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The Southern Israelite
Page 20
Means Bottled Health
Pure milk—the kind you get
from this dairy—is one of the
best foods you can give your
children. It contains, in easily
digested form, the food elements
needed for building healthy,
strong bodies.
Pedigree Dairies
MAin 3453
New York Baking
The First Week in November
Specializing in
You will now be able to
buy freshly baked high
quality bread and rolls —
baked by one of the most
experienced bakers in this
country. A surprise awaits
you when eating our breads
and rolls. We give prompt
attention to mail orders.
j The new equipment in The
New York Baking Co. plant
is the very latest which will
enable us to bake our wares
three times daily under the
most sanitary conditions.
Our prompt delivery will
give you fresh breads and
rolls through your grocer.
Ask for the A’ere York Bakiiur Co. products.
Fhe Most Modern Jewish Bakery in the South
Southern Notes
(Continued from Page 17)
High Holidays in Eastman, Ga.
With the presence of Rabbi Lazarus
Axelrod, of Atlanta, in Eastman, Ga.,
during the High Holidays, the services,
which for the past seventeen years have
been conducted without the aid of a rabbi,
were the most inspiring that Eastman had
yet experienced. Eastman, which is located
seventy miles south of Macon, is the
centre for all religious activities for the
entire district, covering a.radius of nearly
one hundred miles around. Jews from
various nearby towns, including Fitz
gerald, Dublin, Douglas, Rochelle, and
Tennille have congregated here annually
for the High Holidays for the past
seventeen years. In the absence of a
synagogue, the Masonic hall is tempora
rily transformed into a house of prayer,
boasting of an up-to-date Holy Ark, with
a beautiful silk jarocheth, and a new
Sepher Torah. Mr. Abe Kruger offi
ciated as cantor for the Musaph service,
and Rabbi Axelrod delivered a series of
inspiring and stirring sermons, which re
sulted in the establishment of a Sunday
school, a Hebrew school, and young
men's Bible class. On the first day of
Rosh Hashana, Rabbi Axelrod spoke on
“The purpose of life, and the theatre and
the synagogue”. At 4 :30 p.m., a special
children service was conducted, when
Rabbi Axelrod spoke to the children in
the presence of the grown ups on “Jewish
child life in the small cities”. The sub
ject of the Rabbi’s sermon for the sec
ond day of Rosh Hashana was “The
language of the Jew”. To satisfy the
wishes of the community, the Rabbi
again conducted a children’s service at
4:30 p.m., selecting as his text “Influences
of motion pictures on the Jewish child".
At the end of the service, the Rabbi em
phasized the need of affiliation and
union, laying stress on the dangers of
assimilation, especially in the very small
towns where less than a quorum of Jews
are to be found.
Before the Kol Nidre service on the
Day of Atonement, the Rabbi deviated
from the prevalent practice of commenc
ing adult services following the sermon,
and held a short children’s service lasting
about fifteen minutes, which greatly in
spired the grown ups. The text of the
Kol Nidre service was, “The greatest
Holiday of the Jew”. The following
morning the Rabbi delivered a stirring
lecture before “Yizkor”, and spoke
warmly on “Soul sickness and its
remedy”. Before the Neilah or conclud
ing service, a final children’s service was
held, in which several children delivered
short speeches preceding the Rabbi’s ser
mon which dealt with “The heriosm of
the Jew”.
Plans are now being made to build a
synagogue in Eastman, at a cost of be
tween ten and fifteen thousand dollars,
and it is to be hoped that the services
next year will be conducted in a real
tive of Marietta, he has been c.
