The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 19, 1930, Image 65

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Page 65 The Southern Israelite of the -when the High Commis- (1 the sentences of twenty- wenty-five condemned to tnr three were executed. . been under a cloud during Zionists have charged that undations of the Jewish have been undermined by titude. It is evident that no rk is possible until a clefi- - Miring policy is enunciated •ii>tration. Until that time • n the country is at a stand- arp division between Arab not helped by the hearings ng Wall Commission of the Nations toward the end of Although it was evident that monv made a fine impression I.rago the year. Jewish tr unissioners it is unlikely that n will be cleared up, since the ! aders have refused to bind t.. the decision of the Wailing Wall ('oinmission. editions in Palestine uncer- II, nuns throughout the world have , , !i | ,tral\ /t-d ; some estimate that there I | . i< licit of $1,000,000 by the end tif tlu- year. Poland The ec i omic situation in Poland, which is In t ii oppressive to all elements of the illation, has lx>rne with particular weight on the Jews. The burden of tax- fallen largely on the urban f'ltient- \nd since the Jews form a in most of the Polish cities they been the victims of the dreaded io>ver" tax, which is more ruinous than tin taxes of any country in the It lias not been denied that dis- lioatit m against Jews is to be found in 'i' 1» ’ t v Old-time Czarist restrictions, 'till in torce. interfere with the activities t Jewish traders and shopkeepers. Al- tntli Hinds raised in America are sup- '■ I to hr devoted to the relief of Jews m ! the money is entirely inadequate h with the situation which involves three million Jews. Almost all of tttt r from the economic system, b' dish government has made re- ost rtions of its friendliness to the both officials in Warsaw and the l r to the United States, Titus have displayed a sympathetic but nothing active has been done ■ some of the taxation statutes been complained of. anti-Semitic incidents have np now and then, the most recent that at Kovel. The explanation wicz that this was in effect a ; ‘w) lends itself to credibility. Rumania mtry of Rumania is always as- t large place in any review of ar .v Jewish history. Liberal lf or peasant control—the Jew- ' m remains the same. The ich has been made that the arty has been using its prom- including Dr. William Filder- h r to stir up animosity against cabinet is too absurd to need hat has happened in Rumania past year has had no parallel ays of the Kishineff program I he general economic situation ! 'try has given the last fillip ng anti-Semitism that has al- hirmant in the heart of the citizenry. 'btl was only a few days 'iirnl c nten Rnvrri, chary,- bibera irn-nt the p denia durii . since in D. in th- to a ways Ruma The old when Rumanian students began throw- I mg Jews from trains. This was an old pastime of the students and did not seem to forecast anything unusual. Similar in- cidents took place throughout the year. Rut events took an entirely different turn when, in the early part of May, Prof. Alexander Cuza was elected to Parlia ment. This not only returned to power the only rival of Adolf Hitler for the anti-Semitic leadership of Europe, but served as an indication of the temper of the population. From then on anti- Semitism was on the crescendo. I^ooting of Jewish shops, attacks on Jewish passersby, the march of hooligans on Jewish quarters and Jewish villages cul minated with a conflagration at Roraz which left 3,(XX) Jews homeless. The gov ernment investigator reported that the fire was not of incendiary origin. But the Jewish population and a number of lead ing Rumanian newspapers declare that the evidence is irrefutable that Roraz was destroyed by anti-Semites. The fire at Roraz seemed to set all of Rukovina and Transylvania aflame. Some observers have felt that the low price of wheat and the burden of taxa tion drove the peasants into a frenzy against the Jews, some of whom served as bankers to the impoverished farmers. Whatever the cause, the entire Jewish population of Rumania has suffered. The accession of Carol to the throne did not make much difference, except that it coin cided with a new spurt of excesses. The government seems to be making a deter mined effort to suppress the anti-Semitic agitation. It realizes that its prestige in the eyes of the entire world must in evitably suffer. It is doubtful, however, whether anything permanent—at least for some years to come—can be done to stem anti-Semitism in Rumania. It has become ingrained into the peasant by a process of education, by emulation of some of Un political leaders. When these are thrown into the discard Rumania will have a change of heart as regards the Jew. Russia The Jewish situation in Russia is still the province of rumor and legend Ih.* outstanding event of the year, however, was the liquidation of the Yevsektsia, the Yiddish branch of the Communist Party. It is generally admitted that it was the Yevsektsia which was largely responsible for the unfortunate situation of the Jews as regards their religious activities. 'I he Yevsektsia was largely a spy system com posed of Communistic zealots. I heir frenzy against Hebraism and Zionism de termined the government's attitude. Rut with that organization dispersed as repre sentative of the Jewish population it is believed that religious Jews in Russia will have a breathing spell. Whether due to protests abroad or to a realization by the Soviet leaders of the inadvisability of their vigorous anti-re ligious program, a change has occurred. Rut this general leniency has favorably affected every interest of the Jewish or the declassed, have been given a num ber of privileges during the year which place them on a footing with the pro letariat. The custom of confiscating synagogues, which has been in vogue since the Revolution, suffered a decline when the Soviet officials made it emphatic that no synagogue was to be closed unless the local population agrees. Another indica- (Continued on next page) Approved by GOOD HOUSEKEEPING and DELINEATOR INSTITUTES NOW ALL STEEL Quiet and A utomatic A SMALL DOWN PAYMENT Installs Any Model in Your Home South Carolina Power Co. YOUR POWER COMPANY New Year (Ireelings jiijShikinak ^vixii 9 THOUSE OFBCTTER VALUESI GREATER DEPARTMENT STORE CHARLESTON, S. C. Ideal White Swan Laundry Co. 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