The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 31, 1932, Image 10

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«« NATIONAL AND FOREIGN NOTES » Moscow—An appeal to the Jews in America who hail from Slutsk, Russia, to disregard the reports of religious persecution that emanate from the U. S. S. R. is contained in a manifesto adopted by the Jewish community of Slutsk and published in the Ernes, Moscow Jewish organ. The manifesto points to the improved position of the Jews in the country under the Soviet re gime, ridicules stories of religious and racial discrimination, and, as a climax, invited a delegation of Slutsk American Jews to come to Russia next month to see for themselves what the conditions are. Jerusalem—A huge crowd attended the funeral exercises at Tel Aviv prior to the burial in Jerusalem of the remains of Prof. Boris Schatz, who died last March in the United States. Eulogies were delivered by Mayor Diezengoff of Tel Aviv and Dr. Joseph Klausner, the historian. Members of the Executive of the Jewish Agency accompanied the cortege from Tel Aviv to Schatz’s last resting place in Jerusalem. New York, N. Y.—Mrs. Mortimer L. Schiff, whose husband died a little more than a year ago, passed away at her Oyster Bay, L. I., home, failing to re cover from a cancer operation which she underwent several months ago. Taking an active part in various charitable and educational activities, Mrs. Schiff was one of the outstanding figures in New York welfare work. She took a partic ular interest in children and, like her husband, gave much of her time and money to the development of the Boy Scouts organization. A. L. BANDY, Prop. ASMON LEWIS, Sales Mgr. NORTH ATLANTA MONUMENTAL WORKS From Factory to Purchaser MONUMENTS AND MAUSOLEUMS In ^Georgia Marble, Beautiful Minnesota Granite and Georgia Granite Call Us and We Will Gladly Give You an Estimate Without Any Obligation Hemlock 2692 - Main 4297 1471 Marietta Road, ATLANTA, GA. MODERN ▼ LUGGAGE • W. Z. TURNER LUGGAGE COMPANY • We Do Repairing e 219 Peachtree WA. 6914 Danzig—The Free City of Danzig has no use for anti-Semitic agitators, In terior Secretary Dr. Hinz made it clear in issuing an order expelling from the city four German Hitler agitators who had been advocating acts of terrorism against the Jews of Danzig and Poland. Dr. Ilinz’s decision to deport the Nazis was based on the view that they were enemies of the public peace. New York, N. Y.—Jesse L. Lasky, who as vice-president of the Paramount Pub- lix Corporation, made that unit one of the most powerful in the motion picture industry, has joined the Fox Film Corpo ration as a producer, it has been an nounced. It is believed that Lasky’s recent resignation was in reality an ac knowledgment that he had been forced out. LOUIS HENRY PERLMAN, inventor of the demountable rim for automobile wheels and one of the leading inventors in the automobile industry, died after a three-year illness at the age of 70. Born in Kovno, Russia, Mr. Perlman was brought to this country when he was three years old. In the ’80’s he launched a pictorial syndicate which is said to have supplied the first photograph ever printed in Charles Dana’s Sun. In the early part of the century he took part in stock car races. He then began ex perimenting with automotive equipment. The idea of an inflated tire mounted on its rim cost Mr. Perlman ten years of litigation, but his patent was held to be the original one. LIEUT.-COL. THEODOR DUESTER- BERG, one of the leaders in the Stahl- helm, nationalist military group in Ger many, has officially admitted that he is of Jewish origin and that he offered his res ignation to the Stahlhelm praesidium, ac cording to the Associated Press, which in terviewed him on the subject. Duester- berg, who was the Nationalist candidate for the Presidency during the last elec tions, is reported to have said: “As far back as last April some enemy intent on harming me in iny official position traced my ancestry and found that my great grandfather, Selig Abraham Deusterberg, was a Jew. They also found that my grandfather, Selig Abraham Duesterberg, Jewish and baptized a Christian in 1818, and that he married a Christian woman. I was wholly unaware of these facts, but during May I had searches made and found that such were the facts. My pa rents never told me. I never knew my grand-parents. “I wrote to all the members of the praesidium of the Stahlhelm offering my resignation. The offer was unanimously declined without a vote and I was asked to retain my post, assured of the fullest confidence.” Berlin.—Among the miscellaneous bills introduced into the current brief session of the Prussian Landtag is one to tax Jewish banks and department stores so heavily that they will be forced out of existence. It is regarded as certain that no action will be taken on the measure. Berlin.