The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, December 01, 1930, Image 56

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Page 56 The Southern Israelite On The Ocean Front The Breakers ATLANTIC CITY, N. J. Extraordinary reduction in rates Effective Now to Dec. 23d AS LOW AS Without Meals With Meals $2.50 Daily per Person $7.00 Daily per Person 25.00 Up Weekly for 2 85.00 Up Weekly for 2 KIMBALL HOUSE Solicits Your Patronage LARGE, COMFORTABLE ROOMS NEWLY DECORATED TERRACE RESTAURANT Good Food - Low Prices Operated by KIMBALL HOUSE Maury-Cole Co. Manufacturers of CANOVA FOOD PRODUCTS Extends Season's Greetings To Our Many Friends Foreign News Vienna.—Tliree Catholic monks saying kaddish (the prayer for the dead) for a converted Jewish baron today startled a local synagogue congregation out of its customary Sabbath equanimity. The monks entered the synagogue in the mid dle of the service and stayed to the end to say the kaddish. Asked for an expla nation by the elders of the congregation after the service, the monks told the fol lowing story. They explained they had come to say kaddish in accordance with the terms of the will of the late Baron Otto von Tausig. The baron, who was born a Jew, became a convert to Christi anity and then military adjutant to the late Emperor. In this capacity he ac companied the Emperor to the city of Przemysl where the Jews received them with the traditional bread and salt. Among the Jews was a girl with whom the baron fell in love, but the parents of the Jewess refused to give their consent to marriage although the baron agreed to return secretly to Judaism. As a result of this the baron became melancholy and began to lead the life of a recluse. On his deathbed he willed his entire estate to an order of Catholic monks who main tained hospitals and welfare institutions for those unfortunates who had been re jected by society. One of the conditions of his willing the property to the monks was that every year on the anniversary of his death they should visit a synagogue and say kaddish for him. Today was the anniversary of the baro’s death and the monks came to the local synagogue to say the prayer for the dead. Moscow.—Charging that in the 13 years of the Soviet Union’s existence the gov ernment has never considered the Jewish question in its full aspects, l)r. Abraham Bragin, one of the founders of the Rus sian Jewish colonization movement and a leader in the Ozet, today criticized the Central Executive Committee and the Communist Party itself for its failure to place the complicated but urgent Jewish problem on the agenda of any of its congresses. Making himself the spokesman for the non-Communist Jews of Russia, Dr. Bra gin told the All-Union conference of the Ozet, the society for settling Jews on the land, that the government had never offi cially discussed the matter of Jewish self- determination in Jewish territory. He said that when the Jewish Communist leaders speak of the autonomous Jewish region they are apologetic while such a region is an absolute necessity which must be openly demanded. While the government had planned the creation of such a region in Bira Bidjan, Far Eastern Republic, Dr. Bragin in sisted that it must be in Crimea. Crimea, he declared, not only had enough land for more than 200,000 Jews but also had great industrial potentialities for tens of thousands of Jews. The Kertch district of Crimea alone will produce more metal in the next seven years than Belgium and France together, he added. Addressing the Jewish Communist lead ers, he recalled that two years ago they spoke of settling a million Jews in Bira Bidjan but now, he charged, they have reduced that number of 50,000 in three years. “I wonder whether you will ever settle even 50,OtM) there,” he remarked. ‘‘Personally I don’t believe it,” he said. A. Merezhin, leader of the Comzet, the government department for settling the Jews on the land, who followed Dr. Bra gin, devoted a good part of his three-hour address to a discussion of the weak and strong points of the Comzet’s activities and to condemnation of those who de manded the liquidation of the foreign Jewish relief organizations operating in Russia. He said little about Bira Bidjan but stated that the work of the foreign Jew ish relief organizations were very helpful. Merezhin urged that until the completion of the Five-Year Plan the number of Jewish industrial workers should be double that of the Jewish artisans and that during the same period the entire amount of land set aside for Jewish settle ments in Crimea should be settled. Berlin.—Two national German groups pledging to uphold the Republic today opened a vigorous campaign against Adolph Hitler and his brown-shirted Fascists in view of the growing danger of Hitlerite supremacy. Jewish leaders expressed great satisfaction with this news. The two organizations that have opened war on the Nazis with methods similar to those used by the Nazis are the youth organization of the Republic Reichsbanner and the Deutschland-Bund. In every town and village in Germany the youth groups of the Reichsbanner are distributing pamphlets and posters aimed at counteracting the Hitlerite propaganda. Speakers are being sent to every Nazis meeting with a demand for freedom of speech and if this request is not granted these meetings will be broken up. The Reichsbanner groups are also planning street meetings throughout the country. The Deutschland-Bund, including in its membership many prominent people, is planning a monster mass meeting in the Sport Palace at which former National Socialist leaders will reveal the propa ganda methods of the Hitlerites. Warsaw.—National, municipal and Jewish officials headed a large gather ing in the Yiddish Theatre here yesterday that celebrated the jubilee of Sholom Asch, famous novelist and dramatist. The proesidium of the cabinet council, the president of the Warsaw municipality and representatives of the various minis tries were present. Asch’s mother received a great ovation when she greeted the assemblage on be half of her distinguished son. Represen tative of the Polish, Yiddish, and Hebrew authors and journalists, societies as well as delegates from various Yiddish and Zionist educational institutions were present. ATLANTA’S favorite ▼ ^ HOTELS IN THE HEART OF THE Cl Each room has Private Bath, Circulating Water, C e|| mg Fan, Radio and Mirror Do. j l" addition to the usual accommodat |You will enjoy the food in our Dinim- Rooms or Coffee Shops (open 24 hoir flPrices are reasonable, too. flBoth II re Is near Theaters, Department Stores and Fi nancial District. ' e.Affiliated Hotel » ] ! SJTe IMPERIAL 11 Peachtree at Ivy 150 Rooms and Bath For Information or Reservation Address THE MANAGEMENT Chicago’s MORRISON HOTEL Comer Madison and Clark Sts. Closest in the city to offices, theatres, stores and railroad stations 1944 Rooms $2.50 up All outside with bath, running ice water, bed-head lamp and Servidor. A house keeper on each floor. All guests 0 enjoy garage privileges. q 3=======i^ JEWISH CALENDAR 5691 1930-1931 Rosh Hashonah —Tues., o'T 15 Fast of Gedaliah „.Thurs. t - P * Yom Kippur Thurs., Oct t Succoth $£•; g, 1 :« Shemini Azereth ’ Oct 15 Simchas Torah -Wed*-- XT £3 *Rosh Chodesh Chesvan Thurs., 2 i Rosh Chodesh Kislev — -y •> ' jj 1st Day Chanukkah Mom, Dec. - ‘Rosh Chodesh Tebeth- 30 Fast of Tebeth Tues ’ 1931 w T , n 19 Rosh Chodesh Shevat—. ?, on ‘’ Lb 1 Chamisha O’ser B’Shevat—-Mon., teD. *Rosh Chodesh Adar --*-Weds., feu- Fast of Esther ]££, *£’. 3 Rosh Chodesh Nissan T*™”’’ \ 1st Day of Pessach. Thurs Apr. $ 8th Day of Pessach -Thu »■, , jg *Rosh Chodesh Iyar =»"•' 5 Lag B’Omer_ T “ e * ' Jfg 17 Rosh Chodesh Sivan A. . ■ v 2; Shavuoth May 23 NOTE: Holidays begin in1 the evening preceding the dates designated. .j ouS *Rosh Chodesh also observed tbe day. -