The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, August 31, 1931, Image 19

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Lostrn wlial a iliflVriMico six eyliialers make in smnnlhnnss quietness flexibility handling/ ease ridiny eomfovt dependability eennnnty lony life Slop oilt of any oilier low’-priced cur, step into a Chevrolet, and you'll learn what a difference six cylinders make. “Idle** tin* engine—and tin* whole ear remains steady. <>i »en the throttle—the |>owcr flows evenly. Accelerate—throttle down—go fifteen or fifty—and this smoothness stays with you whatever you do. For six-cylinder smoothness is built into the motor—and objectionable vibration never even starts! A et smoothness is only part of your six-cylinder experience. There’s greater </ u iet ness. be cause noisy vibration is gone. There’s greater eomf rt, be cause built-insmoot h- ncss doesn't lire the driver or passengers. There’s greater flexibility, because the power- impulses of a six overlap. Vnd res|H»nsc is more jiositive, |>erformanee more elastic. A six is much easier to handle! Vnd particularly, if you raise the hood of a Chevrolet and watch the engine running smoothly and steadily, you’ll realize that six cylinders also mean greater dependability. You owe it to yourself—to see and drive a Chev rolet today. And remember when you do—that no other car is so economical to ojicratc as the power ful Chevrolet Six! Twenty beautiful W0 "‘Mb tMT *•/•’ , ;" ,rir ‘" s 17*l u, t»7.i ■auftirifi from ... “ III price* f. o. It. Flint. Michigan, npecial equipment extra. Isnc ilelivereii pricen anil <•«*» #». M. I. C. terrnn. \|;W CHEVROLET SIX The fir eat .1 merino n Value See vonr <l«‘al«*r Inflow WHITEHALL CHEVROLET CO. 329 \\ hitehall Street EAST POINT CHEVROLET CO, Fast Point. Ga. DECATUR CHEVROLET CO. Decatur, Ga. ALSO DEALERS IN CHEVROLET SIX-CYLINDER TRUCKS, $335 to $695, f. o. b. Flint, Michigan JOHN SMITH COMPANY 536 W est Peachtree