The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 10, 1931, Image 23

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The Southern Israelite Page £3' HIBERNIA SECURITIES COMPANY INC. HIBERNIA BANK BLDG. NEW ORLEANS New York, Chicago, Los Angeles, Dallas, Houston, St. Louis ATLANTA ATLANTA TRUST CO. BLDG. PHONE WA. 2350 Investment Securities Commercial Paper Bankers Acceptances Short Term Notes House to House Advertising Crumbley Distributing Service 121 Edgewood Avenue ATLANTA DAYTON SCALE CO. Automatic and Computing Scales — Parcel Post and Hardicare Scales — Repair and Refimshmg All Makes of Scales W. C. LINGENFELTER Manager Ivy St., N.E. VVAlnut 1116 Certified Milk FROM Holstein Cows, for Babies -§- • RADE "A” RAW MILK FOR FAMILY USE W. F. COX -ertified Dairy Farm Telephone RAmond 3105 governance of the whole of life as in the Jewish tradition". Which again is an error of fact . I advise Mr. Hur- witz, painful though it be, to study the authoritative sources of Reform theory, and he will discover that the Reformers stress, over and over, that religion is not one, but the Supreme Interest of Jewish life. He will find closer approx imation to his version of Christianity (which, by the way, all Christian theo logians will deny) in a certain Jewish nationalists theory which asserts that Judaism is a civilization, of which re ligion is but one phase. But the most lamentable error into which Mr. Hurwitz has fallen in his zeal to prove that the Reform theory is assimilation to Christian doctrine, is his statement that "the earliest Chris tians . . . made charity their central ideal in this life . . . nineteen centuries later, equally rejecting the Rabbinic Judaism of their own time, the Reform Jews have made charity the main in terest ... of their life as Jews." Mr. Hurwitz is guilty of two grave mis takes, one philological, and the other historical. When the New Testament, in its English translation, speaks of charity, it means not charity in our sense, but love, for the original Greek has agape, meaning love. To Jews, Reform or otherwise, charity is "zeda- kah”, meaning, as Mr. Hurwitz knows, righteousness or justice, implying tin- duty to care for the needy. The his torical error is due to Mr. Hurwitz’s leaning too heavily on Christian sources and opinions. Were he to con sult Jewish sources, he would discover that "zedakah” is an oi * Jewish con cept and practice, with its roots in the Bible, and its trunk, branches and fruits in all subsequent literature and times. So that if it be true that the Reform Jews main Jewish interest is the prac tice of charity, it is at least a Jewish interest. To sum up. Reform and Reformers need criticism, and I for one welcome heartily vigorous critiques like that of Mr. Hurwitz. Unfortunately for Re form, the real defects have infrequent ly been touched on. What these are may be considered later, but one def inite difficulty may be stated here: Reform is not sufficiently Reform. Warsaw.—Officers of about 400 Jew ish communities in Poland will be chos en at elections that have been set for the end of May, it has been announced. Simon S. Selig Honored The Board of Directors of the Stand ard Club honored its president, Mr. Simon S. Selig, with a dinner to all of its members on April 6th. The successful functioning of the Standard Club, and its enthusiasm that has been maintained both from a finan cial and social point of view, has been due to the efforts expended by Mr. I'hoto by Elliott's Peachtree Studio Simon S. Scli</ Simon Selig and its Board’s constant attention. Aside from the exactions made ti|>on Mr. Sclig’s time in his business, The Selig Company, he has given a great deal of his time and interest in the activities of the Jewish populace of Atlanta and the South. Along with his active affiliations with Jewish activities, Mr. Selig is a direc tor of the Fulton National Bank, a director of the Georgia Military Acad emy in College Park, a member of the Kiwanis Club, a Mason and a Shrincr.- 1 r Berlin.—The honorary degree of doc tor of engineering was bestowed upon Bernard Behrend, of Wellesley Hills, Mass., by the Darmstadt Institute of Technology, in recognition of Behrend’s distinction in engineering. Ill's work in developing induction machines merited special mention. WM. H. JAMES & CO. MEMBERS American Institute of Accountants Georgia Society of C. P. A.’s 1610 Candler Bldg. Phone WAlnut 3629 Dargan, Venable & Whitington, Inc. Insurance --- Bonds Loans GROUND FLOOR HURT BUILDING Phone: Walnut 1971-1972 Atlanta, Ga. □ Hart Schaffner & Marx ),,, SUITS OF ‘ GORDIAM WORSTED • . > 4 p if' H6 ; : -: Last year the na- v . tion’s $50 suit; this year better than ever' at $46. * • ■ t * You save $4 on the price; more than $4 in added value—more than $8 total saving. , '*■ #* ZACHRY f\ / 1 T 5 v ; 114 Peachtree . Arcane J. J. BOOKOUT Jeweler - I Everything in the Jewelry Line SILVERWARE •Ansley Hotel W.G.S.T j GEORGIA TECH STATION ATLANTA, GA. LsTLr jfc MEMBERS OF Columbia Broadcastin r rcAJT/ System