—Because Alfred Hugenberg, Nationalist leader and industrialist, has thrown his support to the Von Papen Government, he has become the target of consistent attacks by the Nazis, who charge that he had “sold out” to the Jews. Dcr Anyriff, Nazi organ, asserts that the official Nationalist organ is edited by a Jew and that some of the most important Nationalist leaders have married into Jewish families or are of Jewish ancestry. It is a favorite Nazi pastime to try to ruin an opponent by charging intimacy with Jews. SIR OSWALD MOSLEY, former Labor- ite, and now head of the British Fascist Party, who has repeatedly asserted that he has no sympathy with the anti-Semi tic policies of Adolf Hitler, reversed him self, however, in a demonstration held in London’s Strand, where a group of black-shirted English Fascisti heard their chieftain explain his creed. Sir Oswald admitted that he favored aggressive tactics against Jews, but said that he was against only such Jews who were or aided Communists or who pursued poli cies which might be considered anti- British. DR. CHAIM WEIZMANN, former President of the World Zionist Organiza tion, is engaging in a “conspiracy” to oust their party from the Organization, ac cording to a statement issued by the Zionist-Revisionists. Weizmann’s action is motivated by his desire to regain the World Zionist Presidency, which would be impossible if the Revisionists re mained within the movement, they de clare. ARTHUR FRIEDHEIM, pupil of Liszt and Rubinstein and a noted pianoforte vir tuoso and composer, died here at the age of 73. Born in St. Petersburg, Friedheim began his musical career early, making his debut at the Imperial Theatre when he was but nine years old. Friend of Liszt and Rubinstein, who taught him, and to the former of whom he became secretary, Friedheim toured most of Europe and America. He made his de but in New York in 1891 with the Metro politan Opera Company. He taught at the Chicago Musical College from 1898 to 1900 and at the Manchester Royal Col lege of Music, the University of the West in Los Angeles and at the Canadian Academy of Music, Toronto, in subse quent years. President Taft decorated him in Washington. There were periods when poverty almost overwhelmed him, but he never permitted pride to stand in his way. There was a time when he offered to shovel snow, but was saved from such a fate by a $50 a week job in a New \ ork movie house. After several years as a pianist in movie houses, he re turned to the concert platform, his last appearance having been at the Hollywood Bowl in 1928. He was the author of two operas, “The Last Days of Pompeii,” and “Die Taenzerin” and numerous other compositions, as well as articles in English, German and French on music. Paris—The Anti-Semitic jour “Moghreb,” appearing in Paris, ha^ banned from circulation in Fn t , Morocco by order of the Military < , ernor of the French zone. His a follows the disturbed race relation tween Jews and Arabs in Tunis. Budapest—Premier Julius Goen e * created a sensation in Hungary w, n in his first speech before Parliament •> promised a regime of liberal refonr whose benefits would include Jews. Goemboes, long regarded as a reaction ary and as anti-Semite, completely re versed his position when, in the course of his address, he lauded the patriotism of Hungarian Jews, spoke of their record during the war, and declared that “I have reversed my previous views on the Jews. All Jews who love this country as 1 do are my brothers, exactly like any other Hungarians.” His program of reforms includes extension of the rights of Jews, tolerance in minority questions and ex termination of the abuses of officialdom. He informed Parliament that he is op posed to dictatorship and in favor of free competition and a free press. Berlin—In order to avoid having the next Reichstag opened by Clara Zetkin, aged Communist, the Hitlerites nomi nated 80-year old General Liezmann for a place in the Parliament so that he would, by right of seniority, preside over the first session. Two days after they placed the General in nomination, the Nazis were stunned to learn on the most unimpeachable evidence that Liezmann is of Jewish ancestry. If he is elected, as there is every likelihood he will be, the Reichstag will be opened by a Jew. The ranks of both the Hitlerites and the Nationalists were thrown into con fusion as a result of a political sympo sium held in Berlin, at which speakers inferred that Joseph Goebbels, chief aide of Hitler, and Alfred Hugenberg, in dustrialist leader of the Nationalists, are not of Aryan stock as they claim but are of Jewish origin. Both of the anti- Semitic spokesmen were in the sympo sium and, when challenged to prove their “pure” racial origins, found themselves at a loss for convincing proof. It is be lieved that the inferences directed against Goebbels and Hugenberg are the first steps in a campaign to discredit them, and that proof of their “Jewishness b now being uncovered. Ann Arbor, Mich.—The university which gave Benny Friedman to the foot ball world has provided another sensa tion of the gridiron in the person or Harry Newman, star quarterback of Michigan University, who has been an important factor in every game so far in winning victory for his team, whic is expected to capture the Big Fen L on ference title this year. In the game against the University’ of Illinois here. Newman passed and place-kicked ult extraordinary skill and finished the a > with a 76-yard run. Washington, D. C.—Lucylle Goldsmith, of Los Angeles, the 16 year old gii won the American Constitution 1 contest earlier in the year, took place in the international oratorical test held here. New York, N. Y.—The personal library, consisting of more than volumes of Supreme Court J u>ru jamin N. Cardozo has been presente ' St. John’s Law College, Brooklyn college has announced. Judge L. received the honorary degree of of Laws from the school in 19-8. Good Grooming To lend our assistance in making Madam and Mademoiselle more charm ing by good grooming, and more beau tiful by artistic care of her hair, skin and hands, is our art. MAISON ADOLPHE Telephone HE. 6835-5200 BILTMORE HOTEL IN THE LIMELIGHT [to] *. THE SOUTHERN ISRAI FE