The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, February 01, 1932, Image 14

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f- • HOTEL r H0LLAND NEW YORK 400 Rooms each with Balh and Shower Each room is an apart merit in itself — with co m fort able disa p pe a ring beds — modern li a t li a n d shower — serv ing pantry and refrigerator. S w i in m I n k Pool and (iyni- niisliitn. Splen did drill nnl Kestaurant. RATES $2.50 Per Day For One $3.50 Per Day For Two $15.00 and 1'p Weekly ONE BLOCK FROM BROADWAY 351 West 4-2" ,a St. IN THE CENTER OF EV£ RYTHI NO WORTH WHILE IN NEW YORK WEATHER STRIPS MacklHmburR-Biincan Co., Mfrs. Oklahoma City, Okla. Sold and Installed by Atlanta Tent & AwningCo. Tel. CAIIiotin 1483 Phone for Representative CRUISES JOHN T. NORTH Steamship Agency - Travel Bureau Information dratls on All Lines 14 Marietta St. WA. 0788 ATLANTA, <JA. THE ST. CHARLES ON THE BOARDWALK At Now Jersey Avenue Atlamf i<* City .4 Smart Hotel in America’s Smartest Resort EIROI’I CAN OR AMKRlt’AN PLAN FR KN< II AND GFIOIAN FUSIN' F. Of flee WA Inut 0K08 Res. .1A ekson 3 !05 RENTING, LOANS, INSURANCE Do You Ever Think? Stop Payinp Rent. Own Your Home. Small Cash Payment. Balance Like Rent. Let Us Serve You. J. E. Leathers Realty Company K09 Terminal Building Atlanta, Oh. JAMES N. CLARK TRANSFER COMPANY PARKING AND TRANSFER 188 Whitehall Street, S. W. JA. 8657 Atlanta, Ga. « « « NATIONAL AND FOREl ;N « « NOTES « « , St. Louis, Mo.—Acting on behalf of the St. Louis Commission for Social Justice, Rabbi Ferdinand Isserman has prevailed upon the striking taxicab drivers of this city to return to their duties while a hoard of arbitration negotiates with the em ployers in regard to a dispute over wage terms. Cincinnati, Ohio.—Hon. Alfred M. ( o- hen and I)r. I. M. Rubinow, president and secretary, respectively, of B’nai B’rith, have gone to Mexico City where they will visit the scene of ten years of B’nai B’rith activity in behalf of Mexican Jewry, and confer with Mexican Jewish leaders upon important phases of Mexi can Jewish life. New York, N. Y.—The Histadrufh Iv- rith, organization for the promotion of Hebrew in the United States, decided to affiliate with the Brith Ivrith Clamith, the international body, at the convention of the Histadruth which just closed here. The convention adopted a number of res olutions proposing to devote more time to the dissemination of Hebrew among the youth, to establish Hebrew clubs in Zion ist districts, to publish more Hebrew books. 'The officers of the Histadruth are as follows: Dr. Chaim Czernowitz, Pres ident; Ah. Goldberg, Chairman of the Administrative Committee; Abraham Spicehandler, Vice-Chairman; Prof. I. Ginzburg, Treasurer; Isaac Rivkind, Sec retary. They are all of New York. New York, N. Y.—The estate of the late Paul M. Warburg will remain within the family, and no bequests will be dis tributed to charity, it was disclosed when the will was filed for probate. The es tate is valued in the neighborhood of $75,- 000,000. Mr. Warburg wrote that he made no specific charitable bequest “for the reason that mv wife and children know mv views upon this subject. 1 leave it to them to do what they may consider proper and in accordance with my wishes and my views during my lifetime.” New A ork, N. Y.—Nelson Ruttenberg, President of the National Jewish Fund, emphasizing the popular character of the institution, pointed out that despite the small collections, $16,000,000 was raised for land redemption in Palestine during the past three decades. ^ New York, _ N. Y.—An International Chamber Music Foundation is being es tablished by friends to honor Adolph Lew- isohn, venerable philanthropist, it was an nounced at a dinner tendered to him here. Leading officials of state and city gath ered to pay tribute to Lewisohn who was designated by Mayor Walker as New York’s “leading benefactor” and as “the most humane and delightful citizen in our city. ’ A message of similar tender was sent to the testimonial banquet by former President Calvin Coolidge. The new Foundation aims to make available music in the same way as public libraries serve literature. It is understood that TYPEWRITERS We sell, rent, and repair all makes of typewriters. Speeial rental rates to students. American Writing Machine Co. 05 Forsyth St., N. W. WA. 2860 Lewisohn has provided a substantial sum to house the Foundation. London.—The name of Pharaoh’s daughter who rescued Moses from the bulrushes was Princess Hatasu, who ruled in Egypt with Thotmos III, according to a report made to Sir Charles Marston by Prof. John Garstang, who is directing the Marston Archaeological expedition in Egypt. Garstang asserts that many of his findings corroborate dates in the Old Testament, and adds that Princess Hat asu was the most masterful princess in Egyptian history. Moses was her court favorite and when she died he had to flee. Berlin.—That the Jewish students of Eastern Europe should draw up a peti tion to the League of Nations describing their miserable conditions and bearing the signatures of hundreds of thousands of Jews, was the suggestion made by Chaim Nachman Bialik, Hebrew poet, in an ad dress giving his impressions of Jewish life in Europe. The petition would ap peal to the League to provide funds to transport and colonize them in Palestine. Bucharest, Roumania.