Newspaper Page Text
Page 11
Mrs. Cu
ba* for hr.
„t Detrm:
ant at tin
Mi'> :
, rman, of 572 Park Drive,
si;or Miss Bessie Karlin,
! jch.. who was an attend-
rnian-Rich wedding.
Fruhinan, of Chatta-
was the recent guest of
Sojib’e Freeman.
Herman whose marriage to
Rich will be an event of
has been the recipient of
■cial affairs, and will be
day of her wedding,
lovely parties that have
r this popular bride-elect
mi bridge at which Miss
a was hostess; Mrs. Julia
■<1 with a theatre party fol-
Miss Bertha Watchman
>n and theatre party. Miss
and Miss Pearl Sims were
an afternoon bridge. Miss
.11 gave a theatre party and
M. Jacobs entertained with
we k immediately preceeding
ne, on Tuesday, Mrs. Meyer
entertained with a bridge tea; on
Mrs. Hyman Berman gave a
•a at her home; on Thursday the
( W Miller, Stampa, H. Diamond,
1. Sanders, M. Kunsberg, J.
: : u: and <.. Herman, entertained with
i at the Fan Tan, followed by
party. Mrs. M. L. Schur en-
amed at a luncheon Friday. Saturday,
mie Berchenko will entertain
Ik at re party and tea, Sunday af-
Mrs. (ius German, mother of
bride, will entertain at a trousseau
day evening Mr. and Mrs. Sid-
Nteiii are entertaining the bride
: elect at a dinner party. Moil
'd 1 liman Bergman will entertain
Monday afternoon, Miss
k’eisman will entertain at a theatre
1 tea. Dr. and Mrs. L. C.
din will entertain the bridal party
i) evening with a dinner, following
v rehearsal.
1 Mrs. Fred Stevens, of New
are making Atlanta their
■ inure home.
Ida Mogul has .just returned
trip to New York and is now
dance at the University of
: nid •
• f Mr-
harles Adler is visiting her
Mrs. David Goldberg, in
ra Marks has returned from
rk, where she spent several
ith relatives.
Mrs. Alfred Myers enjoyed
rip to Blowing Rock recently,
nue Werbin is in New York
ting relatives.
: "sc Bukofzer and daughter,
enstein, were recent guests
Bruna Bukofzer.
w Werbin has just returned
'it with friends in Charles-
t’.Vt .
T an
• r !
f l ill,
a rei.
r etur-
Kun •
Mrs. Harold Hirsch and
e returned from a six weeks’
Mrs. A. B. Cherepon, of
'ere the guests of their par-
and Mrs. Samuel J. Cohen.
’ repon was formerly Miss
"hen, of Atlanta,
atherine Spitz is visiting rela-
ew York and Richmond, Va.
Annette Geffen, M iss Ozna
and M iss Alarion Richman, of
J. Club, were hostesses at a
en bv the club recently, cele-
e club’s seventh anniversary,
en Elsas has recovered from
appendicitis operation.
Rernath and son Joe have
r °m an extensive trip through
capping in Hungary to visit
M bile in Europe Joe Ber-
The Southern Israelite
nath was married to Miss Eve Weiz
of I resor, Czecheslovakia
Mr. and Mrs. N. Mettan have re
turned to their home in New York
City after visiting their relatives, Mr.
and Airs. A. Tesler.
Mrs. Bertha Lewis and Airs Wil
liam Bauer have returned from abroad
where they visited with the “Gold Star
Harry Cherepon. of Sagniwa, Aiich.,
was the reeenot guest of Air. and Mrs
Samuel J. Cohen, of 481 Washington
Afr. and Afrs. Herbert Haas have re
turned from Chicago, where they at
tended the seventy-fifth birthday an
niversary celebration of Airs. Haas's
mother, Airs. Flora Fader.
Rabbi Lazarus Axelrod is spending
a few weeks tii Miami, Fla.
Afrs. Kalman, of Albany, Ga., spent
a few- days in the city recently.
Air. and Mrs. Many Russ announce
the birth of a baby girl.
Mrs. Sol Cronheim, of Cincinnati,
Ohio, was the recent guest of Airs.
B. F. Joel.
Miss Helen Abelson is to be con
nected with Dr. Irving Goldstein as
dental hygienist.
Mr. and Airs. Eli Meyer and Misses
Jane and Gloria Meyer left for Tampa,
Fla., recently to spend a few weeks
Air. and Airs. Simon Smullian an
nounce the engagement of their daugh
ter, Helen Frances, to Air. Sidney
Srochi. The date of the wedding is
to be announced later.
Mrs. Will Montag has returned from
Dallas, Texas.
The engagement of Al. Richard Rich
and Aliss Virginia Lazarus, of New
Orleans, is announced.
Mr. tfnd Mrs. Charles Alarks, of
Charleston, S. C., are guests of Air.
and Afrs. Alvin Ferst.
Mrs. Henry Wellhouse has returned
from enjoyable motor trip through the
Airs. Mannie Adler, of Birmingham,
Ala., spent a few da vs in the city re
Afiss Sara Alyers has returned from
New York.
Afiss Afellanie Dennery, of New Or
leans, was the recent guest of Mr. and
Airs. Alaurice Hirsch.
Mr. and Airs. Julius Simons are now-
located at 1014 Ponce de Leon.
