The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 31, 1931, Image 16

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16 THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE SPECIAL $1.25—Half Solos .50—Rubber Heels .10—I Jices .10—Heel Pads 4—lOo Shines .25—Edge Fudge A $2.60 Value Hals (limned and Shoes Dyed Any dolor by Experts UNITED SHOE REPAIRING 109 Peachtree St. Opp. Piedmont Hotel WA. 1142 COAL•COKE FUEL OIL WAinut 4714 RANDALL BROS " SONG of LIFE rna by rommue Ash e r A eolleetion of poems written by Mrs. Karon Asher from child* hood through today. $1.00 tin* copy ON SALE AT RICHS, Inc. aim MILLERS BOOK STORE Atlanta WALNUT >m. 2701 CVOtXTVj LONQ O'^TANCt MfV'HC 111 ST orace packing SHIPPING 4/? Y ou may A have THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE Sent to Your summer Vacation Address Inform us THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE t SUITE 301 GLENN BLDG. ATLANTA National Notes Asbury Park, N. J.—The govern ment of Poland has failed to improve the condition of its Jews “despite the repeated assertions and pronuncia- mentoes of the accredited agents of the Polish government here,” accord ing to a resolution adopted at the annual convention of the Federation of Polish Jews in America. A policy of “economic disinheritance” is being carried out against the Jews of Po land, “resulting in the closing to these (millions ,of all the previous avenues for decent and honest means of gaining a livelihood by the unfair and confiscatory taxation on Jewish trade.” The convention also adopted a resolution denouncing as unAmeri can the alien registration law passed recently in Michigan. Benjamin Win ter of New York was re-elected pres ident of the Federation. Other offi cers are: Vice-president, Sol Rosen- feld, George Fox, Jacob Brown, Abe Harris, Alfred Rosenstein, Dr. Joseph Tenenbaum and Herman Oberman, New York; Dr. L. D. Putzman, Bos ton; Harry Tuch, Pittsburgh; Aaron Wolofsky, Montreal; David Green berg, St. Paul; Charles Green and Ja cob Gladstone, New York; Treasurer David Trautman; director, Z. Tygel. Manhasset, L. I.—Martin W. Lit tleton, famous attorney, may be anti- Zionist in his views, hut his wife is deeply interested in Palestine. In fact, she thinks that “the second coming of Christ” is at hand and she is pre paring for it. Recently she and Mr. Littleton returned from Palestine and brought with them Frida Abraham, Jewish artist, who is now engaged in painting murals of Palestine scenes in the library of the Littleton home. Mrs. Littleton wants to see Palestine before her eyes as great historic events, which she believes will shortly occur, take place. ‘‘All the terrible things that are happening—the World War, and the world-wide poverty—the fears and hates that oppress all people, and the return of the Jews to Palestine, all are foretold in the Bible/' she de clares. “There has yet to be a great war in Palestine because the Jews have settled in the Plain of Esdraelon, which is the most fertile part of the country, and in this war they will be almost exterminated. Then Christ will come with his Heavenly Hosts, and the Jews will be restored. Then Jeru salem will be the metropolis of the world and peace will prevail.” urged the fledgling rabbis to avoid success that is measured in money or fame. ‘‘Many a physician has fallen The Twenty-Third Annual Conven tion of National Young Judaea was held at Hotel Scarboro, Long Beach, New Jersey from June 25th through the 28th. With the formal opening of the Convention on Thursday, June 25th, at 8:30 P. M., by Isador Levinson, chair man of the National Governing Board, until the official closing exercises the following Sunday night, Hotel Scar boro promises to be the scene of seeth ing activity. Delegates from all parts of the states were present to actively par ticipate in all functions, Pittsburgh. Cincinnati, Atlanta, Boston, Roches ter, Albany, Worcester, Jacksonville, Providence and other Young Judaea centers was well represented. The roster of prominent men and women who attended include the names of Dr. Israel Goldstein, pres ident of National Young Judaea; Israel S. Chipkin, Director of the Jewish Education Association; Mania Schohat, leader of the Pioneer Women’s Workers of Palestine and Ben M. Edidin from Buffalo, the lat ter two will speak on “The Jewish Youth Movement of Palestine,” “Pal estine and the American Jewish Youth,” Rabbi Leon S. Lang, of New ark; Charles A. Cowan, who will speak Friday evening on Zionist Congress Issues; Samuel J. Borowsky; Rabbi Arthur Zuckerman; Max M. Cuba, former president of Southern Young Judaea; Mrs. A. H. Vixman, Execu tive Director of Young Judaea and a host of the other leaders in various Jewish circles throughout the coun try. Shalom Altman, Director of Mu sic of the Bureau of Jewish Educa tion of New ^ ork lead the commu nity singing. This convention was particularly significant in that an effort was made t° re-evaluate Young Judaea’s aims and purposes in the light of changes that have come about in Jewish edu cational work during the twenty-two years of its existence. A unified or ganization program was introduced, Palestine projects accepted, greater co-operation with existing educational agencies, and a more aggressive atti- tude in developing Young Judaea as the Zionist adolescent youth organiza tion of the country. New York, N. Y.—The ranks of the conservative Jewish ministy in Amer ica were enlarged by nineteen mem bers at the annual graduation exer cises of the Jewish Theological Semi nary of America. The principal ad dress was made by Louis Finkelstein, Associate Professor of Theology, who New \ork, N. Y.—Jewish students ire more liberal in their social and religious views than other groups, ac cording to a survey of Barnard Col lege students. But although Jewish girls show a tendency to be more receptive to radical ideas, they are least active in religious matters, the survey shows. LOANS ON INDORSEMENTS si00.00 to $1,000.00 Loaned at f% , Year Repayable in Weekly Payment* XJJitU- ^ SOUTHERN SAVINCS « INVENT 'S>. tanta Trust Company Building cure, and many a rabbi h to the vulgarity and ma was sent to remove,” th dared. “When the synag. empty and the dance hall naturally tempted to brin hall into the synagogue.” 1 U1 i one is i he dance Disappearing Mortgages Loans On Homes The easiest and most convenient way to own your home. Simple interest. Investi gate Today. JEFFERSON MORTGAGE COMPANY Loan Agents For INVESTORS SYNDICATE 60 Broad St., N.W. \VA. (1811 COPYRIGHT 1*10 QUAKER PLAN CORP. SAVINGS At 5 °ft Compound C-/ Semi-annually ORGANIZED 1919 Hamilton Douglas, Jr. Dr. Willis B. Jones Vice-Pr< 'de"* Rebecca Shuman Secretary-1 1 * QUAKER SAVINGS ASSOCIATION 93 Pryor Street, S. ^ . Office Hours: 9 a. m. to 5 Save Where You Can Bor