—The annual con ference of Zionist-Revisionists at Kish- ineff was notable for the adoption of a message sent to the British Ambassador to Roumania, who was informed that the anti-Jewish policy of England in Pales tine, could only provoke the enmity of Roumanian Jews. Belgrade, Yugoslavia.—Administration of Jewish religious activities in Yugo slavia has virtually been placed in the hands of Chief Rabbi Alkalay, who has been placed on the subcommittee of the Government’s Religious Commission. Al kalay is the only Jewish Senator. Capetown, South Africa.—That Home Secretary Mallon, of South Africa, has warned the Jews of the country not to protest against the rigid immigration reg ulations, which apply with special sever ity to Jews, was revealed at a conference of the South African Jewish Board of Deputies. It was reported there that Mallon had threatened to launch an anti- Semitic movement if an organized efFort were made by Jews to abrogate the im migration laws. The conference decided to negotiate with the government for the purpose of introducing a less harsh im migration measure. Moscow.—The prevalence of anti-Sem itic disturbances in the countries of Eu rope is the best indication of the collapse of their civilization, says Anatol Luna charsky, Soviet Minister for Education, writing his impressions of his recent Eu ropean tour in an article for Izvestia. He asserts that this type of “zoological” chauvinism is impossible in Soviet Russia. Jerusalem. Corroboration of the theory that the ancient Israelites decorated thei'r dead and buried them with all manner of potter\, jewelry and other items of orna mentation was found by the joint archae- clogical expedition of Harvard University, the Hebrew University and other bodies which are excavating in Samaria and northern Palestine. The masonry, pot tery and other evidences indicate that Sa- V 3 , n , as never inhabited until the Jews settled there. tenth^-° rk ’ N ‘ Y —Speaking at the tenth anniversary of the Amos Society LOANS ON INDORSEMENTS $100.00 to $1,000.00 Loaned at 8% a Year Repayable it, Weekly Payments Within One Year SOUTHERN SAVINGS & INVESTMENT CO. D3 Atlanta 1 rust Company Building [14] Dr. Isidore Singer, editor of Encyclopaedia issued main urged that church and synaj. their differences and emphasi, ues which unite them. The d testimonial to Dr. Singer for in bringing Jews and Christ, together. Lauding the role of “glorious popularizer of the u his prophetic predecessors," demanded that Jews and Chri off the strangling chains of an theology while retaining the uniting values.” New York, N. Y.—The f. ;u , sons of Felix M. Warburg marked tlni father's 61st birthday on January 14th i.\ contrib uting $15,840 to the New York h deration of Jewish Charities. The sum supports for 24 hours the 91 institutions contained within the Federation. Jfu-ish r > ago, forget : >se val- was a services s closer -us as a '“tigs of Singer ns “cast Equated : manent Chicago, HI.—Julius Rosenwuld dis tributed $70,000,000 in benefactions since 1910, according to a report In Edwin R. Embree, president of the Julius R, > e n- wald Fund, which also revealed that ac tivities which had benefited by Rosen- wald’s money included the Sacco Vanzetti and Mooney-Billings defense funds. Em bree also stated that the residue of the estate would be expended within fifteen years, in accordance with Rosenwald's objection to the “dead hand in philan thropy.” New York, N. Y.—The Amos Society celebrated the tenth anniversary of its efforts to advance the cultural and spir itual unity of Jew and Christian at a din ner attended by outstanding Jews and non-Jews. It is the purpose of this or ganization to utilize this unity toward the realization of its “twin gospel of social justice and world peace.” Discussing this aim, Dr. Isidor Singer, founder of the society, declared for a common plat form for Jews and Christians and urged the organization of church and synagogue to be known as “the disciples of the proph ets.” Others who spoke were Dr. \\ illiam A. Orton, of Smith College; Dr. Stephen S. Wise, Professor Nathaniel Schmidt, John Haynes Holmes, George Gordon Battle, and Dr. John H. Finley, associate editor of the AV<iv York Times, who pre sided. Arthur Meyrowitz headed the ar rangement committee. New York, N. Y.—Albert Einstein in the role of successor to the am > |i prophet Isaiah was the conception ot t h scientist presented by Dr. Stephen Wise at the annual meeting of the Ne" York Federation of Jewish Womens >’■ ganization. Lauding Einstein fm n |s e forts against war, Dr. Wise said, thank God that a Jew, more than any other, summons the nations, a* lsaia did 2,700 years ago, to end the curse war. When an Einstein calls on to resist war, I hear of Jews, qn^' 1 ers, who say that Einstein misrepresented the Jews, that the world will tun' . are incapable of patriotism. 1 •’ there is one Jew whose answer w u not by consideration of pruu< ■ e. motivation of fear, but by coiw 11 e conscience alone.” Istanbul, Turkey.—Adopting ^ suggested some years ago by ' j e ro of the late Eliezer ben \ ehm locJ | izer and reviver of Hebrew u>e Hebrew high school has d< . the Latin script for Hebrew books will be revised accordm- Bucharest, Roumania.— tent on proving its philo-J* tions, the Roumanian govern pointed four Jews to jud Jassy. One of them was n~ justice of the municipal c< ★ THE SOUTHERN IS- rentlf ,n * j c inten- : has ap* posts i n j-psidini' LITE