The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, July 31, 1931, Image 9

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SONS OF GEORGE W. S-OAKES, editor of Current His tory. are putting up a scholastic rec- hich will be hard to equal. One lire, Jr., not yet twenty-two— urging honors at Oxford, Eng- land; the other, John B., just com- I his freshman year at Prince ton, making five firsts, a rare dis tinction, and getting himself elected the associate-editorship of The I’rincetonian. The Ochs tradition is cei tain to be kept up. KAURI EDWARD S. MANHEIM "I THE MIDTOWN JEWISH CEN- I KK has been acquitted of a charge possessing a pistol without a per- iit. following trial in Special Ses- s Court. The rabbi had been held connection with the accidental "oting of Archie M. Levy in Dr. Manheim’s office. Levy, however, ex- "ii ora ted the rabbi before he died. THE OTHER DAY WE WELCOM ED SALVADOR DE MADARIAGA, tin newly appointed Ambassador from Spain, when he disembarked from the Mauretania. The Spanish diplo- niat is a man of letters, well versed i -Jewish affairs. He believes that a ,v , ra has come for Spanish Jewry in, l predicts that its numbers will in crease tremendously during the next half century. ADOLPH S. OCHS, PUBLISHER THE NEW YORK TIMES, return- D-°m Europe, where he was the re- pient of a number of honorary Uni- Dty degrees. Walter Winchell, oadway’s columnist, comments that has as many degrees as a ther- Mi. meter. •^EW YORKERS READING Dv SPORTS PAGES on the morn- J -July 1st were startled by the ^'ing Jewish triumphs: Helen Ja- defeated England’s ace, Betty naR > at the Wimbledon Tennis nament; Lieutenant Morton Solo- i of New \ork wins the free rifle mpionship of the National Rifle •ciation; Mrs. Hirsch, also a New rker ’ trims Mrs. Mary Keller in M omen’s Metropolitan Clay Irt Tennis Championship. Not so —what ? ;1R S. PEARL HURWITZ, daughter • acob Rich, wealthy tobacco deal- ^ in Reno seeking a divorce from i B. Leon Hurwitz, noted Brook- ( lergvman. Miss Rich is one of lyn’s most beautiful Jewish and an accomplished pianist, grounds are incompatibility, and gossip surrounds this rabbinical •orce case. XJij SOUTHERN is r a e l I t e York Topic Special to The Southern Israelite THE WORLD FLYERS POST AND CATTY WERE TENDERED an offi cial luncheon at the Ritz-Carlton Ho tel by the Mayor. The anteroom at tendant was a young man by the name of Aaronson. When Col. Charles A. Lindbergh, who four years ago was given the greatest reception New York ever gave to any one, came to the anteroom Aaronson fail ed to recognize the “Lone Eagle”. It is told that a very much flustered Lindbergh had to dig down into his pocket and produce the telegram from Mayor Walker inviting him to par ticipate in the affair. Sic transit glo ria mundi. BEN HECIIT, THE NOVELIST, AND MAXWELL BOD EN HEIM, POET-NOVELIST, don’t like each other. As a matter of fact, they de test each other most heartily. Hecht has been accused of roasting Boden- heim mercilessly in his characteriza tion of “A Jew in Love.” The latest reports from the publishing world say that Bodenheim has evened the score with his forthcoming book, “Duke Herring,” a cleverly written and hu morously malicious take-off on the au thor of “A Jew in Ix>ve.” of his well-earned popularity, a tre mendous attraction. But as the affair was a campaign stunt the attendance did not come up to expectations. New York State politicians are much peeved at this custom of utilizing po litical leaders as campaign magnets; they claim that the hard times keep people away from fund-raising ban quets and that the small attendance lowers the prestige of the guest of honor. A SUMMER CONTROVERSY HAS BROKEN UPON US: The Miss es Stella Katzen and Hannah Marcus took a walk on the Coney Island boardwalk attired in “shirts and shorts.” The shirts, according to the cop’s philosophy, are O. K., but the shorts are “too darned short.” So the cop proceeded to arrest the two Jew ish promenaders; their trial will come up shortly. The whole business is more or less a test case. Logical minds want to know why one-piece bathing suits are permitted and respectable shorts are barred. The controversy