The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 10, 1931, Image 28

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Page 28 Thp Somthfrn Israelite CUNARD’S O BIG J offer you every travel luxury, comfort, service and speed one could wish for in a trans-Atlantic liner. Whether you choose the queenly Aquitania, the palatial Berengaria or the fleet Mauretania, you’ll be delighted and thrilled. For rates, sailing dates and full information write or see the Local Agent or CUNARD ATLANTA, GA. 44 Walton St. WA 0179 Walter W. Price William S. Gilbert Grrabl M. Livingston K. M. Barker John H. Finncrty T. Frank Mackessy John L. Clark Peter H. Troy Carrol B. Half Walter Hopkins Martin C. Lee LIVINGSTON &C0. Ill BROADWAY NEW YORK New York Stock Exchangi New York Cotton Exchang And Leading Exchanges ATLANTA HR ASCII WALTER HOPKINS Resident Partner GROUND FLOOR HHALY BLDC PHONE WA-5504 WHITEHALL MARKET CHARLES MADDUX 85 Broad St. S. W. WA. 8658 3 SERVICES Land, Air, and Steamship Tickets on All Lines HOXSEY TRAVEL SERVICE 91 Forsyth Street. N.W. (Piedmont Hotel Bldg.) Jackson 0791 Atlanta, Ga. hundred and fifty thousand dollars a year as a Hcarst editor. This exclu sive of whathcr eceives far his col umn “To-Day,” which must net him an enormous income, as it appears in almost two hundred papers. Journal ism, like every other profession, holds rich rewards for those who can reach the top. It is interesting to note that while the “Herald-Tribune” is a con servative paper it intends giving Mr. Lippman the opportunity to express himself as he pleases . . . which by the way, is the only condition under which he would ever consider accept ing a contract. I thiught the German-Polish-Rus sian - Roumanian - Hungarian Jewish efud had died some time back, but I guess I was mistaken. It has been re vived apparently by Max J. Kohler’s attempt to debunk some of the Haym Solomon stories of aid to American in time of the Revolution. The readers o thfis column are possibly aware that a nation-wide drive is under way by the Polish Jews in this country to gather funds to erect a monument to Haym Salomon, one of the saviours of the American Revolution. From time immortal efforts have also been made to have Congress appropriate monies to reimburse some of the descendants of Salomon for loans alleged to have been made to the Colonists in their struggle against England; loans said to have been made without interest. All through the years, at least during the period with which I have been asso ciated with Jewish journalism, I have never heard the slightest whisper ex pressing doubt of the value of Salo mon’s services during the trying period o tfhc Revolution. It is always heartening to sec the younger generation in Israel carry ing on the work of their fathers. We will lay aside for the moment all dis cussions of the merits or demerits of Zionism. Just now we are interested in expressing our appreciation as one of a large group of journalistic spokes men for American Jewry of the fine spirit displayed by James Marshall, son of the late Louis Marshall, and Nathan Straus*. Jr., son of the late Nathan Straus, in taking their fathers’ places in carrying on the work of Zion ism. Not that we are particularly in terested in that cause, but because it is gratifying to see such an interest dis played in a serious Jewish problem. We are always worrying who will carry one when the elders of the House of the Israel pass on; we find the an swer in such sons as James Marshall and Nathan Straus, Jr. These busy men of affairs are able to find time to consider the welfare of their fellow- Jews. Louis Marshall and Nathan Straus were great Jews and in con tinuing the work they did. their sons are honoring the memory of their fathers. I do not believe that Jews should join Young Men’s Christian Associa tions. The very name itself should make a Jew hesitate before desiring to story told by the authors of the book, join. So I see no special point in the "Christians Only,” who tell of a Jew and a non-Jew applying for member ship in order to play handball; the for mer being held up, while the latter was accepted immediately. It is also said that the Y. M. C. A. conducted a questionnaire among its members on matters of policy and in many cases the answers were that Jews should be limited; and we are told that the gen eral policy o thfe New York Y. M. C. A. is to hold the Jewish quota down to five per cent. But, why, in the name of common sense, should five per cent or one per cent want to join? After all, the purpose of that organization is to promote a Christian life among its members. The general activities are secondary and are only feeders, so to speak, for their religious program. There might be an extenuating cir cumstance in a small community where no athletic facilities were available outside the Y. M. C. A. that a Jewish boy in order to develop himself physi cally could without compromising his conscience take advantage of those ac tivities. But generally speaking, there should be no reason for Young Men’s Christian Association to establish a Jewish quota. That’s almost as hu morous as the well-known and oft-told story of a fashionable Episcopal Church in New York which was obliged to restrict the number of its Jewish mem bers, fearing that eventually the Protestants might be outnumbered! I note where Zionist Revisionists tried to prevent Dr. Magnes from speaking before a certain organiza tion. I get pretty much out of pati ence with our Jews who fill the air with their protests when free speech is denied THEM, but who are quick to throttle others when they have some thing to say, which does not meet their views. Once I spoke before a group of radicals in Pittsburgh and they al most threw me out of the window and refused to allow me to proceed because my ideas were not their’s Think of it! Radicals and laborites and socialists, the fellows who demand that they be permitted to hold meetings on street corners of need be in the INTEREST OF FREE SPEECH. Three cheers! \ et they are the most intolerant fan atics when it comes to permitting the SAME RIGHT to someone else. So it is in the case of Magnes. I wonder what Reform Jewish congregations whose pulpit and Board are anti- Zionists, will permit Dr. Magnes to speak before them? I always feel sorry for persons who are afraid to hear the other side. It shows that their prejudices are stronger than their rea sons. Magnes Guest of Penn Provost Philadelphia. Pa.—Duirng his visit here to address the annual meeting of the Jewish Publication Society, Dr. Judah L. Magnes was the guest at a reception tendeered him by Dr. Josiah H. Penniman, Provost of the University of Pennsyvlania. Agnes Scott College J. R. McCAIN, President DECATUR, GA. CAPITAL ELECTRIC COMPANY announces the removal to their New Location 393 Peachtree Street Phone Wa. 8975 F. S. McGaughey President chop ey ATEA K-best in torni LUNCH American or Oriental 50^ Try Our Special Chicken Noodle Soup Wisteria Garden Next to Winccoff Hotel 172J PEACHTREE ST. ENDICOTT JOHNSON CORP. Better Shoes For Everybody ATLANTA OFFICE Peachtree Arcade Phone WA. 4926