The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, December 01, 1930, Image 57

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Page 57 The Southern Israelite chain oil co. anti-knox new pep gasoline high grade motor oil Fair and Connally Sts. 2045 Peachtree Road DeKalb Ave. and Randolph St. Marietta St. and North Ave. 1369 Spring St. 2045 Peachtree Road ART SIGN CO. ST. CLAIRE SALVANT 141 FORSYTH STREET, N.W. Walnut 1912 TAPP AN TIRE COMPANY invites their Jewish friends and custom ers to visit their new and beautiful station at -41 SPRING ST., cor. HARRIS Distributors FISK TIRES AND TUBES tappan tire COMPANY Spring at Harris Wa. 2738 L. Hawks Drug Stores ST PEACHTREE, N.W. Hemlock 0255 ACHTREE ROAD, N.E. Cherokee 3576 Poland Seeks to Ban Czaristic Lawi Warsaw.—The abolition of the ex istent Czarist restrictions against Jews of Poland was proposed by the gov ernment in the Sejm recently. Never theless the Jews are not optimistic as to the outcome because in the previ ous Sejm a bill to void these laws passed a second reading and went no further. Hence the Jewish leaders fear that the same thing will happen again. Meanwhile the Jewish parliamentary club has again placed before the cabi net four proposals that were made to previous governments only to be re peatedly rejected. They are a modi fication of the Sunday law, an exten sion to the Yiddish and Hebrew schools of the rights accorded to the government schools, a cancellation of the taxes due from impoverished tax payers and a reduction in the taxes on the town population, and the ap pointment of a Sejm commission to investigate the obstacles thrown in the way of the Zionist candidates during the last election by raiding Zionist newspaper offices while the organ of the Agudath Israel was permitted to appear. VS Deputy Lewin, the Agudist deputy, denied the allegations of the Jewish parliamentary club that the Agudath bad obstructed the Zionist election campaign and challenged the right of the Zionist deputies to speak on be half of Polish Jewry. He maintained that the majority of the Polish Jews are inclined towards the Agudath Is rael, orthodox organization. Deputy Joshua Thon complained that although the Jews form 10 per cent of the population of Poland and are 40 per cent of the taxpayers, the number of Jews in the civil service is negli gible. Deputy Lewin again took the floor to raise the question of the dis astrous economic position of Polish Jewry and utilized the opportunity for an attack on the Zionist deputies. Meanwhile the chances of the Jewish deputies to make representations in parliament and to influence that body were further reduced by the adoption of a resolution increasing the number of signatures required for an inter pellation from 15 to 30. This means that the Jewish parliamentary club will have to look for 24 signatures outside of its own membership. 20,000,000 Rubles Set Aside by Russia Moscow.—The sum of 20,000,000 ru bles has been set aside by the Soviet government to assist agricultural col onies in 1931, it was announced re cently at the closing session of the All-Union conference of the Ozet, the society for settling the Jews on the land. Among the resolutions adopted was one placing the Jewish settelment work in Crimea on an equal footing with that in Bira Bidjan, Far Eastern Republic, and another encouraging the continued infiltration of Jews into heavy industry. It was pointed out that the Five Year Plan has not hurt the movement to settle the Jews on the land, but has served instead to relieve the eco nomic situation of the Jews in the small towns by furnishing work to thousands. Michael Kalinin, chairman of the Central Executive Committee of the U. S. S. R., was elected honorary president of the Ozet because of his deep interest in the problems of the Jewish people. The sum of 16,400,000 rubles was contributed by the Soviet government in the last four years to help settle Jews on the land under the auspices of the Comzet and the Ozet, according to a report submitted recently to the All-Union conference of the Ozet, the society for settling the Jews on the land, which carries out the plans of the Comzet, the government commis sion for settling Jews on the land. Of this sum 3,500,000 rubles were contributed in 1929 and 7,000,000 rubles in 1930. The report also showed that the Ozet has settled about 23,0(X) Jew ish families on the land, 20,(XX) of them since 1926, when the last Ozet con ference met. In Crimea, Ukrainia, White Russia, Transcaucasia, and oth er districts of European Russia about 600,000 hectares of land were distrib uted to Jews during this period, while 3,800,000 hectares were apportioned in Bira Bidjan, Siberia. In addition, of those Jews whom the Ozet settled through purely agricul tural funds in European Russia more than 25,000 families were established on the soil in the immediate vicinity of their towns. In this manner 13,000 were settled in Ukrainia, 10,000 in White Russia, and 2,000 in other dis tricts. Collectivization among Jewish farmers has reached nearly 70 per cent of the total, the report indicates. -Chanukah Greetings- 50 REEMAN TIRE & BATTERY STATION WILLIAM M. FREEMAN, Manager e orgia Avenue Main 1230 J. B. FALLAIZE COMPANY The Place to Buy Quality Linens in Atlanta 'eachtree Street, N.E. Walnut 7905 Hundreds of Polish Jews in Prance pace Deportation Paris.—Hundreds of Polish Jews now resident in France will be de ported as a result of a disclosure re cently that an international swindlers’ organization has been supplying fake foreign identity cards to aliens desir ing to settle in France. The swindlers operated chiefly among Jews from Po land and Russia, providing their vic tims with cards now shown to have been counterfeit. The Seasons (greetings ELSIE JAY WOMEN’S APPAREL 77 Whitehall, S.W. ALLEN PLUMBING CO. 232 Walton St., N. W. Walnut 0267 JOHNNIE MINSK OPKRATINU THE PE LUX SERVICE STATION STANDARD OIL CO. STATION Number 8 Pryor Street and Georgia Ave. ATLANTA AUTO HOSPITAL C. E. TURNER, Prop. 715 Edgewood, N.E. Jackson 6105 FRENCH LINE BERNE E. TIGHE General Passenger Agent Healey Bldg. MAIN 4000