The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, April 10, 1931, Image 59

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Ben Key Tire Co. ONE STOP SERVICE STATION res, Accessories, Gas and Oil Lubricating, Washing and Greasing 7 11th St. Phone 1234 COLUMBUS, GA. White Bros. Service \ 1 NNl-TH AND THOMAS WHITE Gas, Oil. Vulcanizing and Road Service 301 2nd Ave. Phone 3022 COLUMBUS, GA. Cabinet and Repair Company T. J. FOR MY, Prop. I' pholstering and Refinishing on All Kinds of Furniture >5 So. R. R. Phone 643 PHENIX CITY ♦ ♦ R. WILEY SMITH -§- Heating, Ventilating and Electrical Equipment -§- '"->1 13th St. Phone 4547 COLUMBUS, GA. Kyle’s Drive In Station 15th Street Phone 2200 COLUMBUS, GA. L. D. Herndon Co. Heating—Ventilating Sheet Metal Contractor and overall Steel Window Screens 729 Hamilton Road Phone 2877 COLUMBUS, GA. INGERSOLL BROS. dray line / ransferring of All Kinds -rawford Road Phone 1942 phenix city, ala. The Southern Israelite The Man fFho Something About Morris Rothenberg— Lawyer, Leader, Diplomat By PHINEAS J. BIRON The Roving Reporter l he Roving Reporter gives an intimate portrait of Morris Rothenberg, one of American Jewry's bcst- known and least publicized leaders.—THE EDITOR. 1 hesc are days of high-pressure press agentry, when fame and notoriety travel as close companions. Often the two look very much alike—if only for a day. Press agents have long given up differentiating between them. When one has to crash the editorial sanctum and catch the eye of the keary editor, one is frequently compelled to sacrifice white for yellow. Anything that pro duces clippings is called publicity—good publicity. And so we sympathize with the press agent, lie does have a hard, unthankful job. Those he makes famous very quickly take for granted the glory produced by the resourceful ness of the publicity man, who is the first victim of his own art of ballyhoo. But that is another story. What does happen is that in this whirlwind of rushing and scrambling for public spot light many who deserve public appre ciation arc doomed to an anonymous existence. They must content them selves with a hack scat and leave the stage to those who biographies are made and broadcast by publicity artists. This contemplative mood came to us when, the other day, we met Morris Rothenbcry, distinguished lawyer, Zion ist leader and Jewish diplomat. It oc curred to us that Rothenberg is an anomaly in these United States of ours. He has devoted more than a quarter of a century to Palestinizing American Jewry, clinging obscinatcly to the back ground. Yet his name is one of the best-known in American Jewish life. It does not bear the trademark of ‘‘made by publicity.” His name has became synonymous with the effort of Ameri can Jewry to help in the rebuilding of the Jewish National Homeland. oOe Rulnh o iood shrdlu cmfwyp eta Wc ponder over Morris Rothenbcrg’s personality. He is a charming fellow who, in another few years, will be fifty —although he does not seem to age. He always had the inborn gift of dis Henry E. Trost, C. P. A., GA. RESIDENT MEMBER TROST & TROST Accountants Phone 1117 503 Swift-Kyle Bldg. COLUMBUS, GA. tinction, even when a law student. His legal training has given him a cool, detached judicious attitude toward things and men. Were we not afraid of being accused of delivering a nomi nation speech wc would say that Morris Rothenberg is a born judge. He has the mentality of the observer who can r MORRIS ROTHENBERG detach himself from petty personal considerations and prejudices. His is a tolerance that never lets him forget thhe other side of the medal and the frailty of human character. He is one of the few public figures on the American Jewish scene who can weigh dispassionately the pro and con of a problem and render judgment on the basis of the intrinsic merit of the sub ject. Some of his friends charge him with a lack of personal ambition and label him as super-cautious. But those who know him well write dow r n his madesty and freedom from personal interest to his idealism. That is the word we have been looking for—ideal ism. Rothenberg is one of the few re maining idealists in this era of material ism. That is why we are adding him to the gallery of portraits done by your roving reporter. Morris Rothenberg has dared to defy the esonomic crisis that is throwing its ugly shadow over Jewish communal life. This may sound like the glaring head line of a front page story, but it is nevertheless a sober statement of fact. (Continued on Next Page) Foremost Dairy Products W. F. RICKETTS, Mgr. 308 17th St. Phone 771 COLUMBUS, GA. Lady Jane Shops and Beauty Parlor Gussie M. Renfroe, Mgr. 2 12th St. Phone 2800 COLUMBUS, GA. SHACKELFORD’S DRUG STORE 10th St. Phone 175 9th Street Blue Diamond Coal Pilgrim Ice Saver Refrigerators COLUMBUS, GA. EMPIRE ICE COMPANY Phone 3201 McCOLLISTER COAL COMPANY COAL AND WOOD R. C. Raiford, Mgr. Phone 829 The Goodwear Tire Company SEIBERLING TIRES Vulcanizing and Accessories Road Service COLUMBUS, GA. Phone 4180 1219 Broadway Phone 377 COI.UMBUS, GA. Made and Hung Largest Assortment of New Materials Du Pont Perry DRAPERIES