The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, June 15, 1931, Image 17

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THE SOUTHERN ISR I disappearing Mortgages loans On Homes The easiest and most convenient way to own your home. Simple interest. Investi gate Today. JEFFERSON MORTGAGE COMPANY loan Agents For INVESTORS SYNDICATE f»0 Broad St., N.W. WA. 0814 7 POINTS OF FISK SUPERIORITY Fisk Air-F'li^rht Principle Tires iavc a greater air chamber per tire pound than the correspond ing type of competitive tire. Phis large increase in air capac- v' in Fisk Air-Flight Principle Tires in relation to tire weight which is dead weight below the springs — means a very gnat difference in car pick-up, speed and car control. Ask us to demonstrate these points of superiority TAPPAN TIRE COMPANY Distributors HSR TIRES AND TUBES -11 SPRING ST., corner Harris PHONE WA. 2738 TTrink PURA WATER tor Your Health's Sake 'yrinjj. Distilled, and Lithia waters, •iper cups, ice, loan of equipment and prompt service. S'l RA WATER COMPANY I n P’FDMONT AVE. WA. 9320 7 he Inside Story of Russian Jewry (Continued from Page 7) is why the Jews of the Ukraine are, on the whole, better off than those elsewhere in Russia. Jews would do well in light industries such as the. clothing trade, glass-blowing, toy manufacture and the like. But Russia has no time for such things now. That leaves the question of how these Jews live. I think one may safely say that if American organiza tions and relatives stopped sending money to Russian Jews at least a quarter, and probably a third of them would starve to death within three months. Those ghetto Jews of Russia are absolutely unable to do anything for themselves. By temperament, by physique, by training they are unfit for the Russia of the Five Year Plan. They are helpless. There is, however, one ray of hope for them: the back-to-the-land move ment. That may, I feel, become the salvation of Russian Jewry. 1 under stand that two hundred and eighty thousand Jews—ten per cent of the Jewish population of Russia—have already been settled on the land. The Jewish colonies in the south of Rus sia are doing very well indeed, we are told. If all, or at least a large propor tion of the Russian Jews could be set tled on the land I think that not only would their economic situation be in finitely improved but the danger of an eventual anti-Jewish outbreak among the Russian masses would be obviated. A strong Jewish settlement in the south of Russia would be safe from such devastating pogroms as used to occur in Czarist times. Moreover, the Russian Jew has al ways had a hankering after the land. He has the soul of an agriculturist. Though he has been cooped up in the ghettos for generations he has never ceased dreaming of the soil. And now that the old cultural values of the ghetto have been totally destroyed, leaving only the old walls and dirty streets stripped of all that had made them tolerable, the young Jews are more anxious than ever to return to the land. Incidentally, it must be re membered that it was Russian Jews who were the first Zionists and found ed the first agricultural colonies in Palestine. In addition to these Jewish settle ments in the Crimea there is, of course, the projected autonomous “Jewish republic” in Biro-Bidjan, in the southeast of Siberia. However, 1 do not believe much will come of it. There have been other such move ments in Jewish history -particularly the Texas project in the nineteenth century and the Uganda plan of Israel Zangwill, not to mention Jewish colo nization movements in the Argentine and elsewhere—but none of them ever materialized. I doubt whether the Jewish masses want a republic of that sort, except, perhaps, in Palestine. And in any case— why in Biro-Bidjan, which is four thousand miles removed from the world market? It would be far better if all such colonization movements were concentrated in the south of Russia, which is on the high road to the world market and where the agricultural settlement has al ready proved successful. I know that the Soviet Government has been al- I lotting large budgets for the Far Eastern colonization. But the Crimean settlement, inspired and supported by American initiative, seems to me preferable by far. CopyriRht 1931 by S. A. F. S. MORTIMER E. SCHIFF PASSES (Continued from Page 8) pic interests of Mortimer L. Schiff. Their range was far too wide, and many of his activities were carried on anonymously. At all times was he ready to help and assist any deserv ing Christian church organization in distress. More than one parish was saved by his generosity. His non-sec tarianism was the dominant trait of his outlook on life. Mortimer Schiff the man loved home life. His was one of the largest estates on the North Shore of Long Island. It is said that so elaborate was his establishment that his local taxes alone at Oyster Bay amounted to more than a million dollars a year. He was a neighborly man, and ex tremely democratic. It is told that re cently a local paper asked him for a photograph. To the astonishment of the managing editor he delivered the picture a few days later, in person. This because there was no pose or make-up in his genuinely modest character. Another incident speaks volumes for the epicurean tastes of Mortimer Schiff: Three years ago, when a company began erecting an apartment house next-door to his Fifth Avenue residence, he bought the property—at a cost of eight hundred thousand dollars—and put a stop to the construction work. The proposed apartment house would have towered above his home and cut off the sun light. For himself and his young friends he cherished light and open air above all else. His flower cultivations and shows at Oyster Bay enjoyed national fame. He was very proud of his prize herd of cattle, which won an award at the annual fair at Mineola, Long Island. A sportsman in every sense of the word, he had stables that en joyed respect in racing circles; his yacht, the “Dolphin,” was a familiar sight in the harbor of Oyster Bay. There is nothing startling in the record of Mortimer L. Schiff's life. In the business world he was considered one of America’s shrewdest and most astute operators. To the outside world he was primarily the continuer of the Schiff tradition in social welfare work and philanthropy. He is mourned by Jews and Chris tians alike. More than any other con temporary American Jew Mortimer Schiff represented the furtherer of racial and religious good will, a man whose outlook refused to be limited by any sectarian code or fanaticism. CopyriKht 1931 by S. A. F. 8. Beautify your Home with distinctive STYLE - HILT Awnings iiiimiiiiiiiiimiiit Telephone FAirfax 1483 iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiimiiii ATLANTA TENT AND AWNINU COMPANY MANUFACTURERS OF r DISTINCTIVE STUebilT k AWNINGS IManl anil Office, East Point, (»«. S A V E Y O U R <»|.y right 1919 .Quaker Plan Carp. SAVINGS 5 L'// r > Compound / C At Semi-annually OKbAM/K.ll 1919 Hamilton Dougina, Jr. Prealdmt |)r. a iIIin B. Jonr« Vlr»-Pr«*ld«al Rcbwra Shuman Serrrtary-Trraaorar QUAKER SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 93 Pryor Street, S. W. Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 p. m. Save Where You Can BorrO'W COAL•COKE FUEL OIL WAlnut 4714 RANDALL BROS