The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 10, 1931, Image 29

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Page 29 The Southern Israelite The Jew Gets ^4 Ten-to-One Chance Anti-Semitism As Seen by Two Christian Journalists By MARTHA NEUMARK Hey wood's views on anti-Semitism in America are well-known. He has expressed them in vari ous articles and just now. in collaboration with George Britt, has published a book, “Christians Only", which contains his investigations and views on the subject. Miss Neumark, well- known writer on Jewish topics, condenses and interprets in this article the content of the book. —The Editor SINGER SEWING MACHINE CO. 205 Peachtree, N.E. 833 Gordon, S.W. 1008 Peachtree, N.E. ATLANTA. GA. ♦ ♦ LIFE & CASUALTY INSURANCE CO. of TENNESSEE NORMAN A. HUNTER, District Manager HURT BLDG. WA 4356 THOS. F. SEITZINGER’S SONS -§- Buxcrs of SCRAP IRON W METALS -§- Office and Works: 900 Ashby St. I'hones: HEmlock 4013-4014 872 N. Ashby Street, Atlanta, Ga. SUTTON'S Superior Shoe Repairing ana Hat Cleaning Service m S. J. BLTHUNE, Mgr. u 11 Edge wood Avenue, S.E. JAckson 4268 C. P. Pyron E. B. Pyron Walnut Transfer & Storage Co. ■ For Dependable Service . . Phone ■ Walnut 1616 188 Alabama St., S. W. CAPITAL CITY MACHINE SHOP ■ ■ M. S. MIX J. A. PAYNE A. E. PLEDGER 137 Forsyth St., S.W.-WA. 7739 ATLANTA. GA. Ho bus a ten-to-one chance. The one referred to is not a racetrack leftover or a patient felled by penumonia. It is the Jew in America. In the land whose Eastern entrance is presided over by the Statue of Liberty and whose national anthem speaks of the ‘ land of the free” the odds against the Jew are so overwhelming that it is not the Jew who is complaining to day, but even disinterested Christian observers, whose sense of sportsman ship is outraged by a ten-to-one handi cap. Heywood Broun, who gave his first interview on the Jews to Joseph Brain- in, of the Seven Arts Feature Syndi cate, last year, lias written, in collab oration with George Britt, a fellow journalist, a forth right study of anti- Semitism, which he has caustically labeled "Christians Only.’' He has ex posed the cancerous growth of the an- ti-Jewish virus, which has already reached proportions that make stories of Jew-baiting in European countries seem like mere good-natured practical jokes. No Jew would have dared to face the issue in as courageous and ruthless a fashion as have these two Christians. In the college there is a quota re striction that makes the numerous clauses of Hungary seem generous. In commerce and industry the Jew is be ing crushed to the wall. In the pro fessions of medicine, engineering, chemistry and related fields, the Jew who wastes the prime of his youth in preparation for his vocation finds that he has been chasing a mirage. The picture that Heywood Broun and George Britt have presented is a ghastly caricature of opportunity and equality, of tolerance and good will. But there are two sides to this pic ture. On the one hand there are those non Jews to whom discrimination is natural, either because of prejudice or alleged economic necessity. On the other hand, however, are the Jewish captains of commerce and industry, who out-Christian their Christian neighbors, who make huge profits out of their business so that they may give alms to those thousands who are kept unemployed by their co-religion ists because they are “too Jewish." The economic depression has carried anti Seine!ism beyond the stage of a laboratory subject. It is a dominating force in the lives of millions of Ameri can Jews who, not so many years ago, were horrified by the news of pogroms in Kishineff and later in the Ukraine, it is a force which catches in its maw first-generation immigrants and fourth-generation Jews as well. The Mendelian law, which may produce a long-nosed son from a snub-nosed, blonde Jewish mother, is as powerful a factor in keeping a Jew out of work as an uncouth foreign accent. There is only one power that comes to the aid of the hapless Jew to give him his ten-to-one opportunity, it is the great god Chance. The chance that ho or she may not have a Jewish name. The chance that he or she may not have Jewish features. The chance that he or she may have been so desperate as to register in the blank inquiring about religion: Lutheran, Episcopalian, Ca ter chance is slimmer than ever, for tholic or Methodist. But even the lat- suspicious employers now require the address and telephone number of your pastor, who is to certify whether or not you are a regular worshiper. The sieve works fine for the Jew. While great national organizations attempt to gather large sums for dis tressed Jews overseas there is being evolved in the United States a prob- ATLANTA COTTON OIL COMPANY T. S. KENAN. Pres. 94 MILTON AVE., S.E. Atlanta, Ga. MILAM COMPANY GUY L. WENTWORTH Manager AUTO BODY and FENDER REPAIRING 17 Piedmont Ave. N. E. . . WA 8970 I WESTBROOK CONSERVATORY "Every Pupil a Player’* 160 Peachtree—WAlnut 6064 Opposite Paramount Theatre Ifazoaiian Steel Guitar Guitar—(Regular) Tenor-Banjo Tenor-Guitar Mandolin Ukulele M. D. SMITH TENT & AWNING CO. Well Chosen AWNINGS Tailored to Fit Perfectly Beauty — Economy — Comfort 136J Marietta St., N.W. Jackson 3867 CLANTON & WEBB CO. 7L A Division of American Seating Co. -§- 209 Pryor St., S.W. ATLANTA, GA. ♦ ♦ Sam E. Finley —Durable Driveways— Asphalt or Concrete For Estimates Call 292 North Ave., N.W.— HE 6800