The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, September 11, 1931, Image 5

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THE SOUTHERN ISRAELITE A Magazine Perpetuating Jewish Ideals Volume 6 September 11, 1931 Number 10 "56 Once more we celebrate the New Year. Once more the year of yesterday becomes a date in history, identifying a host of events which shall henceforth appear in the record of Jewish life. And on this day, once more the people of Jewry throughout the world dedicate themselves to seek for noble attainments. Now is the sun-up of 5692. Today the earth begins for us a new journey ’round its ancient orbit. Within the space of time until it comes full circle again, there shall transpire another “host of events.” We shall discover anew, in the mirror of 5692, the stuff of which this world is made. There will be new plans laid and the fulfillment of old plans, new successes and the glad memory of old ones, new lives and new hearts and new hopes. * * * And these are some of the new hopes, to which we shall aspire in the forth coming year: Harmony in the ranks of Israel We hope to see all the Jewish elements united for the advancement of Israel’s mission. We hope that the many impor tant undertakings now in progress will he spared the retarding brunt of opposi tion. Let us remember the example of the extended Jewish Agency—that entire co operation can be productive of results which are almost impossible in a house divided against itself. Hood will among men W e hope to witness a manifestation of thought and act which 5hall prove beyond scruple an era of lasting peace. Let there be accord in our daily lives; let the spirit of brotherhood flower among men of all ranks, nations, colors and creeds. Let us strive 1 hasten that ultimate goal when anti-Semitism shall rear its lydra head no more, and when the darkening barriers now erected to withhold the Jew from his just privileges shall vanish ;!1 the light of fairness. 7 he reclamation of Palestine \\ e hope for unbounded progress in the great Palestine cause; t the cementing of an indestructible amity between Jew and \ cab which will never permit a repetition of the awful massacres 5689. We trust that those martyrs who made sacrifice for eir courage will be recompensed and honored for their losses; uit the culprits will be brought to justice; that the British gov- nment shall have a administration in Palestine which will be rthy of every Zionist’s confidence; above all, that the terrible "W shall not have been suffered in vain. May the enterprise u common to Zionist and non-Zionist fulfill the exalted "am which our beloved Louis Marshall served with the last his mighty strength. ' rehabilitation of Russian Jewry w e hope that the Jews who have returned to the soil in Russia will prosper there, favored by rich harvests and happy lives; that the many thousands in town and village will be given opportu nities for earning their livelihood; that the Soviet Government will conduct its laws to allow full religious liberty for its citizens. Economic good-fortune everywhere We hope that the year will bring prosperity and independence to the Jews in the countries of Europe and in all lands where Jews inhabit; that all Jews may share in peace and plenty with their non-Jewish neighbors the gifts of Divine Providence and the benefits of men. Progress in religion and education We hope for a greater enrollment and a wider spread of knowledge through Jewish and religious education; that more teachers, rabbis and laymen will serve with glory the standard of Israel; that all Jews may properly enjoy and cherish their blessed heritage. Let us have unity in our homes and in our synagogues; let us have finer co-ordination among the representatives of Orthodox, Conserva tive and Reform Judaism, that the ideals which are violated through friction and rivalry may be redeemed and served. New strides in philanthropy We hope that a new high standard may be established in the work of social welfare and philanthropy; that the com bat against poverty, illness and moral weakness may gain new victories; that mighty projects may be endowed and sponsored for relieving the ills of mankind. Notable achievements in the professions We hope for brilliant Jewish contributions in the fields of art, science and statesmanship; for the enrichment of our literature, painting and music; for new triumphs in medicine and phi losophy; for a continuation of those milestones which have raised the Jew in worldly rank. Great leaders and guides We hope to see the high niche of Marshall reached by men who are qualified to lead the ranks of Jewry, to be our spokes men and defenders. We hope for men whose prestige and honor will reflect credit to all their people. And blessings for all mankind to share We hope for peace and happiness; for progress and gain for each and every one, Jew and non-Jew, through the realization of noble aims, material and spiritual. We extend all the blessings we seek for ourselves to the benefit of all people in America and the world over. * * * The sun-up of 5692 is here. With these solemn sentiments we welcome the day of hope. H # H H A A H H tK H A H Qt\)t ^outfjern Jtaelite <6xtcnbg to 31ts taberS l©tgf)cg for a i^appp gear % W H V J'j yi 'H Entered as second ,h« Pnstnffice at Atlanta. Ga., under the Act of March 3, 1879. Published monthly by The Southern Newspaper Enterprise, Inc. Subscription rate*: $1.50 >ear in advance The SoutT^rlelite Twites correspondence and literary contributions, but the editor is not to be considered as sharing the views expressed by the writer* except those .• .. tne Soiithwn Israelite invites 5. , n n..ui— r.:«. ttuu...... ... joi Glenn Building, Atlanta, Ga. All communications c «ated in the' editorfalTol^i j. IbUUbhri *1925. 1L Stephen Schiffer, Publisher. Fritz Ullman. Business Manager. Executive Offices, Publication should reach this office not later than the 1st and 15th of each month.