The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 31, 1931, Image 15

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THE SOUTHER N ISRAELITE 15 In The Li melight 'K LEHMANN, of New Or- as again attracted national atten ? -i to himself in his capacity member of the Wickersham don by refusing to sign his namt . o the report on criminal pro- e d UI , which was submitted to Presi- ,nt Hoover. Lehmann charged that iterial gathered by the com- . was inadequate for any rec- i ition. He had previously been t| u only member to abstain from the prohibition report. RAitIII MEYER BERLIN, of New and Jerusalem, was re-electefc President of the World Mizrachi at the cL ing session of its biennial con ference here. I»()N PAUL MEDALIE has been appointed United States Vice Consul at Stuttgart, Germany, it has been announced by the State Department. s the nephew of George Z. Me- dalie, United States Attorney for New York. DR. CARL BERGMANN, noted economist, has been appointed by the Government as the commissioner to reorganize the Darmstaedter and Na tional Bank, whose recent closing pro voked the crisis in Germany’s finan- ial affairs. Bergmann was the Ger man representative on the Repara- ( ommission until 1921 and later rved on the committee working out the Dawes Plan. He is a partner in the Lizard, Speyer, Ellison banking house at Frankfurt-on-Main. MKER GROSSMAN, President of English Revisionists, will be act- - head of the World Revisionists td the international conference of croup in December, as a result he decision of Vladimir Jabotin- to step down from his post a rid President. It is understoo t Jabotinsky’s action was due t refusal of his followers to seced m the World Zionist Organization the end of the recent Congress. 10RRIS SIGMAN, one of the fore- Jewish labor leaders in America, iormer president of the Interna- :a l Ladies’ Garment Workers’ ‘ here at the age of 51, after a r acted illness. Born in Russia, ran went to England at 21 where ecame a presser. Two years later arrived in the United States to up the same trade. In 1904 he anized the Independent Cloakmak- nion. From that time on he was > identified with the growth of abor movement, and helped to i ’ ize various trade union units. A as noted for his vigorous oppo- t0 Communist elements in the 'i, and his energetic fight was largely responsible for the of the Communists from the Rational. In 1923 he was elected 1 °f the International and in that capacity for five years, '■en retired to a farm in Storm Ke » Iowa. LT. GEN. ARTHUR GRENFELL VVAUCHOPE, the new High Commis sioner for Palestine, was chosen by the Colonial Office without consulta tion with either the Jewish Agency or the Arab Executive, Dr. Drummond Shiels announced in the House of Commons. LOUIS WALLIS’ new book, “By The Waters of Babylon,” has recre ated a whole epoch in the life of the people of Israel. Louis Wallis has traveled far into the Holyland to gather material for his novel with the result that “The Waters of Babylon” is authentic of early Israel. Every Jewish home should have this novel in their library, published by Mac Millan Co., $2.00. Sofia, Bulgaria.—The training farm maintained by the Hechalutz at which hundreds of young Bulgarian Jews received their agricultural training prior to their departure for Pales tine to take up their duties as chalut- zim was burned down as a result of a fire of unknown origin. No lives were lost, although property of con siderable value was destroyed in the flames. JULIUS ROSENWALD has been ordered to bed in his home at Ravinia because of the recurrence of the ill ness which affected him several months ago. Although his physicians declined to say that his condition is serious, it is said in financial circles that the pending merger between Sears, Roebuck and Co. of which Ro- senwald is the largest stockholder, and Montgomery Ward has been post poned for the time being. DR. LEE K. FRANKEL, Co-Chair man of the Council of the Jewish Agency, and internationally noted social statistician, died at Paris sud denly at the age of 64. He was in Europe on a tour of various coun tries to examine their systems of so- ciay insurance. Born in Philadelphia on August 13, 1867, he obtained his education at the University of Penn sylvania, where he was instructor in chemistry for five years. After several years of practice as a consulting chemist, he left for New York in 1899 to become manager of the United Hebrew Charities. In 1909 Dr. Frankel became associated with the Metropolitan Life Insurance Company. His work in health promo tion had won him world-wide recog nition. He was a leading figure in various Jewish communal causes, and was one of the dominant personali ties in the formation of the Jewish Agency. He was a member of the Joint Palestine Survey Commission in 1928 which made possible the merger of Zionists and non-Zionists. He was also active in the Joint Distribution Committee, Jewish Federation of Charities. He had been an officer of the leading national health associa tion. Right now is the best time of all to change to modern Natural Gas heat Safeguard those hours that were meant to keep her young You’ll come to it eventu ally. Don’t put it off until the first frost. Don’t take a chance on going through another winter like the last one. Install an up-to-date gas heating system now, before your furnace is in opera tion again. It makes everything so simple. -We light your burner in the fall, and set the upstairs thermo stat. And from then on the mercury can do just as it pleases. Your gas heating plant will go right along automati cally stoking itself, order ing its own fuel, regulating its own temperature. Hour after hour providing safe, clean, healthful comfort for your family, with com plete freedom from old- time heating worries. Write or telephone today. One of our engineers will gladly give you a scientific estimate of all fuel and equipment costs. |<wSs0| LsysteHj Either our conversion burner, which converts your present heating plant into an efficient gas furnace, or several different types of furnaces originally designed for gas, applicable to hot water, steam or warm air heating, may be purchased by a small down payment, and unusually convenient terms. ATLANTA GAS LIGHT CO. Main Office: PEACHTREE AT HARRIS—JAckson 5101 Decatur, 116 E. Ponce de Leon Wewt End, 818 Gordon St. Rich’s, Inc., 4th Floor East Point, 137 N. Main St.