The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, January 31, 1931, Image 8

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The Southern Israelite Page 9 In The Limelight LOUIS LIPSKY, former president of the Zionist Organization of America, was recently elected president of the New York Zionist region, at a recent meeting held in New York City. The election of Mr. Lipsky as the New York head brings him back to organ ized Zionist work with which he has been intimately connected for a great many years. T REV. DR. LOUIS I. MANN, rabbi of Sinai Congregation in Chicago, in a recent address declared that religion is a way of life, not a creed or form, and a religious education demands the creation of an attitude, aptitude and solicitude, calling for vision, evalua tion, appreciation, and consecration. Dr. Mann is also vice-chancellor of the Jewish Chautauqua Society, before which body the address was delivered. ▼ ARESTIDE BLANK, head of ex tensive banking interests in Bucharest, recently presented a palace to the Roumanian government. The palace, presented in memory of Mauricius Blank, the donor’s father, will be used for the reception of foreign represen tatives. ▼ PROF. ALEXANDER KAUN, head of the department of Slavic literature at the University of California, in an address delivered before the Brooklyn Ethical Culture Society recently, denied that Soviet Russia is exterminating re ligion. “Religion and morals are not being destroyed at all. What is hap pening is that the people are slowly and painfully working out a pattern of life which they can accept more sincerely than the older beliefs”, Prof. Kaun declared. ▼ DR. MOSES GOMBERG, professor of organic chemistry at the University of Michigan, was recently elected to the presidency of the American Chemi cal Society for 1931. Dr. Gomberg. who was born in Russia, received his early education there, and won his Bachelor of Science degree at Michigan. After several years of study abroad he came back to his Alma Mater, with which he has been connected since 1897. T DR. JULIUS FRIEDENWALD, pro fessor of gastro-enterology at the Uni versity of Maryland Medical School, was the recent recipient of the Phi Lambda Kappa medal, bestowed an nually upon the Jewish physician who has contributed most to the science of medicine during the year. Dr. Friedenwald was given the medal in recognition of his position as an inter national authority on intestinal dis eases. RUDOLPH SAMUEL, editor of the Zionist organ “Der Breslauer Judis- chezeitung”, in London, was recently given a professorship and appointed director of the physical institute of the University Aligarh, near Delhi, in British India. Prof. Samuel’s work in the study of atoms has achieved high recognition. ▼ LESSING J. ROSENWALD, vice- president of Sears, Roebuck & Com pany, and president of the Federation of Jewish Charities in Philadelphia, contributed the amount of $50,(MX) towards the Federation campaign. No quota was set for the drive, but it was estimated that close to $1,500,000 was needed in order to meet the minimum requirements of its constitutient agen cies. ▼ JUDGE JULIAN W. MACK of the United States Curcuit Court of Ap peals and past president of the Zion ist Organization of America, at a re cent address in Cincinnati at the Wise Center, declared that “for the first time in 2,(MX) years, the Jews have won their day to a place in the sun. That place will be won or lost—depending on whether or not the Jews themselves respond with their hearts, their minds, and their money for the upbuilding of Palestine”. T LORD READING, former Viceroy of India and one-time Lord Chief Jus tice, was recently named chairman of the board of the Imperial Chemical Industries to succeed Lord Melchett, who died recently. ▼ DAVID A. CROLL, mayor-elect of Windsor, Ontario, recently defeated ef forts to prevent him from taking of fice, based on the ground that Mr. Croll was attorney for a number of property owners who had appealed their assessments. The efforts against the newly elected Jewish mayor, were made by Alderman Clyde W. Curry, a defeated candidate for mayor, who charged that Croll’s position was a violation of the municipal act which states that any person who is counsel for the prosecution of a claim against the city, is ineligible for city office. ▼ HERMAN RADNER, president of the Walkerville Brewery, of Walker- ville, Ontario, recently secured the per mission of Sir Henry Drayton, chair man of the liquor control board of Ontario, to convert a section of the brewery into a luncheon room from which will be served more than 1,000 people daily. Mr. Radner will personal ly finance the project as an aid to the unemployed. A SAVINGS PLAN ESPECIALLY DESIGNED TO KEEP MONEY WORKING EVERY DAY AT . .. Resources over $1,500,000.00 66 Pryor Street, N.E. Walnut 5283 More Southern Mothers buy Merita than any other Bread Southern MOTHERS know good bread. By the hundreds of thousands they have flocked to Merita because after comparing taste, food value and fineness of texture, they have found Merita to be just the bread they wanted to give their families. Merita is made of the finest ingredients, scientifically measured, mixed and baked by master craftsmen. Merita is made with milk, which not only gives it a richer flavor but makes it a better, healthier food for children and grown-ups alike. And it stays fresh longer. Remember that more Southern mothers buy Merita than any other bread. Such overwhelming preference for Merita can be accounted for in only one way—it must be better. If you have not realized that there actually is a better bread, get Merita at your grocers today and find out the difference for yourself. 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