The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 31, 1931, Image 18

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18 THE OLDEST automobile DEALER IN DEKALB COUNTY It's Wise to Choose a Six D E C A T U R CHEVROLET COMPANY 120 Atinnlu Av«*. S. W. Court Square Deratiir, On. Phone DEarborn 14-05 Drink PUR A WATER For Your Health's Sake Spring. Distilled, and I.ithia waters, paper cups, ice, loan of equipment and prompt service. PURA WATER COMPANY loo PIEDMONT AVK. W'A. 0:120 Palestine Travelogue Is Released “A Trip Through the Valley of Jezreel “A Trip Through the Emek,” is* the name of a new educational film that has just been released by the Pales tine Educational Committee, 71 West 47th Street, New York City. The film depicts over fifty scenes and views taken in the Valley of Jezreel, Pales tine. It is accompanied by a very at tractively printed lecture explaining the pictures. This film and lecture illustrate the almost miraculous transformation of a vast swamp area in Palestine into a fruitful and healthy colonization center. Thanks to the sacrifices of the chalutzim and the projects under taken by the World Zionist Organi zation and the Jewish National Fund, the Valley of Jezreel (Emek) now feeds thousands of Jewish families in more than twenty prosperous villages. Beginning at historical Mr. Carmel, the travelogue takes us through the entire length of the Emek, stopping at the most important points en route such as the Kishon River, the villages of the Chasidim, an old Arab village, the workers’ village of Nahalal, the Girls’ Agricultural College, the Bal four Forest, the Nazareth Highlands, the Children’s Village established by South African Jews, the American colony of Balfouria and many of the workers Kevutzoth including Ain Ha- rod. It also shows Dr. Chaim Weiz- mann laying the corner stone for a new village in the Emek on the oc casion of his visit to Palestine. There are also a number of views showing the Emek “before and after” its “con quest” by the Jews. The Emek film is part of an educa tional project designed to meet the needs of the Jewish school, club and home. It can be shown with the aid of a small electric projector which is recommended by the Palestine Edu cational Committee and which is pro curable for as low as $17.25. The film itself is procurable at $1.50, including the lecture. The Palestine Educational Commit tee consists of a group of individuals prominent in Jewish educational and cultural affairs. The committee is headed by Judah Lapson, Chairman, and includes Israel S. Chipkin, Chas. A. Cowen, Samuel Dinin, Oscar Di- vinsky, Joshua Friedman, Philip Gingold, Herman Jacobs, David Ru- davsky, Dr. Mordecai Soltes, Kalman Whiteman. Joseph Shaffer is secre tary. THAT MAN SOKOLOW (Continued from Page 5) r Vibrolilhic Concrete Driveways and Heavy Duty Floors "Everii Inch Will Carry the Load" Kighl Year* of Faithful Service ami IlOO Satisfied Cualomm The Driveway Company,Inc. 34 North Avc., N.E. HE. 1668 W A TYPEWRITERS Vl> ncII, rent, ami repair all makra of typewriter. Special rental rales to stmlenlN. American Writing Machine Co. 65 Foraylh St., N. W. WA. 2860 Have Your FURNACE W CLEANED BY EXPERTS Let Moncrief o Vacuum-clean your Furnace and protect: your smokepipe tree Inspection Service CALL HEMLOCK 1281 MONCRIEF FURNACE COMPANY We Specialize in Renovating CANVAS SWINGS Furniture Repair Shop Phone .MAin 3307 For Free E> 11' c J. A. HARRIS the subsequent personal contact of Sokolow with these statesmen. When the French and Italian gov ernments had to be communicated with and their backing for the im pending Balfour Declaration had to be secured it was Sokolow, as much at home at Paris and Rome as at Ixmdon, who carried on the negotia tions. The editor of Hatzefirah pene trated even the Vatican in order to obtain the Pope’s approval for the Zionist negotiations with the British Government. Later, at the Paris Peace Conference, he negotiated tact fully and confidently with the repre sentatives of the various old and new nations—the personification of Dias pora Jewry, a one-man Jewish League of Nations, speaking the languages and familiar with the political and cultural history of all nations, a per sonality of amazing resourcefulness, unshakable patience, imperturbable calm and supreme confidence in the ultimate triumph of Jewish national aspirations. It is but a few months since I saw him at his London home, called Hatzefirah, after the first Hebrew publication which he edited and with which his Hebrew journalistic activ ity has been bound up so long and so intimately. His three-story house gives one the impression of a modern ocean liner. A winding staircase leads to the study on the top floor, an aus tere room lined with books. There he spends the rare moments of leisure which his extensive political and prop aganda work for the Zionist Organ ization leaves him; there he devote# himself to his Hebrew lexicon. A dozen steel card-filing cabinets, chairs and a large, simple table are the only furniture. The cards which he uses for his lexicon, and which he needs constantly, are contained in especially constructed steel cases that occom- pany him on all his travels. No soon er does he reach a hotel in New York, Johannesburg or Paris than his faith- ful daughater Celina—an eminent physician, who accompanies her illus trious father wherever he goes un packs the books and cards necessary for his lexicographic work. Originally, I believe, Sokolow planned a medical dictionary; but it has gradually devel oped into an all-embracing lexicon. And this was inevitable. So many- sided a scholar could not limit him self to a single branch of science. We discussed possible developments in Eretz Israel. The Zionist leader who had gone through all the birth- pangs of political Zionism in the days of Herzl, reviewed the situation calm ly and logically. He told me of the conversations he had had with several British statesmen and of the steps which he and Dr. Weizmann contem plated. He emanated a quiet optimism. Then he dismissed the topic of Pales tine and we returned to his lexicon, the gigantic opus on which he has labored for many decades. That ten human lifetimes would not suffice for its completion does not worry him. His daughter told me that her father had frequently devoted weeks to a single word. As I watched the septuagenarian lo\ ingly finger his index cards the real Sokolow revealed himself to me. No more the fluent journalist finding his pleasure in the juggling of scintillat ing comments on the contemporary world scene—no longer the brilliant causeur and stylist for style’s sake alone. When political emergencies tear him away from his desk he goes quite willingly, like the old soldier that he is; but his heart remains in his study, where he is "building a tre mendous structure for the organic de velopment of modern Hebrew and the enrichment of our culture. Some one has said: When looking at life the emotional man suffers—but the thinker smiles. Nahum Sokolow is a thinker, first and last. Copyright 1931 by S. A. F. S. SJjeSImil rs ON THE OCEAN FRONT^ At New Jersey Avenue ATLANTIC CITY, I s Extraordinary Reduction in Rates AS LOW AS Without Meals $2.50 Daily per Person $35.00 Weekly for Tv,,, With Meals $6.00 Daily per Person $85.00 Weekly for Two American or European Plan Hot and Cold Sea Water in All Baths Complete Garage Facilities Chicago’s MORRISON 7he World's Tallest Hotel — 46 Stories High HOTEL Corner Madison and Clark Sts. Every room in the Morrison l lotel is outside, with bath, circulat ing ice water, bed-head reading lamp, telephone and Servidor. A new 500 room section, soon to he opened, was made necessary by the demand for Morrison service. 2500 ROOMS $2.52^ S TEAK'best in total 1,1 At H American or Orient, 50c Try Our Special Chic rt Noodle Soup Wisteria Gar< ! Next to Winecoff Ho 172 Vz PEACHTREE S