with banking affairs for many y
served for several years for the
National Bank of Atlanta, and • „ tl(
came Vice-President of the (j
Southern National Bank when t j ns tj
tution absorbed the Third National Bai
He was Treasurer of the Fedvr,
Bank and the Federal Intermedia?- („>«!,j I
Bank, of Columbia, S. C., and in -re r<
cently was Vice-President of the ( nj 2tt ^
Bank of Gainesville, Ga. c
The City Savings Bank was established
in 1919. This institution, of wine
Cohen now becomes the executive head
has developed steadily and is one -
important banking institutions of Atlanta
adding new departments to afb.r
proved service to its patrons, now offer
ing a complete and well-organized hank
ing service. The new directors are Mr
Cohen, Dr. Floyd McRae, well knovu
Atlanta surgeon; Trammell Scott, presi
dent of Trammell Scott & Company
sporting goods house, and C. II. Becker. I
vice-president of the Goldsmith Becker
Company, automobile dealers. In addi
tion to these newly elected directors, the I
board also includes Henry B. Tompkinv I
president of the Robinson-Humphrev I
Company; A. B. Chapman, vice-president I
of the Lipscomb, Weyman, Chapman
Company; S. N. Evins, of the legal firm
of Jones, Evins, Powers & Jones; Rather
ford Lipscomb, president of the Lips
comb, Weyman, Chapman Company, vice
president of the bank, and J. T. Wallace. |
vice-president of the City Bank & Trust
Company. A special invitation has been
extended to the Jewish people of Atlanta I
and the South to visit this progressive I
banking institution where a cordial wel
come will always be sincere.
Mr. Weyman, Vice-President and Di
rector in the newly formed banking hous
will be on hand at all times to greet and
welcome his vast number of Jewish
friends and admirers.
Kansas City, Mo—The former sum
mer White House of ex-Presiden?
Coolidge in the Adirondacks, White
Pine Camp, is to be purchased fron
its owners, Mr. and Mrs. Iwrin Kirk
wood. by Mr. and Mrs. Edgar B. Stern
of New Orleans, it is learned here. The
purchase price of $115,000 is to go to
the Laura Nelson Kirkwood trust, j
which is being used for an art gallery
Mrs. Stern is a daughter of Julim
Rosenwald, Chicago philanthropist.
Paris.—A monument to Maurice Bo-
kanovski. former French Aviation Min
ister. who was killed in an airplane
accident two years ago, has been un
veiled at Tulle.
modern synagogue and on a more spiritual
Henry S. Cohen Heads New Bank
News of interest to the Jewish people
of‘Atlanta and the entire South is the
election of Henry' S. Cohen to the presi
dency' of thenewly organized City Bank
& Trust Company, formerly the City
Savings Bank & Trust Company. Mr.
Cohen was likewise elected to the Board
of Directors. This bank which has ex
panded to such an extent recently that
new quarters are being leased in the No.
10 North Pryor Street Building, is un
doubtedly becoming one of the most out
standing banking institutions in the South.
The usual courtesies that are to be ex
pected from the best banks are to be
found at the newly organized bank, and
the welcome that greets customers enter
ing the bank is sincerely extended.
The election of Mr. Cohen as head of
this institution will be of especially wide
interest throughout this territory. A na
OF AUGUST 24, 1912.
f The Southern Israelite, published month
Atlanta. Ga.. for April 1st, 19.10.
ate of Georgia,
ninty of Fulton, ss. . , ( .he
Before me. a Notary Public, m " rf ,i
ate and county aforesaid, personallj *
. Stephen Schiffer, who. having 1 V,,
torn according to law, deposes am a , .
> is the publisher and owner ot.tle . best
raelite, and that the following is. ' _
his knowledge and belief, a tru > | aj | v
the ownership, management (ami » t
iper, the circulation), etc., of tn vt .
iblication for the date shown in •
ption, required by the Act of Aug -
nbodied in section 44.1. Postal I-a» . .
ations, printed on the reverse o
:. W That the names and addresses of t!
hers and other security holders
lding 1 per cent or more of total an
nds. mortgages, or other securities
’. That the owner is: TheSou^"};,
per Enterprises, Inc., M- btep
es.. Atlanta, Ga. .
?. That the known bondholders, m
blishers, editor, managing
ss managers are: Name :
ephen Schiffer: Post office addre>*.
., X. W., Atlanta, Ga.