After a stay of one year in Houston,
Texas, Afiss Ida Russ has returned to
home here.
fiss Carol Hess i sin New York as
guest of Afr. and Airs. Edgar
penheim. . . .
frs. Aforris Stein, of Cincinnati, is
guest of her parents, Air. and Mrs.
frs. Alelvin Nussbaum has returned
her home in Bainbridge, Ga.
fr and Airs. Ben Kaplan announce
birth of a son. Afrs. Kaplan was
merlv Afiss Esther Goldberg,
frs. Werner Byck has J / 5 t r t , ,rne<
ne and is now located at 10.-'0 I once
Leon. . , ,
Irs. H. Epstein and daughter have
jrned from Chicago,
frs. Henrv Harris, of Macon, Ga..
nt a few days here recently as the
st of her parents, Mr. and Mrs.
x Samuels. „ ,
lr and Afrs. Irving Kesler have
red to their new home on Emory
Itto Schwab has recovered from a
mt appendicitis operation
. in at th.* Piedmont
Iry Bauer, Jr., left recently for
lelphia, where he will attend tin
rsity of Pennsylvania.
Air. an dAlrs. A. Tesler have re
turned from a motor trip to New York.
Airs. Day Apte spent a few days in
the city recently en route to her home
in Tampa.
Afr. and Airs. A. Simon, of Spartan
burg, spent the holidays with their par
ents, Rabbi and Airs. Tobias Geffen.
Harold Dessau, of New York, spent
the week-end in the city recently.
Mr. and Airs. Sam Hurwitz spent a
few days in the city recently as the
guests of their parents, Air. and Mrs.
A. Tananbaum, on Seventh Street.
The many friends of Henry Hauer
will be pleased to hear of his rapid re
Mr. and Airs. Lee Weil, of Birming
ham, have returned to their home after
spending a few days in the city recently.
Air. and Mrs. Edwin Haas have re
turned from a delightful trip abroad.
Miss Virginia Lazarus, of New Or
leans, was the guest of Mrs. Herman
Rosenheim at the Georgian Terrace.
Mrs. Gene Loring, of New York, is the
guest of Mr. and Mrs. Alex Rosenfcld.
Mr. and Mrs. J. Rothchild, of Colum
bus, Ga., have returned to their home
lafter spending a few days in the city
Mrs. Beno Goettinger is convalescent
after her recent illness.
Mrs. Harry Schlcsinger is visiting her
daughter, Airs. Martin T. Myers in San
Antonio, Texas.
The engagement of Miss Caroline
Greenfield and Mr. Sam Brown, of
Mobile, Alabama, is announced.
Miss Sophie Spitz has recovered from
a recent tonsil operation.
Mrs. Frank Lowenstcin has returned
from a few months trip abroad.
Airs. Louis Wellhouse and Mrs. Lillian
Jacobs are again at home after spending
some time in Atlantic City.
Air. and Mrs. Aaron Guthman, of
Savannah, Ga., are the guests of Mr. and
Airs. Sig Alontag.
Mr. Adolph Simlafer has returned to
his home in Savannah, Ga., after spend
ing a few days in the city recently.
Mrs. .Max Greenfield and daughter,
Caroline, have returned from a visit in
Mr. and Mrs. Simon Rosenfeld, of
New York City spent a few days in the
city recently.
Miss Polly Law Rich gave a very
lovely birthday party at the Country Club
recently, assembling quite a number of
the younger set.
Air. and Mrs. Gabe Sshoen celebrated
the second birthday anniversary of their
little daughter, Patricea.
Air. and Mrs. Morris Kent, of New,
have returned to their home
Afrs. B. Z. Phillips and Airs. Oscar
Elsas have returned from abroad.
Air. and Airs. Irving Greenspan, of
New York, were recent guests of Mr.
and Airs. Joseph Gershon.
Mrs. Ben Cohen and Airs. Ed Hirsch
are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Harold
Mon tag.
Theodore Alerlin is making an ex
tensive trip through Florida.
The opening affair of the season for
the schedule of the Standard Club was
an informal dance given Saturday
night, October 4th, assembling the
members for a pleasant occasion.
Dancing for the evening began at 9:30
o’clock and continued until 12:30, being
well attended by the members. Other
events to take place during the season
are as follows: Saturday, October
18th, an informal dance; Saturday,
November 1st, a movie ball; Saturday,
November 8th, an informal dance;
Saturday, November 22nd, an informal
dance; Wednesday, November 26th,
opening ball and Thanksgiving dance;
Saturday, December 6th, an informal
dance; Saturday, December 20th, an
informal dance; Thursday, December
25th, a tea-dance; Wednesday, Decem
ber 31st, New Year’s ball. Present
plans are of such a nature that the
1930 \\ inter Season will be the largest
in the history of the Standard Club.
Mrs. Sophie Rosenfcld Mother of Atlanta
Man, Succumbs in .Wew York
Airs. Sophie Rosenfeld, 84 years old,
mother of Alex W. Rosenfeld president
of the Rosenfeld Company, of Atlanta,
died at her home in New York City.
Mrs. Rosenfeld is survived by two other
sons, Simon and Will Rosenfeld, and
four daughters, Mrs. Ruby Blackucll,
Mrs. Maurice Kent and Mrs. Jean Lor
ing, all of New York, and Mrs. Seymour
Samuels, of Nashville.
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