The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, December 01, 1930, Image 47

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The Southern Israelite Hygrade Roof Co, fkaxk wilby 908 Pulliam, S.W. MAIN 4546 Chanukah Greetings r. M BERRY & CO. OFFICE SUPPLIES Stencils Our Specialty Rhodes Building Walnut 3377 REMOVAL notice Cotton States Electric Co. Now At 202 WHITEHALL, S.W. Wa. 6765 Art Plumbing Shop Repair Work Our Specialty 481 Peters St., S.W. We. 9231 w. J. ELDREDGE, Prop. Harper Hat Manufacturing Co. 1371 PRYOR ST., S.W. WALNUT 2388 Atlanta School of Oratory and Expression UR. J. F. WATSON U! 'I.EY MEMORIAL BLDG. Jackson 0178 litors Mercantile & adjustment Agency W I- HARTRAMPF, Mgr. G ° U Building Walnut 2055 ANENT JEWISH DESCENT OF THE HAPSBURGS (Continued from page 10) from then on adhered to the family), became ruler over the island in the Tiber River which was situated near the castle, and was commandant of the papal fortress, the Engelsburg. In the following period, which was of a trou blous nature, this scion of Jewish de scent was now the protector of Pope Urban II. He received the proud title of “Consul of the Romans’’. Pierleoni died on June 2, 1128. His son Petrus, under Pope Calixtus, became cardinal priest (Kardinalpriester) of Saint Ma ria in Treviso, the native city of his Jewish ancestors. He became a friend of King Roger of Sicily. In the year 1130, when the papal seat became va cant, those cardinals who were hostile to the emperor elected Pierleoni pope. When Petrus Pierleoni, the grandson of a Jew, assumed the papal office, he was given the name Anacletus II. The opposition faction chose as rival pope Cardinal Gregory of St. Angelo, a friend of the emperor, under the name of Innocent II. In 1138 Anacletus Pier leoni died. Innocent then became rec onciled with the Pierleoni family, the members of which once more became the highest dignitaries of the papal court.’’ This is the history of the Jewish family which is connected with the Hapsburgs. Ferdinand Gregorovius, in his “Geschichte der Stadt Rom” (His tory of the City of Rome), writes as follows: “St. Paul was the burial place of Pierleoni, the inscription on whose coffin praises him as a ‘man without equal and incomparable because of his wealth and his children’. His descend ants were numerous, and their good fortune was so fabulous that one of His sons became pope, another the* head of the Romans, while a daughter be came the wife of King Roger of Sicily. Later the story was told that both the Frangipani and the Pierleoni were de scendants of the Amicians, and it was related that two brothers of a certain Pierleoni Massimo, the so-called counts of Aventine, migrated to Germany, where they founded the House of Hapsburg. Even the emperors of Aus tria felt honored at being relatives of the Pierleoni, until they discovered that in this event they would have to look for their ancestors in the Ghetto.” In contrast to this, Jewish tradition has it that Anacletus II was the son of Rabbi Simon Hagodol, of Mainz. Fie is chronicled to have recorded this curious tragedy in a work entitled “Elchanan beni”. Naturally enough, President Masa- ryk’s startling declaration has precipi tated a whole series of controversies. On the other hand, a socialist histo rian in Vienna recently made the as sertion that Dame Paloma, the most beautiful Jewess of Toledo in the days of Hapsburg rule in Spain, be.ause the wife of one of the Archdukes of that family. He avers that out of this wedlock was born Ferdinand of Ara gon, King of Spain. Moreover, it is claimed that from the same union stemmed the Catholic King Ferdinand who drove the Jews from Spam. Ham Paloma, who was the daughter o Abraham, Rabbi of Segob.a, is the early matriarch of the Hapsburgs. Page 47