The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 10, 1931, Image 26

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Page 26 The Southern Israelite J. R. Willims, Pit s. W. A. Williams, Vice-Pres. H. R. Williams, Sec.-Treas. WILLIAMS BROS. LUMBER COMPANY, INC. Lumber, Building Materials, and Coal 934 GLENWOOD AVE., S. E. Telephone JAckson 1032-1033 ATLANTA, GA. I. T. DAVIS, DAIRIES KOSHER MILK, APPROVED BY ATLANTA RABBIS BROWN MILL RD. PHONE WA. 9462 II. Z. HOPKINS Adjusters of Fire Losses for the Assured H. Z. HOPKINS 0 COMPANY TRUST COMPANY OF GEORGIA BUILDING C. D. MARTIN, JR. J. B. TUGGLES HENDRICKS ELECTRIC COMPANY Electrical Contractors and Dealers Quality—Service 114 Tenth St., N.E. Telephone HE 7109 Griffin Construction Co, Building Contractors 452 SPRING ST., N.W. JAckson 2865 CARROLL GRIFFIN DOBBS TIRE COMPANY SERVICE STATIONS ALL OVER ATLANTA EFFICIENT AND COURTEOUS SERVICE C. C. MASON, JR., President Main Office 222 Spring St. N. W. WA. Dr. L. J. Kepp — 420 EDGEWOOD AVE., N.E. EDGEWOOD DOG & CAT HOSPITAL General Battery Service Company vy St., S.E. —Night and Sunday Road Service— Recharge and repair all makes of batteries Night and Sunday Road Service ANDERSON-CLAYTON & CO Cotton FORSYTH BUILDING—WAlnut 3137 J. MYRICK CRAWFORD Dr. Chas. C. Rife JAckson 0978 WA 9784 The Jewish Mother MRS. SIIOLEM ALEICHEM A portrait of the wife of the late supreme Jewish humorist, painted by her son, Norman Raeben, and acclaimed by critics a masterpiece comparable to Whistler’s famous painting of his mother. Fortner Boxing Champion Faces Starvation New York, N. Y—In 1923 Georgie Vanderbilt could look forward to a lu crative career in the boxing world since he had just won the bantam- wight crown of the United States. But that same year he made a promise tc his mother, on her deathbed, that he would give up the fight game. Ever since his luck has been going from bac to worse. Now Georgie Vanderbilt, or George Nadien (his real name), is facing star vation, with his wife and two children As the result of the newspaper publi cation of his story his two children have been taken over by a philanthropic or ganization, which promises to develop their talent as violinists. Nadien, whe is now 32, had conquered such boxinp celebrities as Tom McMann, Jir O’Brien, Kid Boyle and Jimmy Wilde He is the son of a rabbi, and, aftei leaving boxing, began to teach music But when the depression began his pu pils left him. Now it’s either starvation or suicide to leave his family a $50,(XX insurance policy. Would Form Youth Group as Straus Memorial New York, N. Y.—The organization of a new Jewish youth organization te honor the memory of the late Nathan Straus, hv perpetuating his ideals, was suggested at memorial exercises at the Washington Heights Y. M. H. A., in which U. S. Attorney George Medalie and Dr. John H. Finley participated. The suggetsion of a new youth group was made by David C. Lewis, who felt that "a living monument, not a mere inscription was what Straus’ memory deserves. Leshcr, Democratic Leader, is Dead Beacon, N. Y.—Samuel W. Lesher, former Democratic chairman of Duch ess County and a supervisor of East Fishkill, died here at the age of 53. To Remind You That - Campbell Coal Com pan handles not only the higl est grade of coal and cok —but— Handsome Electric Lighting Fixtures, Builders’ Hardware of Modern Type. Prac tically Everything that Goes into Build ing a home. Ja. 5000 240 Marietta St. Southern Dairies /„«, ICE CREAM R. C. HARTLEY, Mgr. ATLANTA, GA. 25 Years of Better Values Picot Top Full Fashioned Silk Hosiery $1.00 Pair 25c, 50c, and $1.00 Department Sto ^