is assuming a city-wide scope. People are getting hot over it—perhaps be cause of the hot weather. THE JOINT DISTRIBUTION COMMITTEE LAUNCHED ITS BRONX FUND-RAISING DRIVE at the fashionable Concourse Plaza Ho tel the other day. To assure a large attendance the campaign managers had arranged to make the affair a banquet in honor of State Secretary of State Flynn, undoubtedly, in view ISAAC DON LEVINE’S BOOK ON STALIN WILL SHORTLY be publish ed in Spanish. It is now running as a serial in the Orthodox Yiddish paper, the Jewish Morning Journal. The ex planation for this is that another Yiddish daily, The Day, is featuring Trotzky’s “History of the Russian Revolution.” mm til miiiiiiiiiiiiiiii Ill mill MUSINGS IN POETRY On Seeing a Stranger in T emple God bless this stranger come within our gates, This shabby stranger with inquiring look as though to say: “May I ? You see that I am one of you.” A Jewish woman in an aged cloak And hat that’s braved hot sunshine and cold rain For many a year, Not prosperous, you, by measure of the crowd But rich in this, God within your heart. I wait to see if you are come to say the Kaddish, Whether that age-old pull of memory has drawn you Or just the feel of being in God’s house Has brought you here, for I perceive that you Continue the reading of the prayers throughout the sermons. The words inspiring and the organ’s strains go all unheard, Modern appliances placed near to aid rest undisturbed, Content with dispensation of His gifts, withheld, bestowed, Deaf to the words of man, Your heart still reaches for the Word of God. God bless you for your presence in our gates. SETTIE C. FLEXNFR. SOCIAL WORKERS AND SOCIAL CENTER S.— If Jewish centers throughout the country are to sur vive, some plan of financing must be evolved which will put them on a sound foundation, according to Harry L. Glucksman, executive director of the Jewish Welfare Board, in ad dressing the concluding session of the National Association of Jewish Cen ter Executives. He pointed out that though contributions “during the pe riod of economic depression have been reduced, constructive enterprises, such as community centers, have neverthe less been maintained.” He urged “a planned and systematic application of economy.” Social workers were urged to re gard their work as more than jobs by Isaac Kiblick, of Brockton, Mass., who called his hearers “missionaries of a better world. You should express a sentiment which educates people for idealism and less selfishness. But you must be prepared to accept the limi tations as well as the convenience of your position. For instance, you don’t have to keep up with the Joneses or ride in an expensive car.” The mem ory of the late Mortimer L. Schiff for his services in the Boy Scout move ment was praised by Philip Russ. Maurice Bigyer, director of the Jewish Community Center in Wash ington, D. C., was elected president of the Association. Vice-presidents are Dr. M. Chaseman, Albany; William Pinsker, Savannah; Dr. Charles S. Bernheimer, New York; Mrs. Estern Jameson, Newark. HALF AN HOUR FROM TIMES SQUARE, in a house and garden that except for the branching apple tree might have existed in Palestine two thousand years ago, Mrs. Martin W. Littleton has built a shrine to an old- fashioned religious faith that accepts literally every word in the Bible. It is a bit of reconstructed Palestine, this Long Island home, with the walls of Jerusalem, Mount Zion, the Wail ing Wall and all the other sights a guide shows you in the Holy Land. Mrs. Littleton believes in the second coming of Christ, while her husband, the prominent attorney, is known as one of the most uncompromising foes of the Zionist idea. DAVE LIPSKY, THEATRICAL COLUMNIST, VOLUNTEERS THE INFORMATION that Marc Connelly, author of “The Green Pastures,” which now is approaching its six hun dredth performance, is a Jew. The name Marc Connelly is but a pseu donym, he claims. We are not in a po sition to check up on this startling revelation. In any case, what’s the difference? Whatever Connelly’s race, it would not make “The Green Pas tures,” last year’s Pulitzer Prize Plaj any the better or worse. Copyright 1931 by S. A. F. S.