The Southern Israelite. (Augusta, Ga.) 1925-1986, October 31, 1932, Image 18

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SSrcakcra Atlantic City, Nnu jjrrerij <!Dn tl|P iBnarhuutlU UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT. FEATURES NEW LOW RATE LEVELS FOR BOARDWALK ACCOMMODATIONS, LUXURY AND ECONOMY COMBINED. Per Per Day T # ^ Person WITH MEALS and HOT AND COLD SEA WATER BATH • Concert Orchestra French Cuisine Garage Cabaret - Dancing Refreshments Each Week-En d—Co in plimen/ary to Guests EMANUEL E. KATZ, Managing Director THE MEMOIRS OF GLUCKEL OF HAMELIN. Translated by Marvin Lowenthal.—Harper & Bros. Let the average housewife write of her family life and if the critics claim it a “contribution to literature,” it will be be cause of some public-appealing note, some timely episode , or having the right “twist.” Ordinary narratives of the home would hardly reach the first base with the publishers, yet we find this simple and refreshing autobiography written by a pious Jewish housewife living in Ger many in the 17th century, a fine product of literature of the period, dealing with the manner of living at that time. It is the diary of a woman who had no thought of being an authoress, who wrote to beguile the monotonous hours of night when business cares and worries robbed her of sleep, as well as to remind her children from what sort of people they have sprung. Gluckel von Hameln was not the only woman of her day who wrote, but she was the only one of her class. Others at tached to a court or who lived luxurious lives wrote sonnets and sweet verses and rondeleys, but here we find a measure of daily sustenance, a tempo of joy and sor row, but withal the tone of divine faith. 'I'lie story of her life is that of one of the countless millions whose joys and sor rows grew out of marriages, births and funerals, whose concern was for her home and children and the making and losing of money. She bore her husband thirteen children and helped him carry on a jewel trade with contacts in Germany, Poland, Holland and Denmark. After his death she continued his business, and when she had dowered and married off her chil- (quests from Afar. Particular people from all over the world make Detroit- Leland their home in Detroit. The luxury and magnificence of this famous hotel are yours at ordinary hotel cost. HOTEL ◄ nuicL DETROIT-LELfinD - son onoAAQ NOW RAXFP nDFDATI AND UP 800 ROOMS WITH BATH SINGLE.. $ P 50 DOUBLE.. $ ^50 AND UP Electrically cooled air in Dminp Room & Coffee Shop CASS AND EAGLEY DETROIT NOW BAKER OPERATED The hospitality that has made the Baker name famous everywhere is yours at the Detroit-Leland “WHERE SERVICE IS PARAMOUNT” Hotel Southland RATES TO FIT YOUR POCKETBOOK $1.00 $1.25 $1.50 $1.75 FREE GARAGE STORAGE COFFEE SHOP IN CONNECTION NEW AND MODERN H. C. CURTIS, Manager MACON, GA. dren, she married the foremost banker of Lorraine. But her vision of a peaceful old age was shattered when he went bankrupt two years later and died in poverty. Piety and shrewd worldliness combined with a quaint and ironical sense of humor tend to give to the pages of the translation a seasoned dish of reading. Increasingly aware of the growing in terest among American readers in Jew ish literature, life and thought, Harper & Brothers are embarking upon the sys tematic publication of substantial books on Jewish subjects. The Memoirs of Gluckel of Hameln have long been known to the literary world, but have never before been translated into English. Two copies of the book were made by her de scendants; both copies remained for a century in the possession of her family. The original manuscript is now lost, but both copies are intact, one in the hands of a private citizen of Frankfurt and the other in the city library. Two hundred years after the memoirs were completed Dr. David Kaufman published them in the original German and there are now in existence two German and one par tial Hebrew translation. Fatuous Violinist to Flay in Atlanta Of wide interest is the announcement by the Atlanta League of Women Voters, of the presentation of Albert Spalding, world famed violinist, on November the 15th, at the Wesley Memorial Hall in Atlanta. 'Phis will be Spalding’s only Southern appearance this year, and a large number of reservations have already been received by the League, from the music-lovers in Atlanta, and vicinity, who are anxious to take ad vantage of this opportunity of hearing Spalding, said Mrs. Sinclair Jacobs, president of the League. Acknowledged on both sides of the Atlantic as one of the greatest violinists in the world today, Albert Spalding has steadily climbed the ladder to the heights which he has reached today. Six months of the year he tours his native America, crowding as many concerts into that brief space of time as possible, the other half of the year, Spalding plays in Europe, where he is more popular, and has a laiger following than any other Ameri can artist. Spalding’s last appearance in Atlanta was in 1926, when he played to a capacity audience. Last year he played in Colum bus, Ga., where he was given a tremen dous ovation by several thousand music- lovers who attended his concert. So that the thousands of music-lovers in the South may have an opportunity hearing this great artist, admission of has been kept within the reach of all. The first four lows of the orchestra will be $2.50, the next six, $2.00, and the last six, $1.50. Balcony prices in the first balcony are, $2.50 for the first two rows, and $1.50 for the remainder. Reservations may be made now by sending checks, or money orders to the offices of the Atlanta League of Women Voters, 74 Whitehall St., Atlanta. MRS. KASKY, BOER WAR HEROINE, DEAD Mrs, S. Kasky, often called the Flor ence Nightingale of South Africa, who played an heroic part during the Boer ^ ar, died here after a brief illness. Mrs. Kasky received decorations for her work in aiding the wounded on both the Brit ish and Dutch sides. ST. CHABI.ES An Entire Block On the Boardwalk Atlantic City •7 A Smart Hotel in America’s Smartest Resort European or American Plan French and German Cuisine r J. C. DUGGAN Optometrist and Optician 221 MITCHELL ST., S. W. Phone VS A l„„t 9985 ATLANTA. GA. World'sTallest Hotel-46 Stories High LEONARD HICKS Managing Director MORRISON HOTEL Madison and Clark j>* reC \ CH I CAGO [18] + THE SOUTHERN ISRAEL