashonah greeting is: May you he inscribed for a good year. Most of us exchange the salutation: May you enjoy a happy new year. It may seem like hair-splitting to differ entiate between a "good year” and a “happy year”, but there is a real and significant distinction between the two phrases. Happiness and goodness are not synonymous attributes. The former has a quantitative connotation that depends primarily upon pleasurable satisfac tions. The latter has a qualitative sig nification, and is the outgrowth of ideals rooted in the ethical conscious ness. Happiness is a state of well-being characterized by relative permanence. The satisfactions that bring satiety one day may lead to hunger on the next unless renewed in experience. Good ness, on the other hand, represents an inherent quality that weaves itself per manently into the texture of a man's whole life. This important distinction is not ac corded the consideration it deserves. Many persons whose life-motives arc hedonistic, regard pleasure-seeking as the apogee of human orientation. They adhere to the Epicurean doctrine that pleasure is the only good and the end of all morality. Animated by this pre cept, they pluck from life’s orchards whatever fruits their palates crave. They live in carnal rather than in spir itual longings. They seldom launch moral argosies upon the inner stream that flows between the shores of their ♦ I ’iri/inio soul. It cannot he denied that they sometimes harvest a bountiful crop of physical satisfactions, hut they garner little that is durable. The joys of a day are not sufficient armor to pre vent a man from becoming on the morrow a melancholy victim of defeat and disappointment. The exponents of the “good life" are not haunted by the specter of frus tration. hor them "Life is a measure to he filled, not a cup to he drained", a challenging crusade rather than a lark. 1 hey are not content to he ex cursionists vacationing in life's arena, watching the panorama of moral prog ress through the eyes of spectators. They are eager to take their places as toilers in the world’s ethical tasks, as workers seeking to expand the hori zons that bring soul enlargement. They are the selfless sowers, the patient planters of seeds that yield permanent fruits, the self-effacing husbandmen who plow in order that others may reap. The Rosh Hashonah greeting implies a synthesis of the two phrases quoted above. 'The wider fellowships of human existence can thrive only in a milieu that recognizes the close nexus be tween happiness and goodness. < )nly through their harmonious mating can we hope to eject the Laocootiistn of despair that the quest for pleasure alone cannot ward off. L’Shonah Tovah Tikosevu! May the readers of The Southern Israelite he inscribed for a good and a happy life! —-♦ Council Women Announce Extension New York City.—-In preparation for a nation-wide expansion campaign, Miss Gertrude Feibleman of Indianapolis, National Chairman of the Department of Extension and Field Service, announced the appointment of the following super visors for the various states: Arizona—Mrs. Barnett E. Marks of Phoenix. Northern California—Mrs. Leon Rosen berg of Sacramento. Southern California—Mrs. Florine H. Wolf stein of Los Angeles. Colorado—Mrs. Charles Greenclay of iver. lonnecticut—Mrs. Jacob N. Wolo- sky of Hamden. Jelaware—Mrs. James N. Ginns of lmington. lorida—Miss Ann Weisberg of I ampa. ieorgia—Mrs. Harry M. Gershon of anta. , ndiana—Mrs. Ben Levy of Fort lyne. _ , f Kentucky—Mrs. J. M. Fuhrman of lisville. . . , .ouisiana— M rs. Armand H. Roos ot eveport. . n faine—Mrs. Israel Bernstein of I ort- i. laryland—Mrs. Leonard Hecht of timore. . fassachusetts—Mrs. Hyman Freiman Brookline. _ . lichigan—Mrs. Louis J. Rasenburg of roit. r . , finnesota—Mrs. James kantrowitz of ineaoolis. Missouri—Mrs. Benjamin I\ Wurzel of Joplin. Nebraska—Mrs. Frederick Cohn of Omaha. New Hampshire—Mrs. Albert H. Foolfson of Portsmouth. New Jersey—Mrs. II. Krupnick of Mt. Holly and Mrs. Nathan Kussy of Newark as Vice-Supervisor. New York—Mrs. Rebecca M. Selignian of New York City. Ohio—Mrs. Siegfried Geismar of Cin cinnati. Oklahoma—Mrs. E. Salomon of Tulsa. Oregon—Mrs. F. F. Metzger of Port land. Pennsylvania—Mrs. Alfred Roscnstcin of Philadelphia. Rhode Island—Mrs. Harry Wachen- heimer of Providence. South Carolina—Mrs. Sidney Kitten- berg of Charleston. Tennessee—Mrs. Sig Marks of Nash ville. Texas—Mrs. Max Mayer of El Paso. Vermont—Mrs. S. Frank of Rutland. Virginia—Mrs. I. H. Goldman of Rich mond. Washington—Mrs. Theophil Feist of T acoma. West Virginia—Mrs. M. I. Mendeloff of Charleston. Wisconsin—Mrs. Charles Reichenbaum of Milwaukee. Canada—Mrs. E. R. Sugarman of Van couver, B. C. Council Sections were recently formed in Memphis. Term.; Hudson, N. Y.; Nogales, Ariz., and Manitowoc, Wis. Merchants & Farmers National Bank Johnston Building Charlotte, N. C. ■ ■ 4'.' Paid on Savings and Certificates Safety Deposit Boxes for Rent Meet Your Friends at Sally’s CHARLOTTE’S NEWEST SODA — LUNCHEONETTE CANDY AND NOVELTY SHOP 10 North Tryon Street CHARLOTTE, N. C. Charlotte Piggly Wiggly Stores, Inc. At your service at the following locations: (1) 500 South Tryon St. (2) 1424 East Boulevard (3) 1603 South Boulevard (4) 300 North Tryon St. (5) 1403 East Morehead (6) 2040 East Eighth St. (7) 1603d East Fourth St. (8) 312 East Boulevard (9) 216 Providence Road 1010 N. Tryon St. (Warehouse) Markets in all stores Locally owned and operated. J. Harvey Williams, Gen. Mgr. CHARLOTTE